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Reminder: Tickets for Sacred Symbols 200 go on sale on Friday, February 4th. Many have asked at what time. The answer: 1p ET.


As discussed on today's all-new episode of Sacred Symbols, Episode 200 of the world's biggest PlayStation podcast will be live and in person in Richmond, VA on Saturday, April 30th.

Now, when we did our first live show in Pennsylvania last year, we learned a ton of lessons. It was, after all, an exploratory event. One thing we discovered right off-the-bat is that we need to announce when tickets go on sale, and how, and all of that, because a lot of interested people missed out last time based on our 'out-of-the-sky' mantra. We like that for content, but not for live shows. Consider this a course-correction.

So, here's what you have to know: Episode 200 of Sacred Symbols will take place at one of Virginia's most famous venues: The National. Tickets go on sale for all Patrons on February 4th, and we will keep them on-sale for Patrons-only for about 10 days thereafter. Anything that's left will then go live for public audiences sometime on or shortly after this period. There will be limited VIP options. Due to venue rules, you will need to show proof-of-vaccination or a negative COVID test to gain entry.

Yes, we've learned many lessons based on your feedback from last year: There will be a merch table, we will have much better audio and video, there will be a bar for libations and refreshments. Everything will be better! Our intention for the night is simple: Have a great time and celebrate PlayStation 4's awesome library by ranking its 25 best games, with you and for you! Oh, and our friends The Snark Tank will be there to open, make you laugh, and entertain, too. =)

We hope to see you there.

When tickets go on sale, we will make a new thread on Patreon to alert you. In the meantime, steel yourselves. Prepare. Gird your loins. And for god's sake, call your mother.

See you soon. Literally.



Remington James

You had me at “refreshments”

Alex Bolton

Let's fucking go!!!! At the National?!?!?!

Nathan Favreau

10 days? They’re gonna be sold out on day 1 Colin.


HOLY COW (for the sole purpose of coming to this event, I wish I lived in the US)

Jose Cantu

Oh shit, The Snark Tank! Fuck yeah. Hope it's a much bigger venue.


I'm not in the US, but if I was, I'd be all over this. Have fun and record some of the fun.

Caleb Johnston

I’ll have to try and make this one too, the live experience is WORTH IT

Jack Doheny

Wish I could go hope everyone has a good time

John Fiorio

Live 3 will need to be The Last Stand Down. No idea what that would entail, but it's a great name.




Man that sounds incredible!

Kenneth Oms

Happy for you boys, I’ll try to make it!

Tristen Wilbers

Wow! Very cool venue! I'll have to consider coming out

phil mccarthy

This is amazing!! Jealous of all you folks across the water who'll get to see this! LSM fucking knocking it out of the park as usual? <3

Alex Castellanos

This post goes up: my heart skips a beat. I skim the entire post catching various details along the way. Then I decide to settle down and read the whole thing top to bottom and that's when I see it...April 30th... That's the day of my sister's wedding!! What will I tell her?!?! No, j/k, unfortunately I won't be able to make that date. I'll have to wait until next time.

Frank G.

OMFG yes! Dude yes! Hahahahahahaba Sweeny!!!!!!! Gonna drop the hard R when they rank The Last Of Us 2 😅😂. Derek's gonna oh my God poor Dustin 😂😂 it's even gonna be an a good Lockport edit. Oh fuck the possibilities hahahaha I might drop $20 dollars in the chat. 😆🔫✖️🔴🟪⚠️


You guys are coming close enough I can go now lol, hopefully I'll be able to make it

Jack Fining

Hell yeah, I moved to VA right before the last show so I was a bit too busy to attend but you'll be damn sure I won't miss it this time!

Lucas Gremista

Flights from Miami to Richmond are pretty cheap for that weekend!!!! :D

Maxi Lopez

I want to come but I'm in the UK :( here's hoping to a live show in Europe one day ❤ everyone buying a ticket I'm jealous but I'm sure it'll be great

Zack Fair

Guys when will you come to the UK/Europe for your European patreons as unfortunately USA is a bit too far and expensive at the moment


Awesome! I hope some day you can all come farther into the Midwest.


What a great venue!! How I'm able to make it. Only 3.5 hours away from me!! Haven't been there since I went to an ubderoath concert back in like 07

Wayne Moss

That’s amazing 🤩 I am guessing that episode will be recorded & put on Patreon at a later date?

Agnis Zibergs

Ireland is waiting aswell :) will buy some Guinness for lads.

