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Twisted Resistor | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 185

First party rumors are growing. With a Twisted Metal revival unannounced (but very much in-development) comes word that it's now an internal project under the control of Firesprite. Meanwhile, the candor ex-Bend Studio leads displayed in a conversation with David Jaffe continue to reverberate, bringing to light the possibility of a Resistance revival, or something new in the world of Syphon Filter. Meanwhile, word out of the UK is that PlayStation Now cards will stop being sold in physical stores, a near-certain sign that Sony's GamePass competitor is nearing. There's more news to discuss, too, including Dying Light 2's hour-count misstep, the continuing manufacture of PlayStation 4, tantalizing details surrounding a possible Armored Core revival, and indications that a second Quantic Dream game may be in development. We then interrupt tradition by forgoing our mailbag-centric ending for something grander: Our Game of the Year awards. We each pick our top three games of 2021, and give away five random awards, as well. So hit play! There's much to discuss. Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/notaxation Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7... This episode does not have timestamps. #SacredSymbols #LastStandMedia #PSVR2 Timestamps: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:11:17 - Horizon Forbidden West spoilers are out there. 0:12:12 - God of War (2018) is out on PC. 0:15:36 - Scoop: Marketing spends are high at Sony with major third-party exclusives in the works. 0:19:31 - Scoop: Take Two’s 2K deal with Supermassive was previously a Stadia game. 0:19:01 - PlayStation Now cards are being pulled from retail. 0:25:20 - Will Dying Light 2 actually take 500 hours? 0:37:46 - Riot is making it easy for unhappy employees to leave. 0:39:11 - What is going on with G4? 0:51:53 - PlatinumGames has a new CEO 0:51:58 - Rainbow Six Siege has a new Creative Director. 0:52:35 - Respawn’s unannounced single-player game has lost its director. 0:58:23 - The Battlefield 2042 subreddit is a shit show. 1:06:01 - SEGA has a new team; Sapporo Studio. 1:06:16 - What have we been playing? 1:28:06 - Twisted Metal development has reportedly shifted from Lucid to Firesprite. 1:36:18 - The Bend Studio saga continues to evolve. 1:45:42 - Sony is still making more PS4s than intended. 1:54:33 - Armored Core is on track for a revival. 2:03:35 - Quantic Dream’s The Dark Sorcerer could be on its way back to life. 2:09:56 - Take Two Interactive has acquired Zynga. 2:19:30 - Sony has revealed December’s best-selling games. 2:20:48 - 2021’s sales numbers for PlayStation have been revealed. 2:32:17 - News Wrap-Up 2:35:18 - Game of the Year Discussion 2:36:22 - Dustin’s #3 GOTY 2:39:03 - Chris’ #3 GOTY 2:42:39 - Colin’s #3 GOTY 2:49:02 - Dustin’s #2 GOTY 2:52:34 - Chris’ #2 GOTY 2:57:13 - Colin’s #2 GOTY 3:02:50 - Dustin’s #1 GOTY 3:08:02 - Chris’ #1 GOTY 3:13:05 - Colin’s #1 GOTY 3:17:49 - The Sacred Symbols Awards


Jeffrey Willingham

Gotta see the G4 conversation. Adam Sessler is a nut job who recently tweeted that republicans drink piss and only totter between white nationalism and Nazism. Reasonable dude. What a fucking douche. lol


How has none of the SS crew had 500+ hours in a game!? Surprised Chris didn't have that in Destiny.


the drink piss thing is because it was actually being suggested as a COVID cure lol


I'm so happy that Chris is playing Prey. I replied to his tweet about it as well. I played Prey last year when it came to gamepass and I fell in love with it. I think I'm missing only two achievements from the main game and I haven't touched the DLC. I burnt out during my second playthrough of the game and put it down. I really want a sequel to Prey but man, it'll never happen.


In the military, we called that part of the rifle you pull back to load a round the "charging handle".


