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Hey everyone, Mama Micah here! As the coordinator for Last Stand Media, I'm usually behind the scenes (and haunting the LSM Discord). In the coming weeks though, you'll be seeing me a bit more for upcoming spoilercasts and such. I thought it would be cool if the listeners could have a better idea of who Mama Micah is, before I start infiltrating your favorite podcast. In this Q&A we'll talk about my most loved games and consoles, and what it's like living with Mr. Moriarty himself. So wet your socks and flatten the ginger ale, it's time we got to know each other a bit better.



Steven Camilo

Awesome! Also, #TeamDrySocks. Sorry


Nice! I was hoping for something like this

Andrew Clark

Since Micah has joined the team, there had been a huge uptick in the quality of interviews and appearances on the show. Whatever she's doing, its working, and I'm looking forward to learning more about her and the contributions she makes.

Jason Bolla

"So wet your socks and flatten the ginger ale." The non-Twitter followers have no idea what they're in for.

Leo Sanchez

Oh god I had forgotten about the wet socks 😓

Seth Eden

Awesome video! Great to hear from you and I def think there's an argument for Acreed 1!

Stephen Forgione

King of Queens is probably the most underrated comedy of all time

Noah Friscopp

Nobody tell Dagan that her favorite films are the Bay Transformers. Great episode!

Will Hahn

Micah is filled with such joy! Always a pleasure listening to what she has to say.

Brandon Soto

Such a kind hearted person. You did a great job, Micah!


Looking forward to hearing more from you. Glad you’re on the team


Yes vegeta is the best!

Michael Welter

This was an awesome episode! Great to hear more from Micah and looking forward to more.

Alan Hayden

The amount of time discussing ginger ale haha. Loved this! Glad to see you are becoming more involved! It felt inevitable, but it's still nice to see. Have a good day folks, Slainte!

Russell Garrett

Loved this, and then got triggered by the mayo dislike.

Chris Dell

The fact soda is killing me ma'am

Luke Silletta

When the the guilty pleasure anime question came up before you even said anything I thought of Keijo. Its almost like the gold standard for guilty pleasure fan service anime.


This was a great listen. ❤️


Finally someone that appreciates Enders Game and Speaker for the Dead


This is awesome, Micah cool AF 😎


Very fun episode, however she must be from Western Mass (from Eastern myself.) I have never heard it called Mazzichoozits and I hope I never will again.

The Eclectic Gamer

Haven’t listened yet…are at least half the questions about videogames though? Yay or nay


This had really great energy, thanks for the listen. Would love for Micah to join the 3 amigos in a regular show one day.

Leo Chan

Persona 5 older women gang, let’s go

Travis B

WTH is Man-A’s?