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First party rumors are growing. With a Twisted Metal revival unannounced (but very much in-development) comes word that it's now an internal project under the control of Firesprite. Meanwhile, the candor ex-Bend Studio leads displayed in a conversation with David Jaffe continue to reverberate, bringing to light the possibility of a Resistance revival, or something new in the world of Syphon Filter. Meanwhile, word out of the UK is that PlayStation Now cards will stop being sold in physical stores, a near-certain sign that Sony's GamePass competitor is nearing. There's more news to discuss, too, including Dying Light 2's hour-count misstep, the continuing manufacture of PlayStation 4, tantalizing details surrounding a possible Armored Core revival, and indications that a second Quantic Dream game may be in development. We then interrupt tradition by forgoing our mailbag-centric ending for something grander: Our Game of the Year awards. We each pick our top three games of 2021, and give away five random awards, as well. So hit play! There's much to discuss.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:11:12 - Horizon Forbidden West spoilers are out there.

0:12:12 - God of War (2018) is out on PC.

0:15:36 - Scoop: Marketing spends are high at Sony with major third-party exclusives in the works.

0:19:23 - Scoop: Take Two’s 2K deal with Supermassive was previously a Stadia game.

0:19:52 - PlayStation Now cards are being pulled from retail.

0:25:08 - Will Dying Light 2 actually take 500 hours?

0:37:34 - Riot is making it easy for unhappy employees to leave.

0:38:59 - What is going on with G4?

0:51:33 - PlatinumGames has a new CEO

0:51:58 - Rainbow Six Siege has a new Creative Director.

0:52:13 - Respawn’s unannounced single-player game has lost its director.

0:57:59 - The Battlefield 2042 subreddit is a shit show.

1:05:38 - SEGA has a new team; Sapporo Studio.

1:05:52 - What have we been playing?

1:27:32 - Twisted Metal development has reportedly shifted from Lucid to Firesprite.

1:35:37 - The Bend Studio saga continues to evolve.

1:44:52 - Sony is still making more PS4s than intended.

1:53:39 - Armored Core is on track for a revival.

2:02:39 - Quantic Dream’s The Dark Sorcerer could be on its way back to life.

2:08:56 - Take Two Interactive has acquired Zynga.

2:18:28 - Sony has revealed December’s best-selling games.

2:19:46 - 2021’s sales numbers for PlayStation have been revealed.

2:31:08 - News Wrap-Up

2:34:06 - Game of the Year Discussion

2:35:09 - Dustin’s #3 GOTY

2:37:45 - Chris’ #3 GOTY

2:41:18 - Colin’s #3 GOTY

2:47:35 - Dustin’s #2 GOTY

2:51:07 - Chris’ #2 GOTY

2:55:45 - Colin’s #2 GOTY

3:01:14 - Dustin’s #1 GOTY

3:06:27 - Chris’ #1 GOTY

3:11:30 - Colin’s #1 GOTY

3:16:12 - The Sacred Symbols Awards



Brandon Breeland

I love the Sacred Symbols Awards every year! Excited to dive in :)


Cheers! God of War on PC is now live as well as of 3 minutes ago.


The thumbnail is already fucking incredible lmao


Oh, excited to hear the Fantasy Draft episode is still on the docket! Looking forward to it. Cheers and hope y'all have a nice weekend.

Troy Leonard

Wasn’t the chicken walker the AT-ST, I always have said the letters not at at, and I’m 34. Never hear it Called at at.


I went straight to the G4 conversations. I was very happy to see G4 return when it was first announced. But then I started watching some of the programs and I realized…. This show is not for me anymore. Just the comedy and the personalities involved was not doing anything for me. Then the events of this past week happened. I agree with what Frosk said, but the whole “don’t like it don’t watch it” mentality of there is just bad. I believe G4 was a product of its time, now that just don’t work anymore. Thank you for the conversation LSM. Also Adam Sessler needs to see a Therapist. 😅


I do agree that women should not exist in gaming to be eye candy.... But to say that "Olivia Munn was not there to looked at" is beyond absurd. Right... She was dressing up as a french maid, doing Maxim cover shoots, and shoving hot dogs into her mouth for the purity of gaming. 🙄


i just found out about this whole G4 thing yesterday so this is perfect timing! i agreed with most of what she said in that segment. i’m sure she gets undue hatred from people in their audience simply for being a women and having a contradictory point of view. however, i was caught off guard so hard by everyone in the studio hooting and hollering like she was writing the sequel to the declaration of independence before their very eyes when she wasn’t really saying anything revolutionary. a sequence of layups treated like the game-winning slam dunk.