My only issue with the G4 rant is exactly that comment that seemingly claims Olivia and Morgan weren't there to be objectified. I wonder if Frosk invoking their names might have put these two in a weird position. I can't help but wonder how they feel about the way they were used on television, and if they ever wanted to come out and speak negatively about these roles they played on G4. If they did so now, they'd be doing it in direct contradiction to a woman's voice on G4, who was trying to speak in their defense as a comrade. I just wonder.

Rob Aitken

ok I need to ask, at 10 minute mark Chris drinks a Snapple. As a man of the Mid Atlantic I can't in good conscience support that company with their plastic bottles and non pop tops. They don't even make the sound anymore, Chris how could you?

Greg Hadden

In the spirit of Dustin dropping a bussin’… GAME OF THE YEAR POD SHEEEEEEEEESH

Zack Fair

Guys just wondering, how many spare free time in hours do you have a week for example. Just wondering as you talk about how many games/hours you've spent in them and was curious to know if you have more or less time than say a person working for example 40-50 hours a week. Keep up with the awesome content guys

Frank G.

Yo, forget a last of us remake. This cover art makes me want to play a twisted metal black remake. Sans Dustin ofcourse 😂 stand down Chump.


When will we get 60frames PS4 games? RDR2, Witcher 3,mafia 3, the outer worlds etc…

Kenneth Oms

On battlefield 2042, the game has major performance issues to the point where a company that sells cheats has stopped selling them for the game because the game’s performance is so bad that it makes the cheats unusable. This is the third game in a row by Dice that has had some major controversy: battlefront 2, battlefield V, and now battlefield 2042. I think it’s time for fans to move on and vote with their wallet.

Stefan Catinella

God I love your Misato shirt. Best girl.


I have way less free time than the average person who works 40 hours a week. I eat 40 hour workweeks with no issue.

Greg Hadden

Dustin getting that spider/bug off his mic and trying not to crack up was hilarious

Walker Simmons

My top 3 games this year were probably little nightmares 2, Inscryption and Returnal. Also loved Ratchet and Clank, It takes 2, Re8 Deaths Door, Kena, Guardians,, Death Loop and many more. Overall not the best year for games but the lack of huge releases made me fill time with smaller games that I ended up loving

Dave Carsley

Couldn't the unannounced 3rd party Sony exclusive be the Silent Hill thing that's been rumored forever?


I think you might be overlooking that it is possible Sony sees the PS4, if it does not create a conflict with PS5, as a critical tie over component for Project Spartacus. It could be pretty smart in my opinion. If it doesn’t sell a lot of units, it will keep people better integrated in Sony ecosystem. It’s definitely not a series S but it’s something.


Shit, now I want to watch g4 just to see what is going on. Wasn't a everyday watcher but really enjoyed attack of the show and x play. I get no one younger than me (turning 40 tomorrow on mlk day) has cable anymore but there is nothing on cable television that features video games. I get that youtube/twitch etc fill this space but sometimes I just wanna scroll through live TV and if there was gaming shit I would check it out. G4 here I come.


It's true, though Sony's internal strategy seemed intent on stopping PS4 production by this point (though they deny it).

Richard Duflo

I know it was stated that Bend didn’t know how to bring back Syphon Filter, but is it possible they came up with something for it and that’s what they’re working on? I have been dying for a new Syphon Filter game 😩


There used to be a website called gamstat that would estimate player numbers using trophy data and leaked playstation documentation but it closed down a while ago.

Brandon Soto

Wow, no mention of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. A lot of people just found it fun, but disappointing. Myself included.


Colin, if you're curious how reviving G4 got past a board room, Itsagundum did a video on the whole thing where he briefly touched in who Olivia Munn was dating when the decision to buy/revive G4 happened. Suddenly the pieces start falling into place haha

Cameron Sanderson

Real happy to see Chris enjoying Prey so much. I played it some time around launch, and absolutely loved it, and I was playing on PS4 (maybe pro, can’t remember). I just loved a lot of the things that it did, and some of the game play involved. I went and finished my own play style, and got a good ending. Then I decided to go for the platinum. Finished it saving everyone again, and not taking on any powers. And then another play through making sure everyone died by my hand, to get the evil ending. I really had a lot of fun with it.

