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Hey All!  It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 57 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, February 2nd at 1p ET to make your submission.


Matthew Two T's

We have lost our Ancestral lands, brothers.


Chances of Destiny becoming a Sony exclusive?


So Sony bought Destiny what are your gut reactions on this acquisition and the nature of it, it seems like they will remain largely independent. Hopefully this is good for the industry.

Derek Waechter

(Pronunciation: Wek-ter)Hey Mystical Matty and Coveted Cog, first time long time! My question is simple: what would you personally like to see out of any of the studios that have recently been acquired? Bungie, Raven, Treyarch, etc. I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks, and be well!


Well well well (SOV voice). It has appeared that Sony has purchased Bungie my question to the Duke’s Do you think Bungie will recapture the magic they once had with halo and surpass 343’s iconic shooter with a new IP? Love the podcast guys keep up the great work

Frank T

Hey Dukes, I just joined Patreon last week! I am a long-time listener of Matty and ACG who started watching Last Stand Media when Defining Duke was created, and I finally decided it was time to support the show a bit. Matty, not sure if you remember but I helped you out with one of your KOTOR videos when the community was speculating on the developer and also was going to hook you up with a spare XSX preorder before Dustin was able to help you out. Okay, my life story is finished, time for the question itself. Microsoft has shown they are all in on gaming by investing almost 70 billion. Does this put more pressure on Xbox to hit their quotas? Let's say 3 years from now, Game Pass numbers aren't as high as Microsoft expects them. Could they start forcing Phill's hand a bit more on things? We already saw them try to raise the price of gold by $60 a year. I am just concerned that some of the studios that don't pull in the big bucks (or just a lot of players on Game Pass) could be forced to move to things that do like COD. This would be an odd sense of poetry since that is exactly what happened at Activision. TLDR: Are you guys concerned about the Microsoft executives wanting more control over Xbox decisions due to the ABK acquisition?


Hello my two favourite Xbots. How different do you think the gaming landscape and Microsoft in particular would look today if the original reveal for the Xbox One wasn't so horrible? That reveal was the reason I and many others switched sides last gen for example. Thanks and have a "I pissed but didn't shake enough and now have a dribble of pee in my pants" kind of a day

Michael Welter

I mean the news JUST broke. SONY x BUNGIE. The exclusives in the Destiny 1 era sucked. They've said that for now, no exclusives but what about after the Final Shape in 2024?


Hey Dukes, Well, there goes my dreams of Bungie ever returning to Halo. What are your thoughts on the Sony's acquisition of the Bungie studio? How much of a loss is this to Microsoft from a legacy point of view? I know it's a studio and not an IP, but it feels similar to Microsoft owning Crash Bandicoot. Thanks, and have a "no more hot water while halfway through a shower" kind of day.


Hi Lord Cog and beautiful Matty, What’s the worst Xbox game? #HealthIsWealth

Payton Stone

What’s Good Dukes, What would be the 1 aspect that you would say Sony does much better than Xbox? Also, if you ran Xbox and looked at Sony, what would you try to emulate if you could? Thanks! PS

Craig Hooligan

Hey Dukes, It appears Sony has made the right move here - buying a first person shooter, multiplayer game studio that fills the void left by all their over the shoulder profit holders. Is this a response to the rough development Halo was having a year ago, when these discussions would have started?

J Boogie327

What's good Dukers?? My question is have either of you tried "The RiftBreaker"? It is a base building stragety game. A bit like Diablo, but interested to get a take on it. And big shouts out to Cog, him prasing the XCOM franchise lead me to buy all 3 games for 30$ DLC included. Was big fan of Wildermyth, shouts to Karak for advising that on a past show. Anyway have a Sony just bought Bungie kind of day


Hello Dukes, Why is it that Bungie can come out and immediately tell people that their future games will not be PlayStation exclusives but Activision/Bethesda have to skirt around the question? I find it kind of annoying when they could just be straight up and honest about it.

Greg Dawson

Can you dispel the notion that Sony/Bungie is a reaction to MS/ActiBliz? For all anyone knows Sony started talking to Bungie 12 months ago.