Jackie Rheu

Thanks collin!

Max Stahl

1,100 murders and executions? Damn, that sounds rather low!

Mitchell Lundsberg

MLB The Show 22? If not discussed soon online threats will be made lol. Love the show for a long time now and glad I upgraded to the $5 tier.

James Pies

Glad Chris is loving Prey. Easily Arkane's best game. Colin, if the combat is bothersome and you're looking to give it another shot, I recommend lowering the difficulty and leveling up certain abilities to bypass encounters easily. The story and immersion are special and shouldn't be missed!

There’s No I in LLC

Are you gonna do an interview with Troy Baker considering his recent backlash with NFT's?

Shane Geis

So we went from the Series S is a gimmicky system that no one will want to buy…. to it’s selling to good and should not count in Xbox sales that was fast 😂😂😂😂.


lmaooo right , guy is a hater man. Now they shouldnt include it in the sales numbers. These dudes are salty af.

Kenneth Oms

I remember when Adam Sess randomly tweeted that people should go jerk off to Colin or something in 2018 and then deleted it. I wish there was some expose on that guy to figure out what the hell happened to him.

Luke Silletta

That G4 incident was so odd. It seemed like they were already floundering and now they do this? Its also nice to see you get a well earned gloat against Adam Sessler.

Drew Sleezer

Talking about 500 hours being a lot doesn’t hit the same when I am about to eclipse 1,900 hours in Final Fantasy XIV… Loved every hour though!


I don't disagree with some of what she says. Other parts I do disagree with. Her disposition and attitude I totally disagree with. People love talking to other people like they're nothing.


After the way Adam unpersoned me and the things he said to me and how he treated me for no reason out of nowhere, he can get Fucked, with a capital F.


Is called the slide on a gun. And the tip of a shoelace is an aglet. I was literally yelling this in my car


Letsss gooooo ima watch this whole epsiode in 1 go

Brandon Soto

Halfway through Guardians myself. It’s an extraordinary game. Biggest surprise of last year by far

Matthew Ramsaur

Just listening through the episode and I just realized that Sony just pulled a play from Don Mattricks playbook. “If you can’t play our newest hardware we have a SKU for you! Last generations model!”


Hey Colin! Check out the game “Left Alive”. It’s the newest front mission game rebooted by square enix. Have a great year guys and thanks for the content!

Tick Dickler

Re: Zynga and POS mobile games: Want to hear a depressing fact? Last year, Apple made more money from gaming than Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Activision combined. Great episode!

Jamie Milligan

The primary thing I took away from that very odd G4 video. Is that Seals are capable of clapping better then Adam Sessler.

The Late Nate

For a shorter AAA experience from Sony first party, I'd love something with the Last of Us featuring Bandit Joel. We have a whole 20 year period that features the period of time where Joel told Ellie he was on the other end of holding people up, including Joel and Tommy falling out that could be covered. I wanna see and play Joel really become the villain for a period of time before meeting Tess, or even play as Tommy Although I understand why many would like to just leave the Last of Us alone at this point

Adam Thiry

Almost four hours-love it. I like the long ones. Keep up the good work guys

Draven E.

Am I the only one happy Colin is playing P5 vanilla first ? Having played both games and loving them both I don’t think anyone can really appreciate the plot twist in Persona 5 Royal without having the expectations of what is actually supposed to happen. No spoilers but the story changes in Royal were amazing to me because I knew what was supposed to happen.


3+ hours Yes!! I love the long ones. I can't wait to dive into it. Keep it up, guys.

Phil Walker

Its funny cause From already did 'another' mech game with Chromehounds on early 360. An underrated gem.


Nothing has been decided yet. Thing is, I don't know how Golden is different from the original Persona 4 because I've only been playing Golden and I'm unlikely to ever play the original. If that's true for Royal, then it's also true that I wouldn't necessarily be missing anything.


Colin, it’s funny hearing your thoughts on the Master Chief Collection’s $40 price tag when you yourself are an advocate of paying more for games you enjoy, ala “I’d pay more than $60” for Red Dead Redemption 2. $40 is a STEAL for those iconic games. Campaign, multiplayer, and some even have a horde mode. No brainer my guy. I won’t stand for the disrespect.


