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If the first two seasons of HBO's Game of Thrones didn't get your blood pumping, the third season -- which first aired in 2013 -- almost certainly will. With multiple kings (and a queen!) staking a claim and vying for power across the land, the stakes are ratcheting-up. One would-be monarch is equipped with a trio of dragons; another with more money than anyone could imagine; another with the power of fire magic, and so on. In the wake of each rest death and destruction, but it also brings us one step closer to resolution. From the Red Wedding to slave rebellions, and from the Brotherhood Without Banners to the situation North of the Wall, there is a whole lot to discuss, and there's little to waste. After all: Winter is still very much coming, and there are so many characters, arcs, and plot-points involved in this ever-darkening landscape.




At the 10min, Colin, i think the little part of land or place you are reffering to, is a detention basin or a dry pond. It's used to manage flooding and temporarily store water after a big storm. So i wouldnt suggest you claiming it, if you dont want to get your feet wet.


I’ve never seen game of thrones but I can’t miss the brotherly chicanery during the beginning of every Knockback episode

Mitchell Lundsberg

The evil and family conversation was very intriguing. I think they setup the series were the evil outweighs the good but it's swimming in the largest ocean of grey. When most decisions the characters have to make are political it only seems right or wrong based on perspective. I forgot Locke cut off Jamie's hand. Locke is one of Bolton's men and the Bolton's have been the largest and longest ally to the Starks. It only makes the red wedding even more impactful since Boltons and Lannister are technically allies by the end of the season. I could go on but this was a great knockback episode. I am glad I am not the only one who found Jorah's accent profound. I crack up every time he explains anything to his Khaleesi.


Magnolia. Moriarty. They have the same number of letters, so you can start off by replacing any Magnolia Green signs with Moriarty Green signs and see if anyone notices.

Ryan Greenwood

Love these episodes! Every episode so far you have said I want to know how these things were built or how do they work. The books explain all of it like how the wall was built or the changing seasons. The world building in the books is fantastic.


I can definitely confirm us Japanese do not give any fucks for most earthquakes because we’re so used to it lol.


Great episode, guys! I just finished season 4. Taking a short break for now. Excited to hear your thoughts! Season 4 is the best yet, in my opinion.

Jonny Sousa

The books have so many of those details you're looking for. I know it seems daunting, but reading a chapter or two a day with many breaks in between you can easily finish these books in a year's time. A feast for Crows is the only valley in terms of entertainment, but holy smokes dude... A storm of swords and a dance with dragons are masterpieces of fantasy fiction. Mance Rayder is a boss. You get so many snippets of who Thoros of Myr and the brotherhood really are and who they've become. Audiobooks are out there as well, just saying. Love LotR, and especially the silmarillion, but GoT is the cherry on top. A little bit of intrigue for you, after reading all the books my favourite character by a long shot is Theon Greyjoy. His storyline fucking rules dude. Take care Moriarty bros.

Andre Watt

''You have a certain person that lives in a palace just because they have a certain blood in their veins. That's unthinkable in the United States.'' HAHAHAHAHAHA. Mansions may not be palaces but don't think winning the genetic lottery doesn't work in the United States.


I see you Col, respecting loyal man servants. 😄