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This week's episode of Sacred Symbols is full of acronym soup. Let's start with the biggest news: PSVR2. While Sony revealed PlayStation VR's successor last year, we finally have new information, though -- frustratingly -- we still lack a release date or price. Along with fresh PSVR2 details comes a new game, too, something from the first party. It's called Horizon: Call of the Mountain, and we're eager to talk about it. Then: NFTs. Japanese publishers Square Enix and Konami are the latest to signal their intentions to enter the goofy world of the non-fungible token. What does it all mean for we gamers? We discuss. And how about TLoU? That stands for The Last of Us, of course, and compelling new rumors indicate a ground-up PS5 remake of the classic PS3 game is near. Plus: New details surrounding God of War: Ragnarok's release date, sales data for both Ghost of Tsushima and Days Gone, a delayed reveal for Final Fantasy XVI, Tencent's further expansion, and more, all capping off with listener inquiries. Are we underestimating Tom Holland's value to Sony? What's the deal with silent protagonists? Which 2022 release has the potential to be most disappointing? Is it okay to use your hand instead of a tissue when blowing your nose?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:10:02 - Colin is a monster.

0:11:41 - A merch update.

0:16:41 - Would you rather see your parents have sex or have your parents watch you have sex?

0:19:12 - Is it more efficient to blow my nose into my hand?

0:22:12 - Is my girlfriend insane for eating chicken nuggets like this?

0:23:55 - A Bloomberg article claims Ken Levine’s game is in development hell. (It isn’t)

0:34:57 - Sonic Frontiers was originally slated for 2021.

0:35:40 - Bully 2 was real. It was also cancelled.

0:41:01 - Ubisoft is bringing their subscription service to Xbox.

0:43:37 - Babylon’s Fall has gone gold.

0:46:16 - There’s more SaGa in the works.

0:46:58 - Skull & Bones has lost its Associate Game Director.

0:49:04 - Twitch viewership is way up.

0:51:20 - What have we been playing?

1:13:37 - Sony has begun unveiling the PSVR2.

1:35:13 - A new Horizon game is coming to PSVR2.

1:47:25 - The Last of Us’ remake may be nearing completion.

1:55:26 - God of War: Ragnarok has been rated for launch on PS4 and PS5, along with other  GoW info.

2:00:42 - Ghost of Tsushima has surpassed 8 million units sold.

2:13:45 - Square Enix is diving into the world of NFTs.

2:27:57 - Final Fantasy XVI is behind schedule.

2:32:25 - Tencent has acquired Turtle Rock and is working with Remedy.

2:34:18 - John Madden has passed away.

2:39:09 - Klonoa will live again.

2:42:26 - January’s PS+ and PS Now games are live.

2:43:30 - News Wrap-Up

2:44:35 - This just in, Tom Holland is young, and people find him appealing.

2:52:47 - What IP would we reinvent?

2:56:51 - Is it possible that the rumored MGS1 remake will be neutered for more modern audiences?

3:02:10 - What are our thoughts on silent protagonists?

3:09:23 - What 2022 game will be the biggest disappointment?

3:14:50 - Did any pre-patch capable games launch with game breaking bugs?




Just looking at the show notes here. Did you guys forget that Valkyrie was acquired? Love the show always but this seems like a glaring omission

Michael Buffill

I love a beefy 3+ hour episode to get me through the work day!

Brandon Soto

🎵The boys are back in townnnnn🎵

Angel DeJesus

If Dustin says "Meta" one more time in this podcast.....in gonna write a very negative review

Kenneth Oms

Great episode bro. I thought that the bully 2 article was a letdown. A lot of the information was already reported by the YouTuber SWEGTA years ago and covered by VGC. SWEGTA even got confirmation from an old rockstar New England employee

Jake Z

Colin, please use your remaining time to play The Forgotten City over Death's Door before the GOTY episode. It only takes about 6 hours and it very likely could be your GOTY, and maybe one of your favorite games of all time. It's right up your alley. It's about history, religion, morality, philosophy, and politics, everything you want games to explore more.