I agree it's a steal, but I'm also surprised by the 40:1 proposal put before me that makes any other decision that GamePass absurd. That is the point. They could have gotten $20 from me, but they will get $1.

Jeremy Seal

Yuji Nakgonna make games anymore.

Michael Buffill

Colin it's been announced Outriders is getting a "sizeable" paid expansion so be on the lookout.

Edwin Garcia

I really don’t think a Xbox Series S is equivalent of a PS4 Pro.

Hose A Contra Razz

The G4 started way before her rant, she said Sony PS5 is dead man walking it has no games and Xbox is going to win the generation she also said the Harry Potter game was an Xbox exclusive. The guys in the show did not correct her and Adam said you deal with the Sony mob. That’s when it started. She was so unformed that those guys were afraid to correct her because of mansplaning. She also said fuck trump supporters in her Twitter feed

Samuel Zamora

I think the only game I’ve put in over 250hrs was Metal Gear Online 2 (MGS4’s MP). I think the next two games that close in hours spent would be either MW 2019 and or Halo 1-3.


Regarding the G4 incident, the pushback Frosk received was to do with her saying she really factually wrong things. For example, saying Sony were behind Xbox in sales, Bioware was an Xbox exclusive studio, Bethesda hadn't had an original IP in 25 years etc. Her co-hosts even looked visibly perplexed with the stuff she was saying but just laughed it off. Seeing as she has her toes dipped deep in the "woke" pool, it's no wonder she turned it into "sexism", even though she said herself that her male counterparts receive backlash when sharing the same script. No doubt there may have been trolls, but a lot of this just stems from shitty people not having a clue what they're talking about and getting upset when people point that out.


I understand its origins, but people say wrong things all the time. Her reaction was otherwise, in a vacuum, worth reporting on, I think.

Jack Sibert

I appreciate Colin's humility, but there's a difference between occasionally getting things wrong on a professional broadcast, and being wrong several times on nearly every Profesional broadcast. What's more is that she will either deflect and/or refute that she was wrong. And then proceed to accuse every one pointing her flaws out of being sexist. The large pushback to her didn't just spawn overnight, it was a snowball of denial


PSA to all gamers, Far Cry 6 on PS5 is literally 20$ at Gamestop right now, so if you’re thinking about buying it at all definitely cop right now.


I’ve followed and appreciated Colin since the IGN days. Everyone else involved in the LSM shows is great too. I decided to back the Patreon when I finally realized just how much I was missing out on weekly. Very excited to be just a little more involved now and look forward to everything to come!

Chris Dell

Started Prey again because of Chris's recommendations, I previously only played the demo on the XBone, but now on the series S/X FPS boost makes it feel like a new game. It definitely has bioshock jump scare vibes, will definitely be playing more of it. The jump scares the mimics provide is like nothing I've experienced, just hitting randoms items in the world constantly 😂

Greg Hommel

“It sounds like people have a lot of justifiable reasons to be upset.” Worst quote of the year boys. I grow weary of people running with this narrative. This game is not buggy boys. Can you hear me? This game hasn’t been buggy since two weeks after launch. People are doing to this game and EA exactly what was done to Vince and Colin. The game does not have the content up front that Battlefield fans are used to. We knew they were going to adopt a battle pass model, so what did people think was going to be in the battle pass? The stuff that used to be visible immediately and took a long time to unlock. This can be a legitimate complaint that has a real impact, but people’s rabid desire to cancel EA has allowed a false narrative to run rampant through the media, including you guys, my boys. Do you know how ridiculous I feel defending EA? I would normally never put myself in such a position, but I am very sensitive to media hyperbole and this is affecting the game for sure. So please guys, play it and report your first hand experience or stop commenting on the gameplay.

Guillaume Drouin

I have to say I've spent 1300h playing R6 Siege due to a really bad breakup as well as 900h of Stellaris.

Carlos Moreno

Returnal is such a gem, it's awesome you gave it some love Colin!


Not a big deal at this point, but the turn of phrase Dustin was looking for was "rack the slide". Additional pedantry, most guns use magazines, not clips. Great episode though! Well done everyone

Josh Lucas

Returnal will always be tainted for me because it hard locked my ps5 three separate times, leaving me to just unplug it and corrupting my save. When contacting Housemarque about this they just told me to contact PlayStation. I did eventually beat the game but found the ambiguity of the story very disappointing.


Ben (our editor) also had really serious problems with it. Very strange. Sorry to hear it.