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Game of Thrones (Season 3) | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 218

If the first two seasons of HBO's Game of Thrones didn't get your blood pumping, the third season -- which first aired in 2013 -- almost certainly will. With multiple kings (and a queen!) staking a claim and vying for power across the land, the stakes are ratcheting-up. One would-be monarch is equipped with a trio of dragons; another with more money than anyone could imagine; another with the power of fire magic, and so on. In the wake of each rest death and destruction, but it also brings us one step closer to resolution. From the Red Wedding to slave rebellions, and from the Brotherhood Without Banners to the situation North of the Wall, there is a whole lot to discuss, and there's little to waste. After all: Winter is still very much coming, and there are so many characters, arcs, and plot-points involved in this ever-darkening landscape. A new episode of KnockBack launches each Monday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #KnockBack #LastStandMedia #GameofThrones


Caleb Greer

Very glad you’re not afraid to do a bunch of these close together, I think it works well for the listening experience and allows you to put it behind you and move on to the next thing. Sort of like a KnockBack Block. Do you think it might be a good strategy for future series? Still waiting on that Avatar Season 2 drop one of these days 👀

Kenneth Oms

Great episode boys. George has stated that the inspiration for the wall is Hadrians Wall in northern England. He visited it in the 90s when he had given up being a novelist and was mostly a screenwriter. He said that he imagined himself as a Roman soldier up there looking out at what they thought was the end of the known world.

Zach Wishnuff

I’ve been really enjoying your GoT review! This is the perfect refresher before the prequel series releases in August. Just a quick correction; the wise advisors in the series are called Maesters, not Miesters.


Apparently Lily Allen, Alfie's older sister, was approached to play Yara. I'm sure the real life siblings angle would make her defying her father and taking"hard"men with her to save Theon even more powerful. But it would also make getting felt up by her brother more awkward, and that's why she turned down the role. Gemma Whalen does a great job, so everything worked out.


I dunno when we'll get to Avatar S2. We're not exactly super-motivated. S1 was a present to the audience. =)


Alfie Allen later came out and said that her claim of getting the offer wasn't true. It kind of makes it all the more awkward in the end, a result of her claim's falseness and incestuousness.

bix hutch

That wall was also to warn that past that point you would not be traveling safely as the Scotts did not take kindly to anybody South of that wall. The images of the Scotts depicted by the Romans are pretty fascinating. Lots of tattoos and both the men and women were armed. The wildlings would be a reference to Scotts I’d assume. My grandmother told me she lived not too far from that wall (on the Scottish side).

Kenneth Oms

Thanks for sharing that bit of info! i'm very fascinated with that history. I've been reading up on it a lot!

Frank T

My jaw physically dropped during the red wedding. I don't think any other show has done that. Robb being stabbed. Cat getting slit. Greywind getting shot. Arya being so close yet so far from being reunited. Knowing the rebellion is over in one night rather then multiple actual losses in battle. I mean Robb never lost any battles besides the one at the dinner table. Everything about that scene is crazy.


It actually can bring up a rather interesting debate on wether or not you enjoy that style of writing. By that I mean the style where things feel hopeless. How much "bad things happening to good characters" can one take? It didn't effect me during this show, but it has for sure made me drop other shows due to feeling hopeless.


Im disappointment you didn’t touch on the Arya and the Hound storyline and how she gets oh so close to reuniting with Robb and Catelyn.