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Wes Anderson's filmography is pocked with remarkable films, and 1998's Rushmore is undoubtedly one of them. Starring Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murray, Rushmore is -- in our estimation -- a movie all about dealing with pain: The pain of growing up, the pain of loss, the pain of emptiness. But, in traditional Anderson form, Rushmore's melancholy is accompanied by copious wit and humor that balances everything out, delivering something perhaps far greater than the sum of its individual parts. So take dead aim at the rich boys, friends. But not before you listen.




Oh sweet, what a surprise. Sitting here in Aus and can’t sleep it’s 33 degrees Celsius at midnight. Nominated this awhile ago had no idea it had been picked. Rushmore is my fave Wes Anderson flick and in my top 5 of all time. Jeez you boys know what to deliver right when I need it. Keep up the great work, hitting 2022 running. Cheers.

Mitchell Lundsberg

Great episode. I haven't seen Rushmore in awhile but it's one of those films that always sticks out. One I will always remember. Its not the best movie ever made but it certainly has it's own personality. I don't think we will ever get a movie like this ever again.

Napoleon in Rags

The wrestling scene is still the best! 😂

Corey Adams

Gonna have to check out this movie. I’m 35 and embarrassingly have never seen a Wes Anderson film. I need to get on it.