Cody Richter

Hey Dukes, Is it just me, or has licensed music in video games progressively gotten worse over the years? I remember playing the old NFL/NBA Street games, and they had banger soundtracks. Hell, even the early 2000 Madden, MLB, and MX titles had some great songs on them. It seems like over the past few years, the quality has declined. I recently played through Forza Horizon 5 and Dirt 5 and can honestly say there were maybe 2 or 3 total songs that I didn't absolutely hate. Am I jaded, or is it time for a resurgence of good licensed soundtracks?

Sean Mason

Hey Boys, With the news that MLB 22 The Show will be launching day one on gamepass, is it safe to assume that all future installments will be day one gamepass games? If so, I think this is a huge win for Major League Baseball. There isn't a doubt in my mind that more "casual" fans played last year's game due to its gamepass inclusion. If every future installment were to be day and date the popularity of the sport could potentially rise. A huge W for the MLB. Best, Sean M.

Max - Fifthstring

Dukez! You can bring back 1 dead IP from the Xbox catalog (lets leave ATVI out for now) BUT it has to take the place of a currently active/semi recent IP. What would you choose? Would you replace the upcoming Perfect Dark game with Banjo? Would you swap Gears 6 for Arx Fatalis? Red Fall for Dishonored? Sea of Theives for Fall Out (sorry matty)? I personally wouldn't swap any myself but curious what you all would choose!


We now live in a timeline where PS has Bungie and Xbox has Crash and Spyro. So I gotta ask you guys…how do we stop Chris’ use of dark magic before you guys end up hosting a Nintendo podcast? Thanks and have a “I slipped and landed on my butt” kind of day.

Joshua Brown

Hey guys, Regarding the Bungie news, if they’re staying multiplatform what’s the point? Maybe the wording just means future Destiny support in whatever form that takes (full on sequel, expansions) will always be multiplatform but new IP like their code name ‘Matter’ project is up for being exclusive. Either way, props to Sony for working on a weakness in their lineup. From trying to make a ‘Halo-killer’ to just buying the studio that created Halo. Josh


Hey Dukes Game Pass is often referred to as the Netflix of gaming. Netflix was once heralded as a white knight saving cancelled tv shows from other networks: Arrested Development, Longmire, etc. Similarly, Microsoft is now “saving” Activision. Furthermore, Netflix utilized nostalgia with revivals and reboots: Full House, Lost in Space, etc. The genuine hope of the Activision purchase is the revival of maligned and languishing IP. I say this to remind that it didn’t take Netflix too long to go from the White Knight to another network that cancels productions like Marco Polo, the Marvel shows, etc. Understandably, Microsoft needs to feed the beast of GamePass; however, that gluttony will reach critical mass when games fail to reach engagement numbers or get lost in the influx of content, much like content on Netflix. COD—a multiplayer casual game—will have no trouble reaching users whereas a niche single player game like Psychonauts might. My fear with Activision is that the overhead will lead to evaluation of what studios are the most beneficial and which are not—much sooner than anticipated and cause smaller studios to lose that GamePass Safety Net. Which studios do you feel are prone for closing in the future?

Curtis (Bloobat)

Sad to see Sony buy Bungie, think of how many AAA projects they could have funded for that money 😢 January feels like just the start of a massive year of consolidation for the industry.


Dukes, I'll cut right to the chase: Sony acquiring Bungie, the original creators of Halo, is not a shot across MS's stern, it's a canonball directly into its' hull. I think everyone can agree without Halo Xbox would have had a much much different trajectory (if it even survived), so to see their prior maiden go not just to another suitor, but whom is largely believed their mortal enemy is shaky shit. I understand perfectly why Sony has done this for a number of reasons (lack of compelling FPS chops, desire to get into the live service realm, etc.). Curious to know your thoughts on how well this sits in the halls of Microsoft with the realization their previous lover is now sleeping with the enemy... And how that lover COULD have been apart of their recent landmark acquisition. That's gotta sting! Best!

