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Mouse and Runeboard | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 173

If you listen to this show (and we know that you do), you would have known months ago that God of War was coming to PC, because we told you it was. Well, if you didn't believe us, it is indeed true: 2018's God of War is indeed PC-bound, and it has some players in their feelings... and not in a good way. Is it time for PlayStation's audience to embrace the inevitable? Or will stragglers hold on for dear life as the industry moves past console exclusivity above all else? Meanwhile, the upcoming Uncharted movie has its first trailer, and it's not as bad as we thought it'd be, while some 2022 DC games are looking mighty hot and Blue Box is suffering under the weight of its endless conspiracy. Plus: Elden Ring is delayed, Dbrand punches Sony in the mouth, a new Splinter Cell is indeed in production, and more, and listener inquiries bring us to just some of the following topics: Striking workers, the rise of SEGA, Gamepass' flat growth, and the proper placement of toothpaste on the toothbrush. Get some Sacred Symbols merch! https://LastStandMedia.shop Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/notaxation Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod #PlayStation #SacredSymbols #LastStandMedia Timestamps: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:03:54 - Corrections, comments, and concerns. 0:10:55 - Some smaller news items. 0:52:41 - How do we brush our teeth? 0:55:18 - What have we been playing? 1:11:27 - God of War (2018) is coming to PC. 1:28:57 - Dbrand has challenged Sony over their PS5 side plate design. 1:37:37 - Ubisoft is making a Splinter Cell game. 1:45:27 - Elden Ring has been delayed. 1:50:56 - EA is opening a new studio with Marcus Lehto as lead. 1:54:58 - CD Projekt is delaying the PS5 ports of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Cyberpunk 2077. 2:02:19 - PS5 outsold Nintendo Switch in September. 2:03:32 - News Wrap-Up 2:05:33 - Do we underestimate SEGA? 2:14:57 - Will strikes and unrest invade the gaming industry? 2:22:49 - Is Game Pass in trouble? Should Sony invest in a competitor? 2:33:53 - Which character sex do we generally choose? 2:38:27 - Are there any Sony owned IP that could excel in the 2D or 2.5D space? 2:44:56 - Are there any defunct third party studios that could become first party Sony studios?


Clay Layne

As always fellas....really enjoyed the weekly fart chat! Great stuff.


Great episode! Im also playing the Castlevania GBA collection. Finally just realized Alucard is Dracula backwards


Thank you for a podcast without any ads.

James Good

Sega was very shrewd. They were one of the early Japanese publishers or publishers in general to embrace digital and pc markets. Purchases of Creative Assembly, relic entertainment, and amplitude studios. Along with their once profitable now Covid destroyed amusement division. Sega has a diverse portfolio for a game publisher.


Hearing Coling bring up Kit Haringtons height again kills me. He's not small he's the average height for a man. pour one out for all of us shorter than him.

Liam Mcnulty

The thumbnail😂 Colin as dad, and Chris as *"B O I"* Very fitting, I hope Dustin gets jealous. And censoring new versions of RE4 to appease the twitter mob is ridiculous. We should never bend the knee to these puritans, I won't support this version, just on principle alone. Flirting is not a bad thing, I have no idea why people think it is.

Julian Zhu

I think the conversation around the uncharted film should be framed in the understanding that these films are not made for gamers. They're made to expose the IP to the mainstream. There is no point in 1 to 1ining a game to a film for gamers, because they already have that audience with the game. So, things are going to change to appeal to the wider audience. So yes, crazy parts of 3 and 4 are gonna be adapted into the film even though it's supposed to be at a younger point in his life. Because those moments will be blockbuster for the screen. Another thing to consider, I think when it comes to television by comparison, by the nature of the medium you have much more room for a direct adaptation because you have more time with a series. In the case of The Last of Us, adapting 20+ hour narrative into a series, versus having basically 2 hours for a film.


