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Gathering Under A White Flag | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 158

For the first time ever, the three Sacred Symbols boys and the two Dukes of Defining Duke have united for a conversation. The topic? The only thing anyone seems to want to talk about these days: Microsoft's purchase of Activision-Blizzard-King. What's positive about the deal? What's negative? What are our prognostications about how things will go at and for Microsoft? How will Sony respond? With a week to think about it, we wanted to have one last conversation on SS+ before moving onto other topics... unless, of course, Sony or Microsoft (or some other competitor) decide to up the ante even more.


carter weiss



Nice the Lockmort edit made me realize I needed an episode from you all 😂

Cody Richter

Oh man. This is gonna be legendary!


So many Slittaheads under one digital roof, a dream come true.

Joshua Brown

Avengers theme plays


Battle lines are drawn

Drew Agnew

I’m up way to late (3:30am) if I’m seeing this post. Do I stay up the rest of the night to tune in?


Can't wait


So excited


I havent been this hyped for an episode in a while

Ross Winyard

I’m getting a weird skip forward in time around 17:10 on the video, Colin passes to Matty then it jumps and it’s Colin again.

Rich Price

Lockmort brought me here ✊

Luis Sanchez

Did anyone cum? Hahaha

Shane Geis

Hope you guys do more shows together and on each other shows


Don't know whether this one will go up on Youtube but I think it "should". As an example for how to have a civil discussion despite having differing opinions on certain stuff. What a rarity it has become in this industry. This is probably the best advertisment for your podcasts. Kudos to all of you.



Trent Miller

IMO This is one of the best openings to a show in a while. Thanks for the laughs and excellent episodes!


Y’all make hands down the best content out there!


Well well well, look at what happens when great minds assemble. This episode was great!!!

ur ppnballs

Love this episode. Next level.

Grant Ritchey

The boys are back in town

Kenny C

Brilliant picture. Especially Chris 😂

Brandon Garvin

Love to see the boys together! Fantastic episode!

Shallon Ogden

So great. It's nice too see people who disagree with each other on something not get treated like trash.

Big titty drinker

My son was born yesterday me and him are listening to this episode together!


Solid episode, strait to the point and very clear even with five people present. Well done 👍

Zack Fair

Chris I'm not sure how you'd celebrate getting ABK when they came to Xbox are in a dire state and still managed to pay them over market share for them to sell. Surely a win would've been to get them at a cut rate

Brandon Soto

Great episode, although I was hoping for more Sony exclusive responses as opposed to GamePass on Playstation. So many dead / dormant franchises just sitting there.

Zack Fair

Guys why would playstation allow Gamepass on their system. They would be no point in Spartacus then, also PlayStations catalogue is way better then anything Xbox has, also why give Xbox the Japanese games they have. PlayStation would only be helping Xbox if that happened. I don't get the take of you all saying Gamepass on PlayStation, playstation doesn't need Gamepass, they only need to create their own and do it well to rival Gamepass. Also release 1st party games earlier on PC, which would generate a ton more money


This was awesome. It was really cool seeing the gang do a show together. Hopefully we’ll see more of these in the future! 😬

Ryan H

Man I've wanted to see this set up for a while! Thanks for making it happen!! Hopefully becomes a semi regular thing...? :-D


As long as you keep thinking that Sony shouldn't do anything that helps Xbox you aren't thinking like someone running a business. Sony bases decisions on how something will benefit Sony. As a consumer shouldn't you want the greatest amount of games at the highest quality for the least amount of money. Sony cannot "beat" Microsoft under any circumstances because they are on completely different playing fields. The only advantage Sony has is console sales and gaming revenue. Microsoft pretty much makes money from everywhere and Microsoft doesn't see Sony as the enemy, they see them as partners in the gaming space. Sony pays Microsoft for keeping our saved games and all other files on the cloud. When someone spends $1.00 on PlayStation for Minecraft, Microsoft gets $0.70 or every sale that Sony makes of Deathloop Microsoft gets 70%. The same thing will happen with CoD if they keep the yearly CoD releases on PS and Warzone as well. If Sony sees it could take a piece of Gamepass from MS to improve its own profit they will no doubt eventually capitulate. I will go on with my Xbox Series X, my PS5 and my PS and play my RPG's and my walking simulators and my MMO's on whichever ecosystem has the greatest experience. My PS4 was my everyday and 3rd party gaming system and I hardly ever played Xbox One but this generation my Series X is my everyday console with my PS5 being used for Sony exclusives. PC for everything in between.