The Lizard King

At least their games are remaining multi platform and they have full control it seems


Hey guys! So let me start by saying I’ve always been a PlayStation guy but since game pass I’ve noticed I play more on my series x. BUT….I miss my PS4/Ps5 controller, I’ve grown so accustom to using one over an xbox controller that it just doesn’t feel right. With a lot of us “jumping ship” or even just popping over from ps to xbox I noticed a lot of my friends says the same thing. Well I found a device called “wingman converter” (no I don’t own the company or sell them so this is just a heads up to fellow gamers). It lets you use a PS3/4/5 controller on your xbox series s/X and even on the 360. It’s awesome and has made my transition to xbox way easier. It ran me about $45 but it was $ well spent. Thanks guys and have a “I forgot to bring a condom to the gangbang” kinda day ;-)


Hey Dukes, I wanted to throw it out there in case you missed it but it seems this Bungie deal has been in the works for 5-6 months so it’s not necessarily an Activision purchase reaction. Have a 1 win trials of Osiris type of day


Hey fellas, Did the new Halo trailer impress you guys? What do you think about the AK weapon platform still being viable 500 years from now? What about Cortana's new look? Human Covenant!? I can't wait to subscribe to Paramount+ for exactly one month when all of the episodes are available. Have a "The Book of Bobba Fett accidentally released an episode of The Mandalorian" kind of day. That Star Wars Halo Ring was awesome.


Hey Matty and Cog So I'm sure you heard Sony bought Bungie for a whooping $3.6 billion. Is this price tag all for Destiny or do you think the other IP Bungie is working on impressed Sony and decided to pay this much. To me this just makes the Microsoft/ Zenimax look like a bargain considering all the IP Microsoft acquired.

Adam Barnes

Whats up lads, I hate to be that guy, but… Matty, it’s undoubtedly, not undoubtably Love you


Hello to the affable Duke and the Exquisite Lord! While I haven’t owned an Xbox since the 360 and had to share it with a brother, I can’t help but feel a little weird about Sony purchasing Bungie. I missed the boat on Halo but Destiny 1&2 are my favorite games of all time and seeing a developer with such a history with Xbox going to Sony has me wondering what are y’all’s feelings on it? (P.S. I remember Bungie saying they were going to stay independent after the Activision split but look where we are now…)


Hey Matty and Cog! I have a question that’s kind of adjacent to the news about Sony acquiring Bungie. Do you think Sony’s acquisition of Bungie does anything to smooth Microsoft’s path to getting the Activision-Blizzard purchase approved by regulators? While the scale is obviously different, it seems to me that, if I’m a regulator, it increasingly looks like large-scale acquisitions are how gaming companies are competing. With that said, I would imagine that a regulatory agency would want to avoid the appearance that they’re “playing favorites” or “picking winners” by, for example, approving Sony’s purchase but not Microsoft’s. I’d be curious to hear your opinions on this! Thanks guys!


Hey there Duke dudes! So while mergers and acquisitions have completely dominated the news and discussions space lately, I thought a fun and humorous little exercise could possibly help change things up! So what I was thinking is take the entire LSM family and assign them a JRPG style class, whether using Final Fantasy job names or some other series, and why would that be their role? Personally, sticking with the Final Fantasy names, I think Cog is absolutely the party monk and would punch enemies to death. This one seems pretty cut and dry to me! What do you guys think? As always, thanks for the brilliant content! DD and ILP are my favorite podcasts!

Michael Limauro

Hey dukes, I just wrapped up all three max Payne games for the first time via back compat on my series S. This series is amazing. Have you played these games, and do you think we could ever see Max Payne 4? If so, who would develop it? Remedy and Rockstar seem pretty busy. Thanks gentlemen, and have a Valkyr-induced nightmare kind of day.


Bruhs what’s up. Sony doesn’t care if Destiny 2 is multiplat. They don’t want it on GamePass. If someone said this my bad but this is a a good calculation by them.

