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Fighting Frenzy | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 168

We like to be as all-encompassing as possible here on Sacred Symbols. PlayStation, after all, is a mighty large topic. Yet -- between the three of us -- there are some games and genres that slip through the cracks. In our continuing effort to ameliorate that issue, I (Colin) invited fighting game expert Vince Ingenito back to the show. Now, Vince and I worked at IGN together, and, as I say on the show, there's no one I've ever met who knows even half as much about the genre as him. So he is the perfect guest for today, as we go through the recent Street Fighter 6 announcement and wonder about future Capcom exclusivity, chronicle the steady brilliance of arguably the genre's brightest talent in Arc System Works, touch on what's going on over in the land of SNK, and so much more. If you like fighting games, you're gonna love this episode of +. It's really that simple. Follow Vince on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vincogneato


Luke Silletta

Very good episode. I'm a huge fighting game fan and that is definitely a hole in the Last Stand coverage.


So awesome to see and hear from Vince about fighting games again. Great to see his FGC talk on LSM, because so much of what he said resonated with me.

Artisan Bonez

As with the rest of the LSM cast, this guy really knows his shit. What a banger of an episode. Possible Vince acquisition?? 👀

Matthew Remus

Amazing episode and really enjoyed learning about a genre that is also a blackhole for me. Similar to the GT episode, I now have a new perspective and interest in the genre.

Danny Kellerman

Vince is just great to listen to. I'm not a huge fighting game guy, but the passion Vince has is endearing and I'm really happy to see a smile on his face. Hope to see him make a return!


I’m worried about Ryu, he just doesn’t look well.


Thank you for bringing Vince back to games!

thor magnusson

I'm a bit late to the party, been busy getting through the flood of great content you guys have been dropping in SS+. Great to have you back Vince, and truly in your element. Like Colin, am pretty basic knowledge-wise concerning the Fighting genre...but that made this a fascinating and educational listen. Let's have more Vince please!

Adam Hall

Love the Vince content, Colin! Good to here his voice again. He really just bleeds excitement and enthusiasm for the industry. Great stuff!

Adam Hall

Hope you guys tap into him more when it makes sense!