James McGivern

The diversity of analysis on display here is really great. You all are really building something special

Josh Paradysz

Great episode! This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for since this news dropped.

Michael Miller

The greatest meet up since the Yalta Conference.

Kbr Sports

I think regarding the point of IPs, we can't really have it both ways as consumers because we're now talking out both sides of our mouth. We always want to celebrate the developers making the games they want to make but then we also criticize the companies for not forcing one of their studios to do an IP because the fanbase wants it. Rare who did Banjo-Kazooie said they don't want to do it now. The same people who made it probably aren't still there. Is it right for Microsoft just to force them to do it because fans want it?? Idk seems two-faced on that opinion. Everyone says the best games come from studios that want to make them, rather than those forced to.

William Holbert

You guys are the BEST! Very interesting discussion. Thank you.


Great conversation!!


Great episode guys. Love seeing the five of you together on one show, keep up the great work.


Truly, the crossover event we need at the start of this year. And honestly? The beauty of the game industry right now is that we get to have these conversation; that competition between the big game companies is keeping things fresh and interesting. Xbox One was a dire generation, saved only towards the end by Xbox One X and the backwards compatible program. Now, the Series consoles + Game Pass, alongside PS5 with its upcoming heavy hitters, Nintendo's bold visions for its long-standing franchises, and PC gaming's large and complex offerings is making this generation of gaming the most engaging, for sure.

Greg McDonald

Great episode guys. There's one thing about Game Pass that I've not really heard anyone else mention (besides Colin briefly in this episode) is that I don't think it is good for the consumer. I feel more & more in the past few years that everyone feels the need to play every new game that comes out. I was listening to another podcast a few weeks ago and one of the hosts was talking about this schedule of games she *had* to play through before a certain date before another game came out (let's say it was Guardians and Halo for example) just because she wanted to be part of the conversation, even if that meant cheesing her way through the game or not finishing it even if she was enjoying it because she had to be a part of the new conversation the following week. My point is that if all of our games are "free" we'll give a lot less time to each game, move onto the next one and potentially miss something we really like. Take Spotify for example, not only does it completely screw the artists but it's changed the way we consume music too. Around 20 years ago I bought Iron Maiden's greatest hits - it took me a further 2 years or so to complete their whole back catalog because I wanted to savour each album for a couple of months, nowadays you'd just find a playlist and pick the songs you like off of one listen and stick with them. If you did the same with Game Pass and bounce off every game after an hour or so you're potentially missing out. Then the year will be over, you've played 50 games but can hardly remember a thing about them. Sorry if this post is kind of all over the place it's really fiddly to post on my phone in Patreon comments!


This was such a great treat. Thanks fellas.


I think the consumer needs to ask whether it wants more, or whether it wants better. I don't think you can have both.

Ian Everett Trout

Really appreciated the talk about 2nd and 3rd party exclusives and the reminder that doing your history homework is important. This is exactly why I listen to and pay for this content. I love that I feel consistently challenged when I listen to you all.

Gavin Newland

Definitely would love to see more of you all together, Great conversation guys much love 😘😘

Josh Horsfield

I absolutely loved this crossover. Would definitely be keen for more of this.


I really enjoyed this one but could lord get his mic boosted? I feel like he’s so low compared to everyone else.