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It's no understatement to say that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is perhaps the most singularly important game to ever come to a PlayStation platform, at least when taking into account the environment in which it launched. When it released in 2009, it did so at a vital time for the brand: PS3 Slim was out, its price was cut, and PlayStation had what seemed to be one last chance to best its rival and pull itself out of a dark three year period. Sony-owned Naughty Dog did a lot of the heavy lifting with the 2007 original, but Among Thieves realized the full potential of Uncharted, and is considered one of the best games of all-time to this very day. It's truly wonderful, and we are pleased to fulfill a listener vote and cover the game. So stay warm, friends. It's gonna get a little snowy.




I'm very sad the hooker in church reference was missed.

Mitchell Lundsberg

This game brought me back into playing videogames. I barely played any videogames in high school because I was just so busy but when I was recommended to play this game it blew me away and restored my faith in the future of videogames. I will never forget playing this in summer in between college semesters. Very important game personally and videogames in general.

Peter Pham

An easy way to peel an egg https://youtu.be/TmWPxDHSNWk

Peter Pham

Also, I would never platinum any uncharted games. I love them too much to hate the game bc of the crushing mode.

Ben Scott

Wait wait wait… isn’t making your sisters share the same episode kinda the same as making them share a room?? The plot THICKENS. 👀


Such a great conversation guys. I almost cried when you talked about Tenzin. I remembered when I was playing it for the first time and having the same feeling as Drake in those momentsm. Great stuff as always 😄😄


If you can play Uncharted 3 in 3D. It was an awesome experience.

Kevin Cooper

Playing the Himalayas/Shangri-La chapters always makes me think of the Ducktales episode where Scrooge McDuck tries to get away from his money obsession, but ends up getting the entire community addicted to using bottle caps as currency.


UC2 was a technical marvel and an explosion of fun - a playable blockbuster. On top of that acting and storytelling was great, and pacing kept things exciting, with nothing ever overstaying its welcome. I only wish that the PS4 remasters could've implemented UC3's lighting system into UC2, since 2 looks kinda flat nowadays, but other than that the game still rocks. I am in the camp that considers things getting worse with each subsequent entry in terms of pacing, story, gameplay, and actual fun, as ND obviously chose to prioritize storytelling over gameplay. Making the player walk through the desert for 5 mins straight might be an effective storytelling device, and it might make the player feel a certain way, but replayability of that unskippable section is 0, and games as interactive media don't really work well when there's no game to play, especially when it comes to action games. This sort of stuff grew out of control in their games since UC3, and I feel like, in the pursuit of industry-leading tech, mo-cap and acting, they ultimately forgot that they were supposed to be making video games. It's going to be interesting to se Dagan's take on UC3 and 4, since he seemed to be way more into the 'fun' aspect of this game, than anything else. Thx for the content, great as usual.