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In buying Bungie for $3.6 billion, PlayStation's appetite for acquisitions has now entered Big Boy Territory. But this isn't necessarily a good thing. Indeed, from our perspective, this is a money-move, not a cultural one. Sony has slowly and steadily built its studio family up for years with sensical and organic acquisitions. For the first time, Sony has purchased an entity so big and so unassociated with it that it's keeping it separate, and -- perhaps most revolutionary, in the grand scheme of things -- ensuring both its current and future offerings remain multiplatform. Core PlayStation fans have little to be excited about here; the effects will be long-term and crossmedia. It could be read as a positive marketing win that attempts to cool down the hunt for exclusives at any cost. But we still have much to fear. Sony is now a willing participant in the race to consolidate the industry, consequences be damned. And we can promise you one thing: You ain't seen nothing yet.



Nick La Creta

The mad lads have done it again


Exactly what I was waiting on so pumped to hear this

Asique Alam

Here we go again Boys! breaking news!


Awesome I am driving home from Vegas and this is a godsend

Captain Canada

Thanks for the emergency episode gang, love the timely coverage!

Kendrick Luckenbach

this is exactly what I've been waiting for. /Stephen A Smith.gif

Anthony J Sanchez

The great consolidation wars have begun!

Rich Price

I was looking forward to Friday, and then this banger drops. LSM you are truly spoiling us!


How does one get the video version?


You guys really are the best. Excited to listen to this tonight!

james glenn roten

I don't think this Jeff Ross podcast is a thing now...hahaha


Thank you for this, I needed the Sacred Crew’s thoughts on this ASAP. Can’t wait to listen on my way home from class.

Hose A Contra Razz

All I want to know if Bungie went to tencent or Microsoft and said can you match 3 billion and they said no or was Sony like hey 3 billion now or never end of business day?

Matthew Two T's

Star Wars 4B. Bethesda 7.5B. Bungie. 3.6B at this rate LSM is easily a 2B buy.

james o halloran

With 3.6 billion for the bungie acquisition, 7.8 for Bethesda and all that IP now seems like a steal for Microsoft.


I think the most sensible acquisition for Sony would be Kojima Productions. Death Stranding developed on the Decima engine, lots of collaboration between Kojima & Guerilla on the game. It's an acquisition I'm surprised hasn't happened yet.

The rogue

Good question, I have to imagen they talked to Microsoft too. PS may have offered more, or Bungi liked their promises of what it would look like to work with them more.

The rogue

NO kidding, money is too expensive to hold on to right now so things are getting inflated. But Dang There are a lot of good teams and good IP at Bethesda for only 2x of Bungi.


I am not happy with this silly arms race of IP! The problem is any new IP competing with established IP gets outmuscled by mega corporations. Yuck!


appreciated Colins rendition of “ohh baby you ainttt seeen nothing yet 🎶 🎵 “

Kenneth Oms

Great episode boys thanks for the speedy turn around on this. A few things that you can hopefully touch on fridays episode. 1. Colin, do you think bungie is providing input on Naughty Dogs factions in terms of monetization and perhaps making that a live service game. 2. Are we worried that Bungie might jump ship at some point like they did with Microsoft and then activision. I’ll try to write these questions in for this weeks episode but people are like speed racer nowadays with how big the show has gotten haha!

Bryan Lonsdale

People are acting like this is a response to Microsoft. Do they really think a deal like this takes place in just a week? This had to have been in the works for months


Insomniac continues to become the greatest steal/deal of all time.


You best believe I’ve been refreshing the Sacred Symbols feed ever since this news dropped. Excited to listen, dudes.

Tyler Cumerford

Honestly all I care about is that Playstation money going towards destiny. Better expansions. More content. Bigger team. Very excited about that.

ur ppnballs

"I am Jack's jaw on the floor."

Joseph smith

Destiny 3 becomes 3rd person shooter.ha I jest.

Tick Dickler

Thanks for giving us your day off! I never understood Sonys fixation on film, given how successful PlayStation is and how much of an embarrassing shit factory Sony Pictures is.

Brandon Soto

This deal is a complete waste. Bungie games still multiplat, Killzone & Resistance not coming back, Destiny movie??? Bad deal.


This all seems a bit hollow

Andrew McGregor

They have done well recently. Both Ghostbusters and Spiderman have done really well for them. If they get this cross media strategy right, it could be a good move for them. I know every time I watch the Witcher on Netflix I want to play the game. Agree that it wasn’t doing too well till recently.

Piston Pants

If there going to buy things then as long as it is of quality then so be it. The whole only looking for acquisitions that Sony has nurtured relationships with I don't really give a shit.


Yeah, it's goofy, but if you read around enough, you realize most people have no idea what they're talking about.


Col, we live in a timeline where Xbox has Crash and Spyro and PS has Bungie. Please stop Chris from using his dark magic again before things get any weirder.

Nathaniel Taylor

As a huge Destiny fan, this deal seems fantastic for bungie. Extra money for development and they remain some form of independent. Makes me more excited for what can happen with the series when bungie has more money. Not fully certain what sony gets out if this deal though. Maybe something regarding film rights? There are a lot of cool stories in that world that would he awesome to see realized in tv/film. A very unique deal for sure. The statement from Jim Ryan saying “this is only the beginning” on the other hand…..Thats a bit worrying.


