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On a recent episode of Sacred Symbols, Colin made his distaste of BioWare and specifically Dragon Age clear. In an effort to tattletale, our Defining Duke thread was loaded with claims that I, Matty, must set the record straight. What I thought would be far more interesting is to bring Colin onto an episode here to discuss everything about the fallen RPG king. The disenchantment with the studio runs not only through consumers but seemingly the industry at large as BioWare has failed to both attract and retain talent. It's easy to complain about them, but what do you do with a team that has effectively come full circle with Dragon Age 4 hanging in limbo? Matty and Colin team up to sift through the pieces before them and answer that very question.




Oh boy this is gonna be goooood


To be fair about Mass Effect 3, I think the gameplay itself is the best in the series. I absolutely love replaying it as different classes. So it has that going for it.


Matty: sorry I'm going for a while here. Colin: You're all good. It's your show. It's moments like these that illustrates what makes Last Stand Media so good. Unlike some other online brands LSM doesn't feel like a hive mind growth for the sake of growth company. Colin and everyone else obviously want to make money, but it doesn't feel like that is anyones end-all be-all goal. It feels like you guys go to where your passions are or where there is a demand. Then on top of all that it feels like Colin wants to raise others up instead of raising himself on the backs of others. I compliment LSM a lot, but I really do think there's a secret sauce you guys have but no one else does. Thank you for all you do! This was a great crossover.

Stephen Forgione

Got ourselves a classic here. Great episode, boys.


Awesome episode!


Shout out to Andy Weir, Project Hail Mary was fantastic.


Bioware is not even a shadow of itself


Matthew is very submissive in the presence of Father Colin


I thought Matty and Colin's Far Cry 6 opinions were more conflicting, and the game even came up in a recent episode they were both on, and Matty said nothing. I could be misremembering Matty's thoughts on the game though.

Hugo Stiglitz

I just finished the mass effect trilogy and I honestly think it's one of the greatest series ever. 2 is legit the best rpg ever made... besides horizon zero dawn imo It's really sad what's happened to Bioware but tbh, me le was actually a great remaster so maybe there's hope?