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The Happy Canadian Dev | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 179

Meet Nigel Holt. Nigel is a veteran of Electronic Arts' Vancouver campus, the squadron of teams responsible for the likes of annualized mega-hits like FIFA, UFC, and NHL. In our continuing exploration of what it's like to work in development, the good and the bad (but most importantly the honest), we thought this episode of + would focus on the upside, particularly around a publisher that doesn't have a whole lot of respect with players. Thing is, EA's questionable reputation is largely unearned, while its competitors like Ubisoft and Activision are in far, far worse shape, and deserve far, far more ridicule. According to Mr. Holt, EA is a wonderful place to work, and he's eager to talk about it. We, of course, are eager to listen. So hit play.



This was a very good episode Colin. I would love to hear more from people who work in the industry. These are so inspiring. After you had Taman from Moore's Law is dead. I think it would be pretty fun to how to find somebody out there who worked on the PlayStation 3. And tell their PlayStation 3 War story about how difficult that thing was to program for. But yes please keep up the content like this. It definitely makes you want to get into the industry.


This was pretty awesome, like no drama, no controversial stuff just a person who like what he does and telling his story. I feel like I learned stuff from it too, very good episode!!

BettyAnn Moriarty

Such a positive story about Nigel’s journey into the industry. These kind of episodes are so refreshing and fun to listen to. And learning about how EA really puts value into their employees by the healthy nature of what they offer in terms of the stress that the job can produce and a way to help alleviate that - is awesome to hear about. Other organizations should take note. ❤️

Ian Andrews

Great interview, I would love a part 2 in the future. Very inspiring to hear a ex squaddie fulfilling his dreams.

Heather Edwards

I loved this interview! I’m genuinely happy Nigel was able to get into the industry and his gratitude is really a great lesson for us all.


Loving the little insights into game developers experiences.


awesome stuff. enjoyed the positive vibes of this episode. I think the videos might’ve been slightly out of sync though because it seemed like you were talking over each other or you responded to something before Nigel he even said it at times

Tony Rivera

Excellent Excellent video, Colin and Nigel.. I'm going through a funk right now with my own job in HR at a major corporation. Your words keep resonating with me Colin. And Nigel, your words are powerful to me as well in this episode. Game studios have HR. I live close to Raven - about an hour away in Madison. I don't think I want to work for Activision right now, especially in HR (!) but this opens my horizons.. I love gaming, and I love the camaraderie that the gaming communities have. The feeling that you get when you hop into a game of Elden Ring and a random stranger comes in to lend you a hand, or sharing stories with colleagues at work about the time they are having in Borderlands. We have a great community. Nigel, you shared that you have a great work environment and my soul longs for that right now. To put in the work and be recognized for it.. that's the ultimate satisfaction as an employee. So yes, Colin - you say the power is in the employee right now. Thanks to you both, I am keeping my eyes on the horizon and exploring to seek my happiness. Who knows where, but if it's a passion, then the sky is the limit. - Colin, if you need someone in HR for Last Stand (LOL) just kidding. Thank you both.. God speed.