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Hey. Colin here. So, I've been in the gaming industry for about two decades now, and -- as many of you know -- my 'beat' has long been PlayStation. I must admit, I've found the ongoing, year-long saga behind the PS5-centric indie game Abandoned so darn mysterious, almost intoxicating in its strangeness primarily because I've been around for so long, and I've never seen or heard of anything quite like what's gone on with this project. The long-and-short is, I've wanted to talk to the game's lead, Hasan Kahraman, since Abandoned was revealed on PlayStation Blog nearly a year ago to the date, and though we've corresponded via email, we've never been able to get something together. Well, until right now. I sat down with Hasan -- the man some assume is Hideo Kojima, but who definitely isn't -- in what is, as far as I know, his first audio and video interview. And I asked him everything I've been dying to talk to him about, particularly from development, publishing, funding, and marketing perspectives, in order to try and suss out just what's going on. Frankly, I think most of you are going to be left with many more questions than answers (I sure have been), but... well... this wouldn't be Abandoned coverage without a thick haze of nebulousness and a sharp ratcheting-up of the intrigue.




This is hard to listen to

Greg Dawson

I kinda think this is like when you find out how a magic trick is done - it just becomes utterly boring. Sounds like he's just an indie Dev, developing a game that may or may not come out and may or may not be good. The rest is just the twitter mob tying his teaser to Silent Hill etc and possibly a poorly written article by our favourite journalist at Bloomberg. All of his deflections sound like he's trying not to pour more petrol on the fire and trying not to upset anyone else.

Nikitas Gagas

The guy went from a couple of mobile games and vaporware straight to a PS5 exclusive game that is being made independently with outsource work being done by NUARE. I applaud Colin for being able to maintain his composure while indirectly being trolled for an hour by Hideo Kojima. Wading through so much bs must have been mentally taxing.


I was fully on the “it’s a lot bigger than it looks like, Kojima is involved, Sony are funding it” theory. After listening to this I’ve moved over to the “it’s a scam” camp. Great interview Colin!

Matthew Guilford

This is how you do serious game journalism. Colin’s been hitting grand slams with these interviews. Awesome job and I love talking about myself! Lol.

Random Integer

I’m somehow more confused

Stephen Richard

This was incredibly hard to listen through, hats off to you Colin

william planas

This guy is straight up a confidence man.

Dano Bass

So much circular logic with redundant explanations. Either this guy is not very bright, a really inexperienced indie dev, or some kind of weird scammer. It sounds like English isn't his first language, so maybe he just isn't amazing at expressing his thoughts. 🤔

Zibi Majewski

It was physically painful to listen to. The amount of time I've spent rolling my eyes really hurt my brain. Please, don't invite this obvious con-artist ever again. Good riddance.