The rogue

Dear Divine Dukes, I am excited about all the teams that Xbox has to leverage, but I am conflicted on what I want to see them each work on. Would you like to see Xbox prioritize sequels and old IP or develop new IP? I think I lean to new IP but every team working on something new and creative is a team neglecting a beloved IP. Have a "my finger just broke through the toilet paper" kind of day


Hello Destiny Dukes, With all these recent acquisition moves, I was thinking about who could be bought up next, and it occurred to me... people have quit throwing around CD Projekt as an option. Setting their reputation aside, that is a company with around 1000 employees, and "generally" good design chops. So, if CD Projekt were to go off to somewhere, where would it go? I submit my own proposal: Embracer group + CD Projekt forms a European entertainment monolith that, if allowed by European markets, could be bigger than EA or even Tencent. CDPR don't own their IP, so they would be perfect to work on the back catalogue. But what do you guys think? Thanks, and have a my favorite game just got bought by the rival corporation kind of day


Sup guys. 1st time writing. So yeah I beat a lot of guys are writing in on this but with Bungie/Sony deal, What's curious to me is the fact that there was rumors of Microsoft trying to buy Bungie but they went with Sony? Another thing is what does Sony gain? Bungie will still act "independent" and publish their own games. My theory is this deal is just to share technology. Bungie can help Sony with a 1st person shooter and Sony can give Bungie a support team. Another thing I thought is that still deal is to show a good guy card. Where Microsoft buys publisher and remove games on going to PlayStation and Sony invest in Bungie and they can do what they want. Thought?

Frank T

I wonder if Microsoft would have gotten Bungie if the Activision deal never happened


Not really a question but a comment, what a timeline we live in where Microsoft will own crash bandicoot and spyro while Sony aquire the original halo devs. Hope you have a defense drops a key interception in the fourth quarter kind of day.


Hey Bungie Cog and Bethesda Matty! I have a “fun” and “conspiratorial” question for you all! Bungie was bought by Sony and at this point in the timeline, everyone knows. So I got to thinking about how this happened. We know the relationship with Bungie and Microsoft/Xbox when Bungie left after Halo Reach was not good. Do you guys think this acquisition happened because the people at the top of Bungie still have some animosity toward Microsoft/Xbox? Could this be a subtle fuck you to Microsoft from Bungie? Or do you think Bungie could have been in some financial trouble and needed an extra push for their vision of the company? Love the show and I hope you guys have a “I just bit into a hot pocket but the center is still cold” kind of day.

Tick Dickler

Hey Dukes, its been reported that some Xbox engineers at Microsoft are being poached by Apple. It could be for the new 120hz Apple TV, but given that they never announce anything in advance, I'm starting to think Cog might be onto something to look that direction. On top of being the only company valued in the same area code as Microsoft, unlike Amazon, Google, and Facebook, they actually have good execution when they do new things. They could also hypothetically buy Sony outright with less than 2/3rds of cash on hand. What's a gut check on where Microsoft really sees future competition in the gaming space?

Stephen Richard

My Dukes, Long time listening and recent patron. Speculation question here, after seeing Sony “retaliate” and acquiring Bungie, who do you think is next on their list. They are known for 3rd person over the shoulder narrative type games, the likes of God or War and The Last of Us. My theory is they have their eyes on BioWare. Being a huge dragon age and mass effect fan this is worrisome, considering the trend is live service games stay multi-plat, yet single player games remain exclusive. How would you guys feel about Sony extracting BioWare from EA? Much love, and hope you guys have a, did I just step in spilled water, or dog piss, kinda day.


Duke's, Forget all these games and acquisitions for a moment. This Onion Sandwich been in my mind. Fella talked about it last episode. It sounds like a Patty Melt with no meat. I know yall F with a patty melts. Buttered sourdough grilled to a buttery crisp? Grilled/Melted Cheese? Grilled onions? I'm just saying, I'm not mad at it. Now if the guy's dad is putting raw onions in this sandwich then okay that's crazy. But Carmelized grilled onions. Sign me up. I hope y'all have a "texted the wifey-the side chick messege kind of day" 😏


Hey Dukes, Not a deep question, but what do you guys make of MLB the show being announced as a Day 1 Game Pass title 2 years in a row?


Good Day Dapper Dukes. Out of curiosity, have you ever been to a midnight release of a Video Game? If so, what was the last one you attended? With the digital age taking over I haven't been to a midnight release since Skyrim. Being able to converse with people as excited as you was apart of the buildup and hype of finally being able to get your hands on a copy. Which midnight releases have you been to? Which was your favorite? And most importantly do you miss these events? Have a "probably shouldn't have trusted that fart" kind of day.