Skull King

I’m new here, will Colin read this? I believe the website could be http://gamstat.com It’s fine now but use the way back machine to see it 15 months ago and you may see it shows total users at that time Hope this helps :) How do I write this in? I’m new here

James Pies

Xbox Game Pass had a nice showing at the awards this year.


CDC - you guys are up for some tough love! Long-time supporter, very rare poster. Very clearly, you are the best podcast out there on all things games - no competition. However; three things to watch out for - 1) Stop becoming little wimps: 500 hours for a game is too long? My wife has 1,230+ hours on Animal Crossing and she ain’t done, yet. Maybe check your games diversity privilege and get back to crushing some GAMES. 2) Stop hating on innovation just because it is cool to do so: Smart Delivery, SteamDeck, and now NFTs. Maybe just watch how these things play out before crucifying them. 3) Colin - WTF happened to you? You used to be a man of principle. A full trash can for Micah? Come on… Love you all - if my European sense of humor doesn’t quite translate, rest assured that some of this is sarcasm. Have a great weekend and play some games!


Seems like it would be smarter to take your money, put it in a garbage can, dump some lighter fluid on it, and then light it on fire.

Liam Mcnulty

That feminist rant on G4 was hilarious, I loved every second of it. She really thought she did something 😂 her little minions clapping along like seals was also funny to me. Felt like 2016 again lol. I personally don't see a problem with sexualisation, many women enjoy it, and get their start that way. Olivia Munn clearly had fun with it. As long as the man/woman is on board with it, I don't see the issue, at all. Humans like sexualisation lol. Adam Sessler... I used to like him, all that coke frazzled his brains. And it's loading a round into the chamber lol.


My wild guess for a Sony 3rd party exclusive is that it will be something Star Wars related whether that's Fallen Order 2 or something unknown like Republic Commando 2. With the kotor remake underway, Sony would be smart to make their console the place to consume Final Fantasy, Star Wars and Marvel.

Zack Fair

I don't know, but Bend come off as really salty and not very professional also. Fancy tweeting about Ghost of Tsushima 8 million and trying to hijack it. Bend took too long, ate up probably more money than sucker punch and it wasnt a success like Ghost of Tsushima, cry 8 million all bend wants but that was heavily discounted and given away for free at times also

bix hutch

Hey Colin, Chris and Dustin! On the topic of G4, I plead that you watch this video I've attached. It is the most shocking, embarrassing piece of content I have seen in a vey long time. This is G4s Xbox predictions for 2022. While I would now consider myself an Xbox gamer since the 360 era, even I watched this and was like "what in the flaming trash can of cow shit did I just watch?". To start off, Adam Sessler gives about 5 peices of information that are wrong and have to be corrected in video. Gerrard, (who's youtube channel is great) openly says in the video he's not an Xbox gamer, doesn't play on Xbox and doesn't really know what to predict for Xbox.................... on the FUCKEN XBOX PREDICTION VIDEO!!!!!! Lastly, the chick involved in all this controversy (I don't know her name) go's on to say some highly inflammatory shit about Playstation which could be considered nothing other then toxic. Funny that the person claiming to be suffering from the toxicity of the fans happens to be by far the most toxic person in the room. Then after calling Playstation "a dead man walking!" she gos on to say she doesn't even own an Xbox. I couldn't believe that somebody actually recorded this video and released it to the public for any other reason than the fact they wanted everybody on the set fired and shamed by anybody who saw it. I dare all of Last Stand Media to watch this video as if it were The Ring tape because you will likely die within a week from the horror. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_dEyKq9z4c

bix hutch

Also a quick question for Colin. How are series S sales not the same thing as series X sales? You made that statement just after saying how impressive PS4s sales were. Don't those sales count the PS4 Pro? Do you not count the pro sales for PS4? I'm not sure why the series S wouldn't count as next gen sales when the S was designed to be able to run all the same games as the X but at a lower resolution. All of the Xbox first party games going forward will not be playable on previous Xbox generations (Except for through the cloud) but they will be able to be natively played on the S. Redfall, Starfield, Forza Motorsport, Hell Blade 2, Fable, Avowed. None of those games will be on the Xbox one but they will be on the S. What is your logic on that statement? Just curious.


