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If you listen to this show (and we know that you do), you would have known months ago that God of War was coming to PC, because we told you it was. Well, if you didn't believe us, it is indeed true: 2018's God of War is indeed PC-bound, and it has some players in their feelings... and not in a good way. Is it time for PlayStation's audience to embrace the inevitable? Or will stragglers hold on for dear life as the industry moves past console exclusivity above all else? Meanwhile, the upcoming Uncharted movie has its first trailer, and it's not as bad as we thought it'd be, while some 2022 DC games are looking mighty hot and Blue Box is suffering under the weight of its endless conspiracy. Plus: Elden Ring is delayed, Dbrand punches Sony in the mouth, a new Splinter Cell is indeed in production, and more, and listener inquiries bring us to just some of the following topics: Striking workers, the rise of SEGA, Gamepass' flat growth, and the proper placement of toothpaste on the toothbrush.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:03:51 - Corrections, comments, and concerns.

0:10:48 - Some smaller news items.

0:51:44 - How do we brush our teeth?

0:54:21 - What have we been playing?

1:10:09 - God of War (2018) is coming to PC.

1:27:32 - Dbrand has challenged Sony over their PS5 side plate design.

1:36:04 - Ubisoft is making a Splinter Cell game.

1:43:50 - Elden Ring has been delayed.

1:49:15 - EA is opening a new studio with Marcus Lehto as lead.

1:53:14 - CD Projekt is delaying the PS5 ports of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Cyberpunk 2077.

2:00:24 - PS5 outsold Nintendo Switch in September.

2:01:37 - News Wrap-Up

2:03:30 - Do we underestimate SEGA?

2:12:45 - Will strikes and unrest invade the gaming industry?

2:20:33 - Is Game Pass in trouble? Should Sony invest in a competitor?

2:31:24 - Which character sex do we generally choose?

2:35:55 - Are there any Sony owned IP that could excel in the 2D or 2.5D space?

2:42:18 - Are there any defunct third party studios that could become first party Sony studios?



Forrest Hunter

I’m parked outside a Publix right as I’m listening to your statements and now I’ll never look at the name the same way.


On the whole game pass thing it’s not like it lost people. It increased only 37% and not 48%.

Stephen Forgione

I’m excited to watch the Uncharted movie on FX in 2023.

Jeff Caseres

What up guys! In relation to the RE4 “censorship” and PlayStation doing it. I was going upload a video to Twitter straight from the PS5 the other day and it didn’t let me because the text had the word “shit” in it. The sentence was going to be “Julianna (Deathloop) ain’t got shit on me!” Because I one shot killed the other online player that invaded me and was a hype moment. So best believe if RE4 VR comes to PSVR one day, it will probably be that Oculus version. The RE4 Remake will probably have none of that at all either. Keep it up!


Yeah seems like the typical, overly ambitious expectations mega corporates always have regarding growth.

Kenneth Oms

Aw man I hope Sega brings back Condemned. That game scared the heck out of me back in the day, and the forensic science tools/gameplay was really cool.

Edwin Garcia

I heard the fart lol

Jared Ketner

Quick correction on Warcraft. It was sort of an outlier when it comes to video game movies. Fans of the games actually enjoyed the movie. It has a 76% and 8.2 for the audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic respectively. Not a great movie by any stretch but a surprisingly good flick.


Gotta be Ken Levine for the developer interview, no?

Ealia Staroverov

Just want to briefly touch on the PC aspect. I have a high end PC where I do +90% of my gaming and I have a PS5 for the 1st party exclusives. If the gap continues to be 2-4 years I will continue to play them on PS. If they are day and date I will sell my PS and never look back. I'm probably not representative of your average PS gamer, HOWEVER I do want to point out that around the PS4 Pro I remember comments from some Sony exec saying that certain hardcore gamers move away during the console generation and the Pro would work to recapture them.


Congrats on the flatulence, Colin.

Derek Alcott

I work at Acme for 20 years and they're overpriced.

Dylan Paulson

Justice for those that put toothpaste on first and then wet the brush!!!


Did anyone else not get an email notification about this ep?


In regards to the Irish singer and the game she is talking about , I’m surprised no one has mentioned the PS3 game Folklore


Colin's rectum must be nearly as empty as his soul after that whopper


Holy shit I'm a mad man. I always put the toothpaste on first, then put water on afterwards.... I never realized I was doing it wrong my whole life!

DB Cooper

Can’t believe no one called out the Austin powers reference!


I didn't receive a Patreon email notification letting me know this week's episode of Scared Symbols was available. is this a Patreon issue or was one not sent out? just curious as I never come to the Patreon website. I exclusively view the YouTube video through the email notification. thanks.

Joe McPartlin

RIP Pathmark. The Baldwin location was my parents supermarket of choice and I spent many a Saturday afternoon there with my mom shopping for Sunday dinner


Chris playing an anime game? uwu Looking forward to his opinion on the next Atelier game :)


Me too..! Tbh I’m going try it the way they described it. It makes sense, just never thought of it. But you still gotta put more water on the tooth paste though right? Because the top of toothpaste will still be too dry.