Braden Summers

Hey Dukes, This question was asked on Sacred Symbols last week, so I wanted your thoughts - if Xbox is able to consistently put out $60 games from their first party on Game Pass, how do they consider this sustainable? Essentially subscribers will be getting $60 of value, let's say every 2 months, for less than $60. Is there something I'm missing here about how big corporations operate? Keen to know your thoughts.


Hey Lord Cognition and Matty McFly, With the recent Sony "acquisition" of Bungie. Do you see a sort of Mexican stand-off situation occurring between Xbox with COD and Sony with Destiny and future potential IP from Bungie? I would argue that it should not be outside the realm of possibility that if COD is pulled from Sony years down, then there could be discussions within Playstation and Bungie to do the same. Regardless of what has been currently been said about keeping them as a multiplat studio. Thoughts? Thanks and have an eerily nice day, one that makes you fear tomorrow can only be dreadful.


Gday from down under, at lease not under Sony with all that debt they be racking up, Do you both (Mr Matty playboy fallout devastation) and (Cog lord of the realm of gears and the one above all wars) think Sony can finally make a halo killer, that can put halo in its grave. Can the ex girlfriend (Bungie) and the wanna be super star (killzone) form a relationship and try to knock my main man off the stand. Have a black hole type of day hopefully you don’t get sucked up by tencent or Microsoft and Sony there with their vacuum cleaner. Ps we all know guerrilla ain’t touching killzone again with a long stick. They got them battle scars you know.


Killzone was good, it's only people who see a 'Space setting' and a 'console fps' that think they should relate it to Halo. They are wae different games and guerrilla should make another. It won't stop people calling it halo though


Now that Xbox has roughly 50 games in the works (roughly 10 a yr) . will they still look else where for content and will that effect sales for games in the future everywhere.


Hey Dukes, As a primarily single player gamer (odd work hours,kids) something I heard in your DDU episode with Graham Smith of Drinkbox raised some red flags for me. Graham stated that during the negotiations with Xbox to get Nobody Saves the World on Gamepass Xbox requested that multi-player be added to the game. I understand that multi-player is a great boon to Gamepass because it has the knock on effect of drawing players in through social connections but I would hate to see that "request" influence how their studios create. I look at Redfall from Arkane as prime example. Was it always a multi-player project or did Microsoft influence the design? Is this what we can expect from Microsoft owned studios going forward? I guess time will tell. Anyway I'd love to hear your thoughts on this or any other ways you see Gamepass influencing how games are created? Thanks for the always amazing content! -Joe


Hey Dukes, With Sony keeping all Bungie games that are in development multi-platform and supposedly not having extra perks, etc., do you think this puts pressure on Microsoft to do the same with Bethesda and Activision from a PR standpoint? I find it interesting that people are giving Sony a hard time for acquiring Bungie and keeping them multi-platform, at least for the foreseeable future, when ultimately this is a good thing for PC and XBOX players. Sony is still going to make money through this acquisition, while also allowing other platforms, like XBOX, to enjoy their games as well. Feels like a win-win to me. Thanks and have a very nice day.

Lucius Augustus

All right Dukes its time for me to get my frustrations out. Xbox has to do a better job at monitoring the status of its third party titles coming to game pass. Unfortunately Pupperazzi is terrible on the Series X. Another example of terrible games on gamepass that are a waste of time and not even worth a download. It runs at 22 fps at best and has insane input lag, so much so I had to check if by accident I had started the cloud version of the game. At what point does Xbox start curating the experience so products don't release in this sort of awful state on their service. It's terrible products like this that make Gamepass look from the outside, like trash heap of fodder games. I was looking forward to this as a casual fun experience with dogs and only got a dog shit game that was obviously only made to run on the Xbox VCR and nothing else.


This one is for Cog aka The Most Titan Warlock. From the post regarding the Bungie purchase: Q. Will Destiny 2: The Witch Queen include any platform exclusives? ​ No. The Witch Queen will not contain any platform exclusives. -do you read this as sincere for the future or do you see PS exclusive content on the table again after Witch Queen? Because I played Destiny 1 on Xbox, and this exclusive content mess is what originally got me to drop it. I can't go back to that life, Cog, I can't do it! Hope you guys have a D1-Hawkmoon-meta on-Xbox kind of day.