Series S is a next gen console. Play Forza 5, FlightSim or the Matrix demo on it if you want to know why. It is not the highest tier next gen console out there - but that’s the point. There is a great comparison by Digital Foundry between Series S and One X. Very good read: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2022-cross-gen-face-off-xbox-series-s-vs-xbox-one-x At the end of the day it comes down to optimization. Also, DLSS and other AI tools will only improve the console’s output. Really looking forward to Starfield on that tiny beast.

bix hutch

That’s exactly my point. I own both the X and S and you’re correct. The S is a tiny little beast. I played Forza Horizon 5 on my LG 77 inch OLED and it’s pretty impressive that the tiny little S can perform that well. On a screen that big I did notice that it wasn’t 4k but besides that the games looks pretty much the same as the Series X version. Look up videos of the Xbox one version of FH 5 and that will tell you that the series S is most certainly a next gen console.

Tony Rivera

PSA - and I'm curious what you think on it, Colin.. They quietly released the PS4 port of FarCry Blood Dragon about a month ago. I never actually played it myself so I was excited to see that it finally released. They bundled it as part of the Season Pass, but I agree with you. Not sure I want to pull the pricey trigger on the Season Pass. But Blood Dragon is $15 I believe. I may pick it up, what about you? (I heard it's still locked at 30 fps even on PS5, so that's a bummer)


They're fundamentally different consoles when compared to everything that came before... but I don't really care. It doesn't matter to me. I'm not hung-up on sales (and if I were, I'd beat the drum that PS5 is steadily outselling Xbox).


I'm not sure if there's going to be a submission thread for the next episode as previous ones aren't showing up for me, even though I am the tier, so if there will be I'll write this there again / instead. Hello CCD, Just wanted to write in a short piece about the BF 2042 Reddit and overall what's happening. EA has been doing pretty well with BF in the past. BF3 was adored, 4 released buggy but is now often considered the best in the franchise, BF1 is loved and played to this day for how different it was, and even with all the backlash at the beginning, BF5 is seen as a good entry as well, so nobody expected what has happened. Sure bugs, server issues etc. were expected, unfortunately, as it is an EA game after all. However, nobody thought the game would release in the state it is now. Tom Henderson, who is often mentioned on the podcast in recent weeks, is a huge insider when it comes to the Battlefield franchise. He released a video on his personal YouTube channel discussing the timeline of BF2042, which went through hell. Starting off as a Battle Royale game, which explains the lack of roles/classes as we always had in BF and now instead have characters with abilities like in Overwatch. The game as we know it today, a bland multiplayer game with 7, yes only 7, large, pretty empty maps that seem to be developed solely for vehicle combat, which in itself is absolutely dismal. 21 weapons, 2 game modes in the core game - portal exists which allows you to play TDM, but those servers aren't official EA ones, but player owned, no campaign and a Escape from Tarkov like mode that apparently is being left and won't be updated anymore. So at the moment we have a game that we paid $70/€80 for, with very little content, characters nobody who plays battlefield ever asked for - who actually are a mockery themselves, the game was portrayed to us as this gritty post apocalyptic game yet the characters talk as if they're from Fortnite or, for those who play BF2042 or pay attention to the memes they know I'm talking about Angel especially. So, naturally, the community is angry. We haven't gotten real updates to the game that give us any new content, there's a skin or gun charm once a week or a game mode is added to portal, that should be in the game, and taken away after a few days. And then we find out that the next battlefield is going to be a hero shooter, even more like overwatch. Moving away even more from what Battlefield as a franchise is, and why the fans love it. And this is where the Reddit finally comes in. There are, of course, the loud minority, who threaten developers on twitter etc. However, the majority, just wants answers. According to leaks there's no new real content until March, and the game released in November. But, we don't even know if it is March or not, nobody from EA is answering fans, communicating with the community, the insiders, the content creators, nobody has any idea what's going on, is anything going to be fixed, or let alone added to the game. After weeks and weeks of people wanting answers the battlefield twitter account keeps posting concept art of the game, which looks nothing like what we have in terms of content or the theme / vibe. On Steam more people are playing BF5 and BF1 separately than there are 2042, and of course we don't have console numbers. If they continue like this they'll lose the community completely as it's worse than it was with BF4 and BF V. No matter the amount of content they'll add in the coming months it will be too late as that content should have been there already on release. Sure we can vote with our pockets with the next game, but that is years away. People need their voices heard by EA. Players should actually have content in a game they paid $70 for. And not be playing a game that started proper development in early 2020. As I said already, everyone expected bugs, crashes etc, that's understandable to a certain degree. But nobody expected a game that is in an alpha like state for full price from one of the largest publishers, and a developer that even with hiccups here and there, has been trusted to this day. I apologise for making this so long, lots of love from County Kerry in Ireland ♥️