They may take our KOTOR. But they will never take our Bungie!!!! Absolute savage play. Good for Sony. Bungie is one of the most forward thinking studios in the multiplayer space AND content delivery. Very few get this better than Bungie. You wouldn’t know unless you played golden days of Halo on 360 or you play Destiny. Seeing lines drawn in the sand is interesting. MS, Bethesda, Activision VS Sony, Bungie, Epic, Discord. I count discord because I believe it will replace Playstations voice chat and be one of the biggest exclusives of the generation.

Jeff Caseres

I’m honestly excited to see what new game comes out of this. I know everyone is thinking Destiny but I think Sony is trying to make their own online MMO or multiplayer game using Bungies knowledge. PlayStation having their own Destiny like type of game would huge!

ur ppnballs

"I am Jack's total surprise."

Gar Kelleher

What happens when the day comes that Tencent starts making all their games "Chinese language" only? They could go that far......and then we could be thankful for these acquisitions.


Doesn’t me make sense? I gotta disagree here, I think it makes a ton of sense, PlayStation needs an FPS before they’re all sitting on one platform (Xbox).

Shawn Yorn

Awesome episode, boys. One question I had that i feel was overtly missed in this episode that was covered heavily in the other acquisition episodes was the Financials of the deal. We've been consistent in talking about how all of these companies have wildly overpaid in these deals but 3.6 BILLION for BUNGIE? Maybe this just hit me harder that yall? Was this a bidding war? I realize what they've gotten and what this all could mean but this is and would the most bloated gaming deal yet. This makes the Zenimax deal that we were talking about being bloated look like a STEAL. MOJANG FOR 2.5? Craziness out here. Unless my numbers are off, Bungies market cap is around 2 ish B. Getting wild out here. Thanks for the episode guys!

Shawn Yorn

@the reply No DOUBT! Guess I was just curious to see yall touch on it. Seemed like a pretty big point!!! ❤

Michael Buell

I know this deal has been in the making for a long time but I can't help but feel like Sony made this as a collateral move. Thusly Sony is going to keep destiny on Xbox as long as call of duty is on Playstation. I know this is not the case (definitely not the whole case anyways) but that was my reaction when I saw that bungie isn't going to be made exclusive.


I’d say Sony needs to buy CD project.. is that possible? Having the Witcher as an exclusive vs Starcraft could be fair fight …

Shane Pryor

I believe Microsoft is arming its silos because of Apple. They need negotiating power to get Xcloud on Apple‘s App Store. Amazon and Google both have sweetheart deals with Apple and Microsoft is looking to do the same. I believe it will be good for Sony and Microsoft to both play nice regardless.

Colton Cotten

Great episode gents y’all have been killing it like always with making these episodes right after news breaking. What a crazy time to be a gamer. Microsoft stand down


I hate to be the grammar police, but is sensical a word? I have never heard of it. Do you mean sensible?


Want to second Colton^^ nothing is more satisfying than getting an episode right after something breaks. It’s like amazon prime for PlayStation news!

Peter Pham

I know Chris and Dustin never had a good impression with ps now, but for a person who lives the ps3 Era and with good connection, I'm loving it. I played split/second without any problems, granted I only did the single player campaign.


Sony didn't pay 3.6B to not get some form of exclusivity. Are they going to force Bungie to cut Destiny 2 Xbox support, no. Are Bungie games for service games not coming to PC, Absolutely Not! The main exclusivity I see them getting is console exclusivity down the road. Bungie says they will be a multi platform studio. Multi platform being PS5, PC, and mobile.


I hope Sony continues big acquisitions like Bungie. It sucks but indie studios, partner studios and support studios in the likes of Ember Lab, illfonic and Iron Galaxy won't help them much when MS is acquiring the biggest 3rd party punlisher in the world: Activion Blizzard King.


Hoeg believes that this Sony buying Bungie is absolutely a reaction to Microsoft buying Activision. He’s said so in various podcasts, not the least of which being his own Virtual Legality. Please use the resources available to you, Hoeg is a part of the Last Stand family. You seem silly for not using such an invaluable resource.


But who is getting talent, and who is buying IP? Bungie is a better studio than anything Microsoft has purchased. At least, the general consensus would tell you that.

Matt ODwyer (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-06 21:55:33 I dabbled in the GT series but it never clicked with me and this really goes for all racing games (sim & arcade) but ever since I got next gen the duel sense controllers with haptic feedback has been getting me into these types of games like dirt 5 or F1. Really interested to see how upcoming GT7 game utilizes this feature.
2022-02-05 07:13:33 I dabbled in the GT series but it never clicked with me and this really goes for all racing games (sim & arcade) but ever since I got next gen the duel sense controllers with haptic feedback has been getting me into these types of games like dirt 5 or F1. Really interested to see how upcoming GT7 game utilizes this feature.

I dabbled in the GT series but it never clicked with me and this really goes for all racing games (sim & arcade) but ever since I got next gen the duel sense controllers with haptic feedback has been getting me into these types of games like dirt 5 or F1. Really interested to see how upcoming GT7 game utilizes this feature.