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This month's primary election is over, and it's time to cast your vote on December 2021's winner for another fan-voted topic on KnockBack!

Below are the five most-popular selections from this month's primary election, listed in order of their popularity (by initial votes cast), with the submitter in parenthesis.

(We have fouroutstanding fan-voted topics to record, at present: Metal Gear Solid 4, Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and Star Wars: Episode III.)

You can only vote for one, so select carefully. Good luck!



If Halo wins, you need to bring Chris along.


This will be the greatest use of the fan-vote power yet.


All great options. I know people will probably be salty over another video game, but I think it would be really cool to hear their thoughts on a Xbox juggernaut.


We need an episode on the departed regardless of what happens here.

Noah Friscopp

So is Dagan going to have to buy an Xbox?


This is a top-tier poll. Personally, though, I hope either Spider-Man 2 or The Departed wins this vote.


How dare you make me choose between Shawshank and Departed.

Evan Bederman

I am so damn sick of these old game topics winning out against more interesting film topics.


All of these are great choices, but for me Halo CE would be top tier


these topics are crap in the first place


I didn’t realize Drake’s Fortune won. Please don’t hurt yourself, it is much more fun on normal or easy. I learned that a few months back the hard way


To be fair, I agree they would have got to MGS4, Uncharted, and SW Ep III on their own and they probably didn’t warrant being covered via a vote, but I don’t think we ever would have seen them do Halo so it makes it more appealing.

Evan Bederman

Maybe, but it's still poll after poll, and I'm not interested in hearing them discuss any of these old games, including Halo. It's not what I want from this podcast and those episodes are always pretty bad. Knockback is best when discussing actual nostalgia topics from their youth (besides Star Wars because I'm also extremely sick of Star Wars at this point).

Andrew Acrolix

National Treasure by itself might be a bit dull but imo this where Colin's history major comes into play


I’m sure it’s been said before and i missed it, but has Colin ever really played halo? Always thought it would be in his wheelhouse as a story driven shooter

Craig Mcguire

Colin if you play it on MCC on micahs SX play the classic graphics. The anniversary artstyle is soooo bad.


Shawshank is the new Airbender lol


Seconded. The Anniversary graphics ruin the atmosphere and rely too much on assets from Halo Reach


Guys The Departed won best picture. Y'all are fuckin up


Echoing what other people are saying, Halo:CE definitely needs to be played in classic graphics.

Colin Stevens

Ayyy I didn’t even realize I took the W on this


Dude I am so excited about Halo. My favorite shooter. Easily the most impactful game I have ever played, personally. Second would be Ocarina.