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For the first time ever, the three Sacred Symbols boys and the two Dukes of Defining Duke have united for a conversation. The topic? The only thing anyone seems to want to talk about these days: Microsoft's purchase of Activision-Blizzard-King. What's positive about the deal? What's negative? What are our prognostications about how things will go at and for Microsoft? How will Sony respond? With a week to think about it, we wanted to have one last conversation on SS+ before moving onto other topics... unless, of course, Sony or Microsoft (or some other competitor) decide to up the ante even more.




22's great Crossover Event, LSM: Endgame


Beautiful, the fight we always wanted.

Jefferson Souza

Nice! About to download it. Wondering if Colin will disclose that he’s a Microsoft shareholder.


You love to see it.

Mitch Orobko

I love everyone in this video <3

Christopher Lee

Well yes!!! Can’t wait to listen to this!!!


LSM: Into the Gamer-Verse

Shawn Yorn

I'm so excited for this episode. 💗

Jeffery Carlson

Thank God this will be the last one on the topic


This could be a fun thing to do every year! A part of me wishes it was a Christmas program like that Christmas Eve soccer game during The Great War. Lol Thanks for the content!


Clever thumbnail that evokes the MS marketing materials after a major purchase

Shawn Yorn

Man, maybe it's just me but I could listen to this for another month. It's easily the biggest piece of gaming business news maybe of all time. There's so many variables and ways to dig into this.


Oh hey this is even better than what I was asking for in a previous post. Great! Can't wait to listen to this one. Thanks a ton guys.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

For a moment I thought they were announcing a new show with everyone teaming up. I'm kinda sick of hearing about this, since every podcast I listen to has talked it to death already. But I love all these Sacred Dukes, so I will listen, and I will enjoy it I'm sure. ❤️


I totally understand. I was actually against doing it at first, as well, but I was outvoted, and I think it's a great episode. =)

Walker Simmons

I would love to see more crossovers like this in the future whenever it makes sense!

Stephen Forgione

Yes, Raven is the main team behind warzone and its updates/compatibility with the mainline games. It would be nice to see the team liberated and warzone gets its own team (similar to how Respawn built a new studio for Apex Legends), but they’re the one studio that is probably the hardest to shift. According to Wikipedia, the Raven team responsible for Hexen left to form Human Head Studios, which ended up becoming Roundhouse (which is now owned by Xbox!). Roundhouse could be a team to watch for in that respect.


From Street Fighter vs X-men Children of Atom, to Marvel vs Capcom, to Sacred Symbols vs Defining Duke!

Kenneth Koepnick

All of this read IP talk… no mention of VIVA PIÑATA! RIP.


This is awesome! Will we be seeing more Sacred X Defining Duke crossovers in future? It would be cool to see something like this as a monthly or bi-monthly special episode


Sacred Duke's!!! Defining Symbols!!!


Personally I really hope Sony never makes any sort of deal to put PlayStation games on Xbox. Do not give in. No give and take either. What Sony has cultivated is creativity and a focus on delivering an amazing product with its exclusives 9.9 times out of 10. Maybe they’d lose money not giving into Xbox and losing out on COD or what have you but I would selfishly rather a less profitable Sony give me 1-2 amazing experiences a year and that be it than make all these deals with a company that offers no creativity beyond the size of its wallet. I know that is a pipe dream as Sony is in business to make money.. but I will champion for them as long as they keep delivering a good product.

Conor Tickner

Another great episode, and what I feel is a perfect end to this discussion for the time being. There’s not much left to say, as it could be years before we see the effects this deal has on the industry but I’m glad we got to hear everyone share their thoughts on the matter. Only time will tell if the collective optimism about this deal will come to fruition or if Colin’s pessimism will rein supreme lol

Ben Scott

The gang talks the Acquivision… Actisition?? Fuck it. Thank you for this!🙏


the smoke detector had me reaching for the extinguisher both times! seriously thought it was on my end haha


When I saw this crossover post I didn’t die and I didn’t cry


I think this all comes down to the contract we need clarity on how the contracts work. Most of the games they bought that are worth anything only come by once a generation so if call of duty stays for this generation on ps5 none of this matters


This is exactly what I mean, and why this could be (to borrow from Dustin) a Ship of Theseus situation, in many respects.


I don't think it would hurt Sony to put their games everywhere, ultimately, but the scenario needs to be supported by tangible reasons to keep people on PlayStation. Playing outside of your silo, no matter how much Sony wants to resist it, will matter.

Michael Buffill

I honestly hope Microsoft takes COD away so that Sony has to make a shooter. Maybe this will be the thing that makes Sony revive Resistance and Socom!

Lee Duncan

The bar is set so low for Call of Duty Microsoft will be praised a hero for making a mediocre campaign.

Jonathon Haeffele

Really loved this. I'd love if there was a check in with all the LSM boys a couple times throughout the year. Maybe like a State of the Industry type check in show? Really loved hearing both sides in one show!