Frank T

Let's say the FTC stops the Activision acquisition. Do you that think that would cause Microsoft to get more or less aggressive towards other small acquisitions. It seems expensive to have a deal fall through, so I wonder if that would stop them from acquiring publishers.

Allan Galeano

Hey guys, just a quick question on the games coming and leaving gamepass this month. For the first time I feel like a bunch of GOOD stuff is leaving and not really being replaced by anything of the same quality level. Maybe I'm biased because Control is one of my favorite games ever and I really enjoyed Code Vein and FF XII, but this coming month makes me feel kinda disappointed for the first time. What do you think? Could this be a sign of things to come for the first half of the year? Is the well running a bit dry at the start of the year? Love the pod and have a dream game release day kinda day! You've had enough bad days already. :)

The Late Nate

Hey "Cool Under Fire" Cog and "Motorboatin" Matty, Just wanted to ask a quick question about controllers. With Xbox having embraced back compat to the level they have, what do you think the odds are we could get some new 1st party 360 or OG Xbox style controllers for the Series X|S? Similar to what Nintendo is doing releasing old controllers for the Switch to play their older games, like the N64 controller for Switch they just released alongside NSO Expansion Pack. I would really love a new, crisp feeling 360 controller. I still think its the most comfortable controller ever made, and I would love one I could use on the Series X. Cheers!


Hey boys! Quick question for yah! What do you think of the Xbox avatars? The old 360 avatars are extremely nostalgic for me I love the design, options and emotes for these new ones! I never hear anyone talk about them but I feel like they add a lot of personality to your profile! You boys make little mini matty or tiny cog? Thanks bois, have a “My controller is low and I’m all outta AA batteries sorta day”!

John Heavey

Good morning Gents. I think folks are missing the forest for the trees with all these acquisitions, specifically Bungie and Call of Duty. Those games both print money from micro transactions. It doesn't make any business sense for Sony and Microsoft to make games with strong micro transaction sales exclusive. I think much of what Activision may make in the future will be exclusive but Call of Duty will remain multi platform and the same for Destiny, Curious how you both feel about that. Have a good day!


Good day Dukes, I have a question for you both around acquisitions. We've seen two major purchases over the past couple of weeks, and it has me thinking; why aren't these companies investing in new studios? If they are so desperate to offload cash or take on more debt,why not do it in a more ground-up approach? Why not create new IP, and raise new young talent? I'm pretty sure you could start and mainting several studios for the billions being spent, curious to hear your thoughts. Hope you both have a slightly above average day.


Hey Dukes In the past couple of years, video games have started to transcend from our consoles to TV and movies the best they ever have. Sony Uncharted movie comes out soon with a decent amount of hype behind the picture while Xbox's flagship series Halo will have a live-action series on Paramount+. My question is do you think 1 company will dominate a certain medium? In other words, Will Sony be the movie company while Microsoft owns the TV market? Thanks and have a didn't ask for onions on my sandwich but got them anyway kind of day.

Keith Huntington

dukes just a fun question: but if you could have a mount rushmore of any 4 game directors in the history of gaming, who would it be? for me i'd have to go with Todd Howard (for morrowind alone, but the whole catalog really), Hidetaka Miyazaki (dark souls/fromsoft fame), Yu Suzuki (outrun. space harrier. virtua cop. shenmue.), and finally tom zito (night trap. corpse killer. prize fighter. ground zero texas) honestly between these 4 men is easily. EASILY. thousands of hours of gaming. have a elden ring just announced as day one on gamepass kind of day. -keith


Hey boys, first time write-in here that’s been meaning to write in for a while, but something came up in last week that finally compelled me; when Matty disparaged pickled onions as “barbaric” and “uncultured”. Was this directed just to the idea of eating them straight in a pub as Jez mentioned, or was it an affront on pickled onions as a whole? Just saying that if you haven’t slapped some pickled red onions on Mexican food, a chicken sandwich, and really all kinds of food, then you’re missing out greatly and I’m hoping this write-in can help steer you straight. Keep up the great work on the show, but when it comes to the pickled onion slander: stand down.


