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It's time for us to once again go back in time, not to celebrate and discuss a movie, video game, or TV show, but rather our own childhoods. Specifically: Our bedrooms growing up. These were our fortresses of solitude, places where we can regroup, study, be alone, and generally do whatever we want. Video games. Toys. TV. Computers. And, yes, schoolwork as well. Lots happened in our childhood bedrooms, which is why we're pleased to spend some two hours talking about our fondest and funniest memories of the places where we laid our heads to rest at night as children, and spent an awful lot of time in between, too.




Acid is great Colin. Really and truly allows you to be honest with yourself and can be very therapeutic. My friend gave me one tab at a Tool show back in February, first time taking acid in years. After coming home from the show, I talked to my partner for some hours, just a great conversation about life and whatever. After they went to bed, I listened to a song by my favorite band (who broke up in January.) I just started balling my eyes out. Weeping and moaning and getting my nose all blocked up and nasty like. After a while I didn't even know why I was crying. It just felt good to cry, so I kept doing it. Haven't had a panic attack since. So that's something.


Loved the “The Fifth Element” mention, that’s my favorite movie. I’d love to see a Knockback on that some day.

Jeremy Seal

I had an Orion, 13" tv in my room, and I loved it. I had cable, and my game systems. That was all I needed.

Johnny Lamotte

I love Hearing Dagen talk about his kids. Such a great father. Great episode as always.

John Fazio

This episode absolutely blew me away. This is the the reason the word nostalgia exists. Some parts of this episode made sad and made me long for the feelings of my childhood bedroom. I’m having trouble formulating words but I’m just absolutely blown away by this episode. Thank you guys for doing this. P.s. we must protect Dagan at all costs. He’s a national treasure.


I'm really looking forward to hearing from you sisters about being forced to share a bedroom in a brand new house. And of course the infamous clown night light. Someday. Thanks for another trip down forty years of nostalgia lane.


A fun listen, me growing up as a military kid aroud the world I had 25 rooms and 14 schools. So many phases of my life. I remember having a tv with 5 channels, i remember later having a remote control, music system ect. Posters of music artist, sexy women and videogame ads I'd tear from magazines. For us all bedrooms are an important aspect of our lives. I miss some of them like old friends.

Dylan Paulson

Listening to this episode a little late but i need to voice my support for these types of episodes. They're so good and I enjoy them so much. Nothing better than listening to Colin and Dagan waxing poetic about their nostalgic memories.


God, listening to Dagan talk about 16-17 staying up until 4AM and missing the bus was very relatable. The soundtrack to those couple of years was my mom screaming at me 😆 Sometimes I’d hear her wake up, around 5 or 6, and have to creep to bed hoping she didn’t hear me. Made it through high school by the skin of my teeth. What a different time. And now I’m successful and doing cool stuff I never thought I would’ve dreamt of! Funny how life flips on its head.

Francis Bryan

Oh my God I hadn't thought of Disco Duck in probably 35 years. Now I can't get that song out of my head. Thanks Dagan. 😂