I brush my teeth with a dry brush every time lol

Zack Fair

I don't even understand why these playstation players don't want big 1st party IP games coming to PC, like you said its free money going back into making bigger games and giving Playstation even more purchasing power if they were to buy another studio. Its not like they are coming to PC day and date as same as Playstation. Hell if PC players like these games enough, the revenue from PC players could pay entirely the development costs of the game or at least a good chunk of it. All always guys keep up the awesome work!

Zack Fair

Colin can you get Hoeg on to talk about the Playstation/Dbrand. Would be interesting to hear his thoughts. Also I don't understand why PlayStation didn't beat Dbrand to the punch and release their own faceplates

Toren R. (KESA)

Man...The RE4 VR edits are baffling to me...it's an M rated game, but even still, there are plenty of other games (Gears of War, Call of Duty, etc) that allow players to toggle content. While I personally think none of the edits are necessary, in fact I think they all actively make the game worse by removing context for who Leon is - I think everyone would have been much happier with the option to include the content or not. But Colin touched on a question that I've been wondering a lot lately, which is, why does every character in mainstream media need to be portrayed as an angelic, unaffable, representative of whichever ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation that they happen to be?

Ryan Hayman

Kit is under 5'7, as someone who is 5'7, that is NOT the average height for a man haha. probably 95% of men i know are taller than me


Dustin, You do realized movie studios re-edit their movies all the time. I would also argue Leon never actively hit on Clair or Ada, Leon in RE4 probably seems more out of character and removal of some of those lines keep him more inline with RE2 Leon, boring. For me majority of male characters are pretty baseline and uninteresting, which when we have the option to chose a male or female lead, I will chose the female lead to have something different, but that is a whole other conversation. At the end of the day these edits don't fundamentally change who Leon is as a character.

Walker Simmons

I never understood the confusion over Death Loop. I agree that the tutorial is overwhelming and makes the game seem more complicated than it is but if you just follow the leads the game will guide you through the campaign in a pretty linear order

Toren R. (KESA)

I supposed I politely disagree - My read of Leon in RE 4, was that now that's no longer a day-1 rookie cop in a small town, but a Special Agent tasked with saving the President's daughter, that now he's feeling himself a little too much, and hence the more outwardly flirtatious approach. It also added to the game's overall cheese-ball humor, which I think many have come to love RE 4 for. I don't think the interactions that were cut from the new VR edition of the game are as superfluous as others may argue, but again, your take is every bit as valid as mine 🙏🏽


Colin, props for the United Front Games love at the end of the podcast! I remember your review at IGN for Sleeping Dogs and it convinced me to buy the game. It became one of my favorite games of all time and I have a tradition of replaying it ever year.


Boost fart


Sleeping Dogs is such an under the radar hit. Love that game.


Colin was closest to understanding, why the Uncharted film exists. We don't care for it because it is not for us, and we are not the target audience. Shawn Layden mentioned that things like game streaming will not extend the gaming community, which the data shows. Since the last few console generations the gaming ecosystem has not moved that much and is stalled within the 200-300 milion users. What needs to happen is to hook in people completely outside the gaming ecosystem. The movie is not supposed to be like the games. It is not supposed to mimic exactly the stuff in games. It needs to hook people in the universe, enough for them to get interested in the games. We look for scenes in gaming movies and go: "Ow! Nice, this is like the video game". The film's goal is to make people: "Ow! Nice, just like the movies!". We are not the audience, the film is not supposed to be targeted and liked by gamers. They already have us, and now we take games as the superior medium for entertainment, so no film adaptation will be good enough, be able to surpass games.


Hi guys, With regard to Chris’ and Colin’s remarks that Mark Wahlberg looks more like Nathan Drake than Tom Holland, it’s interesting to note that Mark Wahlberg was, at one point, cast as Nathan Drake. However, due to the Uncharted movie being in Limbo for several years, he was deemed too old the role. In an interview with Collider Wahlberg said: "I was attached for years and years to play Nathan Drake and now I'm playing Sully. Even with The Fighter, there was a ticking clock there. There was that biological clock. We gotta' get going quickly."