Ben Scott

Hell yeah! I live on the Outer Banks, so I can drive up and don’t even have to request time off from work! LETS GO!!

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

I won't be able to travel to the US for this, but I really wish I could. I know this is pretty impossible, but it would be so cool if Eric Castro could be included and make drinks, and just be a badass.


How much are tixs?

Matthew Two T's

Proof of vaccination or negative covid test. Lol no thanks. I'll catch the recording.


Snark Tank opener?!?. Man, I might need to make the drive for this one!

Ian Everett Trout

Can't wait for y'all to come to Europe! Spain, iffen ya can 😉😉

Zack Apuzzo

Awww man im ready for another road trip!!!!! What a huge venue too!

Kc Wright

Virginia nice that's a much shorter drive from Maryland then Pennsylvania was


Fucking Snark Tank too is amazing

ur ppnballs

Hells to the yeahs all the way

Jon Barnett

Will there be meet and greet components to the show? Will Colin sign my copy of Final Fantasy Tactics? Will Chris sign my copy of CTR? Will Dustin sign my copy of Kingdom Hearts!?!?


VIP will include a meet-and-greet. This is more of a traditional 'show' or 'concert' than what we did in September. Think of just the first day, but not the second.


Any plans to bring these events beyond the east coast? Being from Minneapolis, I can’t see myself traveling further than Chicago for an event like this.

Joe Perez

Awesome! I'm going to try and make this. Glad you guys are doing these events. Best wishes to the community!


I would so go to this if I didn’t have exams and final projects around that time. Damn you college lol

Daniel Heffron

I'll be there. Looking forward to it.


Wooow thats so close to me! So hyped!

Luis N.

Please come to Austin TX in the future!


On a four day weekend, only six hours away, and the day before my 21st? I’ll see you all there!! Can’t wait!

Asique Alam

I might just go this time around!



Alexander Ivarson

Can't wait for you guys to come to Ohio!


Wow sacred symbols at the national thanks Colin for hosting the event in RVA

Cody Richter

I'm hoping some day you guys plan a show a little further south that would be easier for me to make. Nonetheless, excited for the news and hope all the hosts and audience have a great time!

Will Hernandez

Some of the comments about where shows should be held are hilarious. You guys make it seem like LSM is a traveling circus. Anyway, I’ll definitely be coming in from Boston. As Bart Scott once said: can’t wait!

Stanley Yeung

I went to the second KF live show...I guess I'll go to the second LSM live show. May the ticket websites smile in my favor come Feb 4th.

Dennis Parker

What time will the tickets go on sale February 4th?

Isaac Senesi

I know that it's a SS live, and not Knockback, but is there any chance Dagan will be there? Would love to have the chance to meet the other half of the Moriarty dynamic duo.

Daniel Bowen

The PA show sold out so fast, The National is a huge venue, so you know about how many tickets/seats will be available?

Matthew Perry

Gutted , sucks that I live in the UK as won't be able to make it :-( Hopefully you guys will come to London soon :-)

Evan Frankfort

Super excited to come down Colin! I’m a VA local so this is a dream for me.


See you there! I'm down in Raleigh so this is MUCH closer than World Renown Butler PA


This is going to be as big to me as seeing fall out boy in person was, but now I’m an adult so I’m going to buy way more merch


I'm really excited for y'all, glad to see more of these happening. I'll be on the lookout for Resogun to claim the #1 spot as well for top PS4 game!

Alexander Dean

Good luck! Wish I could come but I’ll probably never be allowed at a concert again. 2nd class citizen but I will literally die on this hill


We need more cross overs with The Snark Tank, I’d pay top dollar to have Colin on an episode of that shit.

Chris King

I know CA is a forgotten hellscape, but if you guys ever come out to Los Angeles I'd be there for sure


This is 5 days after my birthday. A true gift in the making


I’m definitely(probably) going. You guys should come to ATL sometime. Richmond is an 8-1/2 hour drive for me.😵 Worth it though, can’t wait!


I love them silly bastards at snark tank


Sweet, about 30 min to an hour south of me, I’m definitely going

The Rose Experience

Can't wait until my country (Canada) gets its proverbial head out of its ass so we can possibly get a live show up here sometime soon. Best of luck LSM.

Sorta Serious Gaming

Wish it was somewhere without restrictions, sadly until they lift I refuse to play their charade. I'm sure its gonna be a great show I'll have to watch it here. Here's to a great show and the hope rationality finally wins the day.

Daniel Bowen

Is there a link to the ticket purchasing site yet? So I have somewhere to f5? :D