Context Should Matter

About Bloomberg’s article and the graph they posted: “The corporate press is FACTUAL, but not TRUTHFUL.” -Michael Malice


Yeah, it was a little bit of an older and more indiscrete story than I had hoped, but I thought it was still interesting.

Bogey Zero

Jeff Ross got the 8 million number from a trophy tracking site. Which means a good amount of those numbers is from used games.

Bogey Zero

You said you might be interested to do an episode discussing all this NFT nonsense and get someone on. Hoeg was on Twitter a few weeks back defending them and criticizing people who are immediately jumping on the hate band wagon without giving them a chance. He might good a good candidate for that episode.


Thank you chris for pointing out the possibility for sony to undercut oculus with the price of psvr2. They don't have to worry about a built in battery, primary processor, ram, storage, wifi chip, ect.... I feel like no one is bringing this up but it seems so obvious.

Luke Silletta

Lockmort please use Colin saying "I have a pretty big dick" in a video please!


I played The Last of Us (remaster) for the first time last year (so zero nostalgia), and yeah it 100% hold up. It feels and looks great. A remaster/remake would be frivolous unless there is a lot more to it than we would expect (like new content).

Andy T

Some great analysis of the Ken Levine thing. Seriously, it’s just that moron Schrier trying to whip up shit on YouTube. Creators like Yongyea have just taken everything in the article as absolute truth. Doing great things takes a great amount of work. Sometimes it’s very hard, even painful. I know, I’ve been there- I’m sure many others here, have too. I’m so sick of game developers complaining to people like Jason about having to work their asses off. So out of touch.

larry Seitz

The way Dustin says Jimmy Champane name kinda kringe. Who's Jimmy Champane?

Will Hahn

I’m really excited to see what you guys have going for the March going forward! Always have loved your customer service, and this makes me stoked!


Super excited for Jeff Ross and John Garvin to come on SS+. Those guys are fascinating - I listened to them for hours on Jaffe’s stream the other night.


Thank you. I've not only been covering games for a very long time; I make them, too. I frankly have much more insight into the process than virtually anyone who covers games for a living.

Jose Horrach

Colin, if you love Klonoa as much as you say, then there is no reason you wouldnt absolutely LOVE the Tomba games. I hope one day you experience them both!


Oh Dustin. The voice acting in BOTW is aaaaawful I hope more than anything that Link doesn't speak


Really enjoyed this episode. The segment about Ken Levine was particularly interesting. I’ve found that the people that complain and worry about the treatment of employees being “overworked” or “mistreated”, are fundamentally lazy people. Hear me out.. being pushed to produce something great is not a comfortable or pleasant experience. You will spend 99% of the time, questioning whether or not the turmoil and effort is worth it. But the ones that put their head down and focus, are receptive to criticism, are diligently adapting and improving their methods and ideas.. those are the people that produce amazing things. The perception of what it really takes to create something special is romanticized. And the ones that don’t have the stomach for being habitually pushed to the point of constant discomfort, will find the satisfaction of accomplishing something extremely difficult elusive.

Jeremy Craves

I bought Days Gone at launch like most first party games. After reading that it had some bugs at launch I decided to wait a over a month to start playing. I had to put it down and wait for more patches cause a cut scene wouldn’t load the ground right going into a cave. It had a presence at several PSX events but was never playable. I’m glad they’re getting another shot at a new IP after everything.

Sean P

The 2004 demo disc erased my memory card. If you contacted Sony they would send you a free game. I actually got wild arms 3 because of that bug. It was worth it


I unfortunately fall under the category of a Cryptobro, 7 years running. No I don't preach it to others (anymore).


I can tell Chris when the digital world flipped. It was when we bought the Horse Armor on Day 1. NFTs are just an extension of that, hopefully we don’t fall for it again.


Hey Col. Since you guys talk merch in this, I gotta say I was surprised by your style of shirts. Sure, the printing on it is great as you can’t even feel it, but I didn’t expect the shirt itself to be made of form-fitting breathable fabric. This can be nice if it’s the kinda shirt you’re into, but I’m Team Fat and I just wanted a normal black tee, not to show of (in Fat Bastard voice) my belly. 😅 Hopefully when you guys make the changes, you have options for this.