I know you'll get to it when pigs fly, but the gender conversation is why Life is Strange is actually higher than Lost Legacy on my "Games I want Colin to play" list, because there is another side to the "woke" part that wasn't discussed here (can't specify cause spoilers obviously).

The Eclectic Gamer

Exactly! And you would think Dustin would pipe…also I would have enjoyed an impassioned discussion on Death stranding even though I think it’s interesting that he is going HAAM on it with the directors cut.

Josh Jelen

Yup Resident Evil is my favourite game series of all time, and it frustrates me to no end this kind of nonsense is happening in RE4 VR. Is it crucial to the core game... no.. but it is ridiculous that their is this need remove/censor even things as mundane as what has been found here, that somehow people are not able to handle it and need anything that has the smallest of small possibility of being offensive to be policed. I 100% agree with you all, especially on the point of it really diminishing the personality of the characters. On principle alone I will never buy or play that version of the game, which is unfortunate but I am so tired of clowns like this trying to tell me what I should be able see, think or do. Instead of letting me absorb content as is (and/or the artists original vision), enjoy it for what is whether I agree with something or not, and ultimately formulate my own opinion.

Nygile Oliver

The gender selection question is interesting, I'm a dude and often have to go in as a woman because being black, and usually having like 3 options for black male hair,theres not a ton of options for hair I'd like to have and it's so much easier to create a woman


You’re disingenuous reading of the Game Pass numbers is embarrassing to both you and Hoeg as a contributor. In what world is 37% growth stagnation?


I guess I'm just not as sold on "PlayStation" as an ecosystem always meaning a box. The games are stronger than ever. You could easily argue that, as a publisher, no one is stronger than PlayStation. They should want to go for the throat!


One of us played it, I think. I wanna play the first one first, and they delayed the remaster.


Rule of thumb: Don't tell people to be embarrassed when the first word of your missive is a typo.

Ryan H

Yeah, WackMirror. Is there a need for comments like that here? Why are you even a patron, dude? Not saying you can't be constructive, but your comment comes across so aggressive its like they insulted you personally.

Jeremy Sagun

Looking forward to a Deathloop spoiler cast. I’m just about to complete the platinum and have a lot of thoughts about this most interesting game.


That thumbnail gave me a good chuckle lol Well done


Idk where you are supposed to write in and stuff cuz I'm new to Patreon but Splinter Cell blacklist had dlc and an in game currency used to buy new weapons that could be easily monetized. Chris was saying that he doesn't know how they would monetize a game like splinter cell, but imo it's pretty easy. Also Spies Vs Mercs the multiplayer mode is a staple of the series since Pandora tomorrow that I can't imagine they would neglect and that would be super easy to monetize.

Shaun Sannerude

Anyone think that Sony is waiting to use black faceplates for the PS5 Pro? That would help distinguish between the PS5 consoles. Probably have a slight design change like the PS4 Pro but if it's more powerful I can't see it being any smaller


Dang that sucks. Personally I just pick whatever pops into my head at the character creator, Although sometimes it comes down to whether I like the male or female VA better. Oh and love interests. Lot of games now don't restrict you to hetero romance options but I usually pick a dude in games with romance options because idk how to romance as well as a female character lol. When I played FE 3 houses I was the female MC and wanted to romance a female character and I constantly screwed up and made her mad.


Hey! Threads go live each week for the various shows; you write in there. For Sacred, they go live Wednesdays and are deleted Thursdays.

DB Cooper

Weird that VGC said DBrand was sold out till next year. A month ago I ordered plates about a week before they got taken down and got them roughly a week later. Either way, they even have a link that says "Checkmate, Lawyers"; the balls!



The Eclectic Gamer

Dustin will finally be allowed to say something additional about the game during a Spoilercast I hope.