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A few years ago, I (Colin) had an idea that I thought was really clever, but in fact lots of people were already doing it: Selecting video games like football or baseball players on a fantasy team, and having a 'fantasy league' based on Metacritic. It wasn't a new idea, which took me a few years to get over. But I'm finally ready to embrace it, now. On this episode of +, the three core Sacred hosts select 12 games, coming to PlayStation platforms (or perceived to be!), launching in 2022 (or so you may think!), that will score highest on Metacritic. Why 12? So we can shake our lists down to 10... and hope for the best!




I just listened to episode 1 of sacred symbols plus four days ago and was hoping for another fantasy draft as you suggested at the end of that 2019 episode so this is unreal timing... At least for me =D


I *want* to be excited for Midnight Suns, but will forever be disappointed if Moon Knight is snubbed from the in-game roster. My favorite marvel character and he's never had a more sensible time for a video game inclusion, between the precedent of him being in the Midnight Son comics and increased public knowledge of the character thanks to the Disney+ show this year

Stephen Forgione

Gran turismo 7 hasn’t scored a 9+ on metacritic since the 3rd one. Really curious if it’ll be a return to form for the series since I think the next Forza Motorsport will come this year, too

Quintin Propes

Colin you should do a fantasy football league next season with the sacred symbols supporters!

Mitchell Lundsberg

Salt and sacrifice is a good pick. Salt and sanctuary might be favorite ps vita game ever. This year already sounds more promising than last year which was good but forgettable overall.


Since you guys allowed the PS5 version of GTA5, I’m surprised no one picked up the PS5 version of The Witcher 3. If the port is good, should be a pretty safe 9+ score

Lee Bull

Witcher 3 would be my first pick, Cyberpunk would be 2nd. Safe 170~ points from those two. Cannot believe nobody took either of them.


Baffling that none of the sports franchises MLB, madden nba2k, nhl, fifa were picked or picked higher. Mlb will be a 85 min


Cyberpunk might actually get review bombed

Mitchell Lundsberg

This year will be very interesting for MLB the show with the current lockout and no one is talking about it. The game usually releases in March/April and we haven’t heard a single thing about this game.

Cristian R

Shocked and disappointed that no one selected Blue Box Games Studio’s Abandoned lol. Great show as usual gents.


My sleeper pick would’ve been oxenfree 2.

Brian Comstock

Holy crap Colin you just wiped the floor with them with those picks


I love video game fantasy drafts. Easy Allies has been doing this for a few years and its been a highlight. Coincidentally this episode went up the same day as their fantasy draft results/ new picks.

Trevor Myers

These draft shows are some of the best Last Stand Content. deffinatly looking forward to all the great games that are (hopefully) out this year!

Jeremy Craves

I played Rogue Legacy 2’s early access and then went back to the original. The new one is on track to be even better.

Ivan Hornett

I can’t believe no one took F1 2022. Guaranteed to come out and they average mid to high 80s.


Kyle took it from Shane from SIFTD, who Colin once had on the show. Then some guy made the website for it and everybody started doing it.


Interesting to see this as a PS only draft. Shocked Horizon wasn’t number 1.


Surprised no one went for this years call of duty. Not my cup of tea, but critics generally cream up over them, nearly always infamously in the 8-8.5’s. Granted last years apparently was a bit of a dud, so can see the cause for hesitancy. Great show guys, love the premise.

Jonny K.

Would the PS5 release of cyberpunk or Witcher 3 have been eligible? I would have thought those would have been shoe in picks. Also, great episode.


I had the same thought, especially with it being an Infinity Ward year, a Modern Warfare game, and maybe the possibility of finally being current gen only. Love the episode, looking forward to seeing the points calculated. It may be worth getting a trophy made that can sit in the background of the winner’s video feed and get passed around year-to-year.


Snake draft for the fairness our boy Chris was robbed


You guys should add something that the person in last place has to do as punishment. We do that in my fantasy sports leagues and always makes things more interesting. Something like having to play through a (reasonably lengthed) game that we all know they would hate.

Mark Whittington

Anyone pick any Activision games 🤣

Thomas Adamson

Picking remasters of old games is lame as hell. It’s almost impossible for the uncharted collection to be significantly less than the original metacritic.

Tim Harrington

Anyone want to put our own league together? The fantasy critics website is pretty dope to keep it all together.


Im late, but wow. Really surprised no one took the native PS5 release of Witcher 3. Easy 90 points right there.

Matthew Cheatham

Listening to it right now and that's what I'm thinking too. Witcher PS5 would have been "The Asian delegation selects Wu-Tang Clan" level genius.