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The conversation on NFTs accelerated from joke to hot button topic in a matter of weeks as companies across gaming being to embrace a new genre: Play-to-earn. Joining us is Robert, an attorney and compliance specialist in the digital payments industry. Robert is also a gamer, NFT owner, and he considers himself "cautiously optimistic" about the future of NFTs. To pick his brain some more and educate ourselves as well as the masses, we invited him on to discuss the potential and the very bad of these digital assets.



Cristian R

Let’s go!!

Ron Murrenus

NFT and blockchain have got to be the worst words of the year

Cristian R

I’m in the same boat with the digital collectibles.. NBA Top Shot and VEVE collectibles got me in the door


I'm pretty sure I have a counter argument to everything this dude said. I'm glad he's having fun with it but all I thought of was the meme of the dude with clown makeup on.


This is an important, great episode! I think this should probably go to public feeds, eventually. Great conversation, guys.


He made me care even less about NFTs and whatnot. I also think Matty and Cog are doing themselves a disservice by doing all the interviews with each other. Colin’s are so great because it’s just him and the other person. 1 on 1 is so much better.

Llogan from mmry.crd

I'm really glad to see you guys do this episode. I'm very much a supporter of crypto and NFTs, and I appreciate you guys taking the time to have this conversation, and let someone on the other side of the issue present their views. LSM has kind of been an echo chamber of NFT hate, so I think it says a lot you guys were so open to the discussion.

Jordan Falduto

With this conversation, the Descenders dev, and the Drinkboc dev... youre making em look like the Scared Suckers over there. Thank you for giving someone the platform to have this conversation.

Kenneth Koepnick

I appreciate the enthusiasm… and his perspective was interesting. That said… a lot of pyramid scheme language. I don’t begrudge people who want to collect digital whatever… and NFTs seem like the path to streamline/authenticate their collectibility. I also don’t see a world where Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo are going to let someone else sell their games digitally on their platforms. So that conversation feels like a dead end dream pitched to convince folks they might benefit from NFTs.

Nathaniel Taylor

Interesting conversation but this proved all of my issues with NFT’s. Lots of missed arguments. There is a huge flaw in the “monet” example. A monet is physical and you actually own a thing. There are physical, identifiable differences between the real thing and a fake. With a nft, a screenshot or recording is literally the exact same as the real thing outside of a tag for artificial value. There may be a conversation about selling used digital games, but that is not the route that devs will go.

Nathaniel Taylor

Additionally the idea of digital scarcity is an oxymoron. Digital goods are limitlessly able to be replicated. A digital tag doesnt change that. Nft’s are a nothing but a pyramid scheme. No argument i have seen has proven me wrong.


I really liked the discussion and I'm glad he was able to get his thoughts out freely with no fear of being judged, that said I do think there could have been more questions asked, especially in regard to some of the talking points he brought up. Either way though, it was interesting to hear his thoughts and to have a different perspective on NFTs :)

Collin Love

If you can learn anything from this convo, it’s don’t buy NFTs.


Up the same week that 'Folding Ideas' YT destroys NFTs and crypto. If you don't know who the fool is in the situation, it's you.

Raymond Stuart

Thank you for the really informative discussion. I learned a lot and the examples that your guest shared do start to make sense. I still don't think Blockchain is necessary. For instance, if Gamestop solve digital used gaming, it would only be because the difference platforms cooperated and would necessarily depend on centralized companies cooperating. And Gamestop would likely create a centralized solution instead of a blockchain. I can see digital trading cards and digital art collection as viable uses of the blockchain. However, centralized auction houses where the publishing companies get a cut of the transactions is a more likely approach with a lower barrier to entry and incentive for publishers.


Grateful for another example of civil discourse by LSM. Unfortunately, I don’t think Robert persuaded me, but I appreciate his patience to understand another POV. Great episode guys.

Boomboom Washington

This was pretty interesting. Honestly, I wouldn't mind dicking around with all this business once I have a little more disposable income.

Josh Tarpley

Highly recommend everyone check out the video/essay/film/podcast "Line Goes Up - The Problem with NFTs" by Dan Olsen. Extremely informative and thorough. The definitive takedown of NFTs in my opinion


As much as I appreciate the discussion I don't think we need to humour these people. It's just a pyramid scheme and he's trying to get some people to join the bottom. If anybody owns an NFT then they have a conflict of interest and should not be brought on to discuss it.

Charlie Davenport

Finally a patron! I absolutely need to chime in as im pro NFT as well as a gamer from the time I can remember (started on the GameCube and Playstation 1 at 4 years old)... profile picture NFTs are not of interest to me really.. NFTs that serve as in game items or that have utility or creates an opportunity for gamers ( specifically in regions that have suffered from hyper inflation) to make MONEY and garner actual real world value and assets from putting a massive amount of time into something.. think if TF2 had NFT items and the secondary market was easily liquidated into well.. cash in your bank! Seriously as a gamer I DO NOT understand the hate at the level of education on the subject that I've gained. It seems most of the hate stems from people not doing research and not educating themselves on what NFT tech can actually do. Yes there are scams in the space now.. yes Meta(facebook) is extremely gringey and no one should trust them with this.. but NFTs and the Metavers are the next evolution of gaming and I believe it to be EXTREMELY pro consumer.. I could go on for hours about this but for some reason I can't do paragraphs here on mobile but ill stop for now.. if either if the dukes are interested in any more conversation on this I would love to chat privately or otherwise if yall are interested. Or with anyone for that matter but ill leave it alone for now.. take it easy!