Cass Whelan

I have no idea why, but watching Dustins desk sink down around the 1hr 12 mark made me feel really queasy. Also, thanks for reading my comment. Been listening for some 12 years and have only written in since joining patreon this month. It made my day.

Samuel Zamora

During the Gun conversation… I was one of those screaming at you Dustin! It’s magazine, not clip. Haha.

Napoleon in Rags

Is this title inspired by Korn or 311?? I think either could work…


I had the exact same experience with Prey than Chris had. Heavily disliked it at first. Picked it up a few years later, and now it's one of my favourite games. Here's hoping that we get a sequel one day, although I doubt it.

bix hutch

I didn’t ask you about the sales numbers, we know that PS outsells Xbox. I asked you why you don’t consider the S as next gen sales but you consider the Pro for the last gen which you didn’t really answer but whatever.


It's funny listening to this and the discussion around how important the zynga deal was now we have the xbox news 😅

Hose A Contra Razz

Any chance will get a physical collection of your games on Switch?

Raymond Stuart (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 17:24:21 I think this reinforces that Microsoft doesn't see Sony as their primary competitor. Apple, Google, Amazon, or Facebook could have bought Activision. This grows their precense in the eSports , mobile, PC, and streaming. Sony is hurt but I don't think this was aimed at them solely. Xbox would love GamePass on PS. They want it on Switch. They want it on TVs and every single device. Other than a merger with Disney; I really think PS needs to keep making great games. I think the botique route is not a bad one. I think most gamers will buy PS & PC or PS & Xbox.
2022-01-19 19:16:49 I think this reinforces that Microsoft doesn't see Sony as their primary competitor. Apple, Google, Amazon, or Facebook could have bought Activision. This grows their precense in the eSports , mobile, PC, and streaming. Sony is hurt but I don't think this was aimed at them solely. Xbox would love GamePass on PS. They want it on Switch. They want it on TVs and every single device. Other than a merger with Disney; I really think PS needs to keep making great games. I think the botique route is not a bad one. I think most gamers will buy PS & PC or PS & Xbox.

I think this reinforces that Microsoft doesn't see Sony as their primary competitor. Apple, Google, Amazon, or Facebook could have bought Activision. This grows their precense in the eSports , mobile, PC, and streaming. Sony is hurt but I don't think this was aimed at them solely. Xbox would love GamePass on PS. They want it on Switch. They want it on TVs and every single device. Other than a merger with Disney; I really think PS needs to keep making great games. I think the botique route is not a bad one. I think most gamers will buy PS & PC or PS & Xbox.

superbadisfunny .

I would love to have another motostorm game. There is no other racing game like it out there. Motorstorm apocalypse was fantastic. I'd take it over a twisted metal any day