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A Sit-Down With Hasan Kahraman | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 177

Hey. Colin here. So, I've been in the gaming industry for about two decades now, and -- as many of you know -- my 'beat' has long been PlayStation. I must admit, I've found the ongoing, year-long saga behind the PS5-centric indie game Abandoned so darn mysterious, almost intoxicating in its strangeness primarily because I've been around for so long, and I've never seen or heard of anything quite like what's gone on with this project. The long-and-short is, I've wanted to talk to the game's lead, Hasan Kahraman, since Abandoned was revealed on PlayStation Blog nearly a year ago to the date, and though we've corresponded via email, we've never been able to get something together. Well, until right now. I sat down with Hasan -- the man some assume is Hideo Kojima, but who definitely isn't -- in what is, as far as I know, his first audio and video interview. And I asked him everything I've been dying to talk to him about, particularly from development, publishing, funding, and marketing perspectives, in order to try and suss out just what's going on. Frankly, I think most of you are going to be left with many more questions than answers (I sure have been), but... well... this wouldn't be Abandoned coverage without a thick haze of nebulousness and a sharp ratcheting-up of the intrigue.


Frank G.

Here Tha breakdown.🎤🎧🗣


I will sadly put my tin foil hat back in the cupboard. It's a shame really because it would have been really fun if it were Kohima, y'know like gaming should be not just crunch and death threats

Samuel Zamora

Goddamn this is difficult to watch. I still think there is some fuckery to this. I really hope Abandoned is a Metal Gear game with Kojima really behind it and the game is about how Big Boss felt abandoned and created Outer Heaven thus being Metal Gear 1 & 2. Granted I’m 9 minutes in so we will see if my thoughts change.

The Great Santini

I’m not sure how you can come away with that hope after watching this interview. It seems clear to me that HK is a conman who got in over his head.

Matthew Guilford

This guy should have revealed the PS5. Not sure about this one.


I need a lot more clarification on this demon blood game made for his 7 year old nephew on psn ? I need a deep deep analysis on this thing .

thor magnusson

Man, I'm more confused then before. What is odd is he lacks the confidence and slickness of someone who could've taken Sony on this major ride, and how he reverts back to his NDA ace as a way to avoid answering questions that would've legitimately 'cleared the air' smells fishy. Who knows what to think at this point? I'm past caring, maybe eventually things will come to light in the years to come...but thanks for trying at least Colin, you certainly tested his mettle.


That dude is wishy washy. Dodging questions constantly and uncertain answers. Everything about this guy sounds like a scam. I felt exhausted after watching this interview.


This is...most confounding. His decision to appear on the show at all is quite shocking, but his responses to Colin's (quite frankly) easy questions were...concerning. Have we all truly been taken for a ride? Because if this is Kojima's handiwork, it's been more sloppy and frustrating than engaging. I'll take confusing trailers like the Death Stranding marketing any day over...whatever this might be. Kojima has a tact and timing that this situation lacks.

Joseph Grachek

That story premise sounds pretty cool to me

Nick Jones

This guy seems to have 0 employees. The game is never going to release. Has nothing to do with Kojima.