Robert F Friemering

When the discussion of game breaking bugs before you could patch them, Chris brought up Myth 2 & how it kills your PC, the podcast stopped for me. I thought it was a bit but checked my player & said the podcast was over. I skimmed a few minutes back & the conversation continued. No clue why my phone decided to stop there & say it was over.


I don't disagree with you, philosophically, that the people who scream loudest about work are the ones who want to work least. I get it. That's their prerogative. Some people want to do great things.


I gotta be honest, if the rumors are to be believed, this remake of The Last Of Us is my most anticipated game of this year, at the moment. Of course, I expect both God Of War and Horizon to be the real showstoppers, but thinking about Dualsense implementation in TLOU and the possibility of Naughty Dog expanding the combat arenas and corridors of the game get me really excited. It may not be necessary, but I'm genuinely excited for it, and I'm sure it will be a day one buy for me when they do it again in 2032.


Good to have you back gentleman, great show 🤣

D'Ante Almo

I can’t believe Colin didn’t bring up Dead Space when it came to the silent protagonists question. It kinda hit me because I’m replaying it now on PS3.

Mr Peter Banks

Great to see you back guys! Especially with a 3-hour episode.

David Taylor

This may have been said and I missed it but if anyone has the service and wants to check out that Record of the Lodoss War: Deedlit (forgot the rest, bad title) game it is on Gamepass. That is how I am checking it out. For physical collectors it is also getting a limited physical release on PS4 and PS5 which I am tempted by.


Speaking of game breaking bugs on the disk version. Elder scrolls oblivion: game of the year edition had this glitch where if you turned yourself into a vampire, through random encounter or on purpose for role playing purposes the quest to return back to being human was broken and therefore if you happened to be stricken with vampirism you were stuck that way and for the rest of the game you could never play during day time because day time would quickly drain your life until you died. I had around 120 hours into my save when this happened to me and I’ve never played that game again lol.


Not to defend Sony too much but this really does just sound like a Bend Studio problem as opposed to an overall Sony issue. Bend were given the world: a huge budget, loads of time to develop this game...and it just didn't pan out very well. Nothing inherently wrong with that - all games/businesses are a risk and they can't all be a Horizon. But it's no surprise the upper management at Bend were upset and wanted to enforce some changes to make sure the next game delivered. They're obviously a talented team (Days Gone is a 6/7 in my book) and an asset to PS studios so I'm personally looking forward to what they have next!

Jon Devine

I can second the merch customer service issues. Been trying to return a sweatshirt my wife purchased for me for Christmas and they’ve been very unresponsive.


I'm really sorry. We know, and we are diligently working on a solution. DM me if there's anything we can do from our end (though there unlikely is, which is part of the problem).

Jon Devine

They actually JUST emailed me back with return instructions. So should be all set now. Thanks!


Trust me NFTs at this stage is annoying. Let's use an example you create 1000 Sacred Symbol NFTs. You dictate what people with these NFTs can do via block chain verification. Let's say it gives those 1000 access to a monthly secret podcast. And VIP accommodations to live events. For some that may be value. Of those 1000 maybe they get tired of you and want to sell that NFT. Because the rarity they can sell it at some profit. They never own the logo or trademark unless it's set in the block chain by you of course. In this example with the Sacred symbol NFT they just gain exclusive access. Nft at its root is basically a security accountability structure for non physical things of potential value. That is my simple understanding of it. Also Klanoa is on PSvita PS1 classics for sure and maybe the PS2 Sequel on PS3 at one point if not now. Edit: on one of final questions someone wrote in asking which IP you all would remake, Dustin was first then you went on a Megaman/ Inafune tangent, then went to the next question. Lol

DB Cooper

Rule of thumb is the movie usually needs to make its money three times over to be in the black. Marketing, especially now, is nearly the same amount of the production budget on blockbusters like Uncharted. Theoretically, it would need to make at least $390-400 million to be a “hit”. But they’d definitely need more than that for Sony to justify a sequel. Just throwing that info into the hat! Thanks for another great episode!