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Mark Darrah spent over 20 years with BioWare and has overseen its many incredible RPGs such as Baldur's Gate, Knights Of The Old Republic, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, and most notably on his portfolio, Dragon Age. He was also present during the pre-EA era and experienced much of the changes within the company after BioWare had been purchased by them in 2007. Today, he joins the show for a sobering conversation on the status of this once beloved gaming titan after speaking out in a recent YouTube video of his on "BioWare Magic" in which he holds the developer accountable for their bad processes. The conversation goes into deep waters no other outlet has reached yet, so we do hope you enjoy our biggest interview yet.



Lee Duncan

The Best Defining Duke Episode Ever! Love that you guys let him talk instead of interrupt the guest like the MSM game outlets.

Michael Hobbs

This was such an awesome episode! I used to be a huge BioWare fan and I was sad to see them stumble last few years. Great interview boys. Keep the good stuff coming!


Absolutely fire episode! You guys are killing it! Question though, everybody seems to forget that Mike Laidlaw has also left BioWare and was I believe at a similar hierarchy as Darrah during DA:O and 2 (possibly inquisition as well, unsure about that one). I would love to know more about what happened to him as well. Anybody have any idea?


Oh hell yeah, wasn't expecting this. Can't wait to listen to it tomorrow!


This was absolute GOLD! You guys really should think about making this available to everyone on YouTube. What a great listen. I would love to hear more of these interviews with legends such as Mark.


Amazing interview guys, keep it coming

Daddy Senpai

Great interview. Cant wait to hear more.


Very interesting and fun interview to listen to. I'm looking forward to the next DDU interview in the future.