This is a cool idea! I'll keep your Todd Howard and Hidetaka Miyazaki and probably add Shigeru Miyamoto and maybe Hideo Kojima. Lot of japanese rep lol

Greg Dawson

Gentlemen love the show, look forward to the drop every week. It's said that referring to yourself in the third person is a sign of psychopathic tendancies. So Cog, what say you? Matty with the Van Dyke - that question answers itself, so can you do me a favour and let the police know (anonymously obviously) where the bodies are so the victim's family can get some sort of closure? Lots of love & keep up the great work.


Hey Fluffernutter Matty and Lord Garoppollo, Gamepass has been great for getting people to experience games they normally wouldn’t check out. What are 3 games you played over the last year that you wouldn’t otherwise have checked out and that you would recommend to others? For me I played Nobody Saves the World(shoutout to Drinkbox), Fable and Psychonauts. Have a “your team makes the conference championships but Jimmy Giveaways is your quarterback” type of day! P.S. Cog, welcome to the Bengals bandwagon!


Hey Dukes, EA has announced that Respawn are working on three Star Wars games. A plethora of other studios such as Quantic Dream and Massive Entertainment have announced plans for their own Star Wars titles, while several others are rumored to be doing so as well. In recent months we’ve also seen many talented studios taken off the board for what will be multiple years to work on superhero games. Foraxis, Monolith, Insomniac, and Eidos Montreal to name a few, not to mention the several other WB owned studios. What are you guys’ thoughts on the possibility of oversaturation of Star Wars and comic book IP based games in the coming years? For better or worse, the movie and TV industries have been bombarded over the past decade with movies and shows based on those IP. I enjoyed them as much as the next guy but I’d find it slightly disappointing if that’s where the games industry is heading, at a time where the technology enables so many creative ideas. Do you guys foresee a stagnation in creativity and new ideas in favor of these established IP, or is there enough variation and hype to where this doesn’t become an issue? Keep up the great work.


Hey, Dukes, Got a tale for you all, so sit tight. I promise its worth it. Last week, I grew very sick. So, Thursday, I said, "No problem - I'll hop on the bike and head out to get tested while I listen to the new Defining Duke episode." Unbeknownst to me, this would be the worst bike ride of my entire life. While Jez and Rand ripped into each other and tried to convince us Muricans to eat onions on cheesy buttered toast, I was wheezing just from biking a few feet and walking up inclines. Two hours later (and an hour late for my appointment), I get to the health center and am tested positive for COVID. Time to travel those hilly 6-7 miles back home. My body was not happy. I was wondering if the last words I would hear were of Jez calling Matty a 12-year-old for playing Lego games. I powered through. Just a couple of miles before my home, I managed to find a gas station for a much-needed bathroom break (most of my trip was on a highway with no rest stops in sight). I am on the toilet, in pain, and wondering if I'm going to pass out while listening to the Brish boys complain about their bad sleeping habits. It took me roughly another hour or so to power through those last two miles. As soon as I walked through my front door, Matty is closing the show. All this to say, Dukes, thank you for helping me in my darkest hour by putting up a meaty episode like last week. Covid kicked my ass, but like the Chief, I finished the fight. Now, where can I find Jez? He needs to address what his problem is with Lego games. 👊

Michael Buffill

Hey Dukes, This question is for Cog but Matty please feel free to share thoughts. Xbox has revealed its plans for Black History Month with a few really good initiatives in my opinion. While there's always room for improvement for inclusion from what I see Xbox is really taking the lead on this in the games industry. With that said my question to Cog is if you were a consultant to Microsoft or any other company such as Sony or Nintendo, what is something you would suggest they do that can carry over past this month? Thanks for all you guys do and have a woke up past the alarm kind of day. PS Cog if you were not invited to participate by Xbox that's a travesty as you are definitely a prominent voice in games podcasts.


