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Forza has always been apart of Xbox's burger, fries, and shake combo. There is an expected quality release after release that PlayGround Games will deliver with their open world racing titles and with Forza Horizon 5 they have done it again. Scoring over one million players prior to launch, Matty and Cog delve into how this was accomplished and the potential ramifications of Xbox's shift to paying for early access. With such a highly touted release also begs the question of if Forza is capable of landing in the Game Of The Year nominations let alone winning it all. Does being at the top of your genre mean anything? There is much to discuss as two racing casuals comb through the aftermath of Forza Horizon 5!




Does Matty write the description? It sounds exactly like Matty in my head. Is it cog and I'm mistaken?!

Perfect platypus

Great ultimate episode guys and great game as well , multiplayer playing capture the flag is actually fun for me in the first game ever as well. Here's to halo next month!

Alex Jones

As someone who has stayed in the PlayStation ecosystem since 1998 playing mostly racers over there, I have to admit that what Playground Games has been doing and what they have done with FH5 has a guy like me looking over the fence and contemplating jumping into the Forza Horizon pool…. This game looks even more special then the previous installments. Good episode gents!!