How about they do the same deal that marvel and Sony did when Sony let Spider-Man come be in marvel movies I don’t know the specifics but I know Sony got the better of the deal. Sony could allow Spider-Man to become multplatform and Xbox could allow star field to be multi platform and everyone makes out ok.

Daniel short

I upped my tier for this! 😍

Trevor Myers

Fantastic Show all around. I hope Colin is right and that Gamepass does come to Playstation so people dont have to get an entire seperate system if they want to play Starfield and only have PS5

Matthew Two T's

I'm an Xbox fan. Played almost exclusively in the ecosystem since the 360. I'm optimistic about the deal but I recognize there should be a fair amount of scrutiny and questions answered. However, I haven't seen much of that in the Xbox pundit chamber. If anything I've seen more hatred towards Colin and the SS crew for their, in my opinion, very level headed takes. I think the "Microsoft Good Guy" hysteria is getting out of hand here.

Greg Mocha

Argh! No! Never cross the streams! Have you learned nothing!

Alec Shaner

Don't really give a shit about Activision from a selfish pov (I like Diablo, but it's not a deal breaker). But if Microsoft just keeps going and takes away something like Resident Evil I'll be crushed!


If PlayStation is HBO, which studio is The Sopranos?

Tick Dickler

Great, eclectic viewpoints on this great, terrible, and everything in between deal.

James McGivern

The ominous feeling I get form Microsoft's latest move is that it feels less about Sony, and more about securing a position from the other tech giants. FANG is coming...


What an great episode. I would love to get maybe a monthly or bi monthly episode where we get the sacred symbols team and the dukes together for an episode. As someone who enjoys listening to both Defining Duke and Sacred Symbols it was cool to get everyone involved in the discussion.


Sacred Symbols with the Sacred Letters or the Sacred XYBA


Cog is great. That is all

Michael Schofield (making Audio Dramas)

Hey Fam. This was fun. I want to add another point of conversation I don’t hear any of the gaming shows I listen to (okay I don’t listen to many) talk about, and that’s _who is Microsoft’s competitor_? It’s not Sony. I don’t believe that Microsoft cares a lick about Sony. Microsoft’s competitor is Amazon, specifically AWS, as MS is making huge plays to win the developer / engineering ecosystem from code editors to cloud platforms like Azure. Every Activision Game as a Service will now run on Azure, not AWS. They are taking huge customers out of the pocket of Amazon’s most critical business. Edit to add: so the acquisition of Activision is still fundamentally a gaming-business acquisition, but if we add to conversation “how does this help in the fight against Amazon?” there are just a few more interesting topics to milk. Microsoft wants tech companies to stop using AWS. Now the biggest gaming company that uses AWS - won’t. They’ll craft an ecosystem that makes it better to design game software services around Microsoft products (forget Xbox) than others.


I love this episode of SS+ it’s great to hear different prospectives. I learned a lot

Al Rodriguez

Great point! Back-end growth! A great way to take market share from AWS is to buy companies that use AWS. Lol. They are saving money from going to Azure, thus increasing their profit margin.


Ah yes “Die, Cry, Cum” the new LSM show. Also, you can’t hate on Lebron teaming up, acting like Jordan didn’t play with Pippen and Rodman.


Anyone seen the ps plus games this month? Saying this is a tepid response to the ABK deal is underselling it. Trash games. I would have thought Sony would have stepped up this month. Tiny Tina dlc as an advertisement for the next game on March. Fuck this noise. If I dedicated more time to gaming than I do now I'd buy an Xbox out of spite (and for Bethesdas shit too).


I'm loving this Cross-Colin-ization (you can trademark that) 😜

Johnny Lamotte

Gamepass needs the Bible 😂💀

Craig Mcguire

Great discussion. Pretty much covered all the bases thoroughly now.

Fourth dimentional hypercube

The best takeaway for me is that this will likely force Sony’s hand to have its own in house shooters which I have no doubt, are already in the works.

James Buck

Man what an awesome episode. Would love to see you all get together more often. Fantastic work! 🔥👏


We need more of these crossovers! Especially if we could get cog and dagan in an episode together.


This episode was fire. Chris had me howling the whole time!

Kenneth Oms

I’m late to this episode and I haven’t finished it but, to Chris point, tech companies are hungry to jump into this space, and there is no one closer to it then Facebook. According to a leaked internal document, they were considering buying Insomniac Games before Sony scooped them up.


This thumbnail looks like a horror movie. Reminds me of a scene in Kill Bill.

Sam Lee

I died. I cried. I came.

Kevin Cooper

If GamePass ever becomes a ubiquitous app on TV's in every region, I think that is the point where Microsoft exits the console hardware game. We'll probably see one more console from Xbox after the Series X, but beyond that the only hardware they'll be manufacturing is a "GamePass Stick" if the service moves from sustainable to profitable. This is why I find it a bit comical to see the Xbox community championing GamePass to no end; the more they shout it from the rooftops, the more popular it becomes, and the closer Microsoft gets to leaving the console market.