Sup Dukes, PS5 player here, but I enjoy y’all’s content. With a plethora of big games on the horizon, have y’all upgraded your internal storage ? I recently purchased a 2TB Samsung 980 pro ssd with a heatsink for about $300. That led me to compare with the Xbox expansion cards, and I was a bit shocked to see that a 2TB card was still $400, and several stores were sold out. Should there be concern about Microsoft’s proprietary approach in comparison to Sony ? How much longer until prices start to drop for expansion, since it has already been over a year ? Anyways keep up the great podcast and have a “not enough storage to update game” kind of day.

Big titty drinker

Hey guys just thought I'd give a playstation players perspective on the bungie deal. Simply put I HATE IT. What is this games as a service garbage!? I dont think this is the type of game many playstation guys like or want. Single player Third person action adventure is why I go to them. It's why i love playstation but if they are gonna start focusing more on subcriptions and games as a service than actually putting out quality single player games that's very disappointing as a sony fan. If I wanted great value brand quantity over actual qaulity I would get an xbox. I feel like in this whole acquisition wars thing playstation is losing thier way. Which is silly becuase as long as they just keep doing what they are already doing they will continue to dominate. Ps, playstation buying bungie(makers of halo) is like smashing your worst enemies baby momma. Straight disrespect. Yall have a nice day Javier Gonzales OUT

Trent Miller

Hey guy it’s me. The son of the onion sandwich eater. Just wanted to follow up to let you No that he is in fact not from the UK or have any roots there. He’s just a farmer from the Midwest. I don’t know if that makes his eating habits worse or if he’s perhaps more cultured?

Michael Welter

Hey guys. First time write in here. What do you guys think about The Witch Queen having one million pre-orders? Outside of the Destiny community people assume it's a "dead" game. Cog knows the meme. Also as far as we know PlayStation is not getting exclusives but in the FAQ they specifically mention Witch Queen. Not Destiny 2 across the board. I'm worried about it. What say you gents? Love the show, you guys keep me company at work and I can't thank you enough. Keep it up!


Hey Dukes, You guys recently talked about different representation for voice actors, so maybe this will be an interesting topic for the show. Shadow Warrior 3 will be a cross platform game but perhaps you've played SW2 on Game Pass. Along with its new release date announcement trailer, we found out that Devolver is replacing the main voice actor, Jason Liebrecht, with Asian American voice actor Mike Moh. The reason given is that Liebrecht is white and they want to "[correct their] mistake of casting a voice actor inconsistent with the hero Lo Wang’s cultural background" (source: PC Gamer), despite Liebrecht's dozens of memorable roles in all sorts of English language anime and games. This irks me for three reasons: 1) In the trailer, the new actor, while I'm sure he's very talented, sounds nothing like how the character is supposed to sound. He's not bombastic or sarcastic, like how we know Lo Wang, and overall it seems like a major downgrade to a huge part of the game. 2) It's kinda racist. The new actor is Korean, while voice acting for a Chinese character (in a Japan inspired setting). Of course that doesn't matter, but it's inconsistent with Devolver's politically correct reason. Furthermore, let's imagine they replaced the amazing Chris Judge, Kratos' new voice actor, with some white guy in God of War Ragnarok for the same reason. Everyone would be up in arms, for a very good reason, because it's fuckin' racist to replace someone just because of the color of their skin. 3) The entire series is already known for being politically incorrect and offensive when it satirizes both Asian cultures and the West's portrayal of Asian cultures. Interested in getting your guys' input, whether you're familiar with the series or not. Maybe I'm in the wrong here since the YouTube comments on the trailer seem to actually agree with me, which isn't always a great sign. Anyways, keep it up. Really been enjoying the show and hope you two have a lovely and pleasant day.


Hi Dukes, EA has stated that Battlefield 2042 "did not meet expectations" which is probably the kindest thing anyone has said about it since release. Further, they refused to reveal sales figures which itself carries dire implications. My question is thus: where can Battlefield go from here? Is there something they can learn from their competitors – from Halo Infinite or others? Or should EA stop trying to innovate and simply make their new release a ground-up remake of all mainline games to-date, expanding their Portal mode to a full MasterChief-style collection? Have a "just woke up from a dream where I was Colin's chicken" kind of a day. Cheers,