Joshua Brown

A Halloween Sacred Symbols with costumes would be welcome


i went into the uncharted trailer expecting schlock garbage but what i got was straight up bland. i think that’s the worst possible outcome. uncharted has an instantly recognizable theme and you use led zeppelin? that’s page 1 of the first trailer playbook haha

Real Radec

I'm very excited for the future of PlayStation Productions. It would be a good way to make the people in my life who don't play games be interested in characters/stories I care about. Let's hope that Uncharted, TLOU, Twisted Metal and the rest turn out to be quality products.

Craig Mcguire

TLOU remastered bundled with factions will be the first day and date on PC IMO. Also gonna push back on Colin somewhat, PC gamers that don't own a PS4 will wait, ain't nothing gonna bait those guys.


I think it’s important to note that real wages are down this year due to inflation. Worker strikes aren’t exactly a win when inflation blows everything up.

Travis B

Crazy Taxi battle royal


I ALWAYS play as a female when given the option. If I'm going to be looking at a character for 10-80 hours, I'd rather not be stuck watching a meathead.

Hose A Contra Razz

so Hideo Kojima has to ask Sony to speak to you? Also Sony should just release its own game store on PC like EA and Ubisoft and get all the cut instead of 70%

Carlos Quintanilla

Sega's been really weird lately. VF5 Ultimate Showdown only came to PS4, Phantasy Star Online New Genesis only came to North America for Xbox and the House of the Dead remake has only been announced for Switch. Wonder what all that's about.


Def heard the fart 🤙

Robert Graham

Honestly I would just be rolling my eyes at the weird comments towards Ashley. I thought they were weird and forced in the first place. Not sure it’s honestly that much of a story. To me, this isn’t the west missing out on Japanese games or other true forms of censorship we encounter here.


One thing that Microsoft absolutely needs to do is prompt potential buyers in the storefront: "You are about to purchase a first party game that is available in Game Pass moving forward; would you instead like to subscribe to for $1 for your first 3 months?"


I have both next Gen Consoles and I have probably a dozen games for my PS5 and 0 for my series x. With all the 1st party exclusives coming to gamepass day one there is 0 incentive for me to purchase these games. I bet I spend 5 times as much money on playstation then I do xbox year to year. I just don't know how xbox is going to make any money or as much money with gamepass.


Why would they do that? That 1 game they're gonna make more money than they're gonna make off of a 1/2 a year of game pass subscriptions. The biggest downside the game pass is the fact that Microsoft is not gonna make any money on sales of video games. The only way that game pass makes them money is by making lots of their games have microtransactions

Douglas Morreale

Thank goodness you didnt have a 47th discussion about bidets, your favorite condiment or whatever else. Been skipping 1/3 of the S.S. podcast quite often.


I laughed a lot at the thumbnail


Colon Morearty

The Eclectic Gamer

It happened again…Both Colin and Chris were talking about Deathloop and obviously still confused about what is going on and Dustin is just waiting idly by….WHY?!?!? Literally what I want most from this podcast is discourse around playing video games and it feels like they’re actively working to avoid doing so unless they label the episode a Review Discussion/Spoilercast…which usually just involve reader questions/comments guiding the discussion as opposed to their own. Anyway, the issue Chris is saying “how much time do I have in the day” ummm there is no advancement unless you prompt it. Also, you don’t need to worry about “weird materials” it’s literally ONE item that is basically like currency in the game smh. Plus, the loop is present to acquire knowledge and the story plays out regarding the stability of the loop and what happens when visionaries are killed so when the realization comes that all of them have to be killed in a single loop as well as other aspects of the story then becomes the actual act of doing so that is the crux to the game. You can ask for the game to be linear like hitman because then it changes its entire essence and the whole universe of Black Reef.

Cristian R

I’m interested in seeing what the Gamepass renewal numbers are. Many subscribers are still under free or discounted memberships.

The Eclectic Gamer

Trust me he gonna play it maybe one more time then forget about it…the fact that he openly admitted to doing so is all the proof I need considering that he drops many games he claims to enjoy that he isn’t compelled to be part of a spoilercast for. He know his bread and butter is his YouTube channel so when Halo drops, he likely not gonna play anything else.


Could someone please point me in the right direction to understand the "death threats" topic?


Love this take. Ever since the Uncharted games were announced for PC I realized that was how they were going to bring TLOU to PC, through the remake. And yes, PC players knowing Sony's PC plan makes them (and me) ever more patient. They will wait for the PC versions. I still haven't played GOW :)

The Eclectic Gamer

Game Pass fosters a jaded mindset in the gaming community. The mindset of not caring about new releases, jumping in and jumping out of things earlier than normal, and no incentive to keep a pulse on the industry as I’ll just look at what’s featured. Microsoft is trying to foster some sort of collectivist position as it relates to playing games. They serve rentals and entice/encourage devs to come on board or get lost in the sea of titles. Plus, their internal teams are seemingly told to take forever with their games…not encouraging crunch, but almost no new projects have dropped yet…still waiting for The Game Awards to get a 60 second trail for Hellblade II and then an early 2024 release.


Dustin saying "change it up" gave me D2: Mighty Ducks flashbacks


A correction of what? We said it was a major success and it wasn't well-received critically. No correction necessary, because all of that is true.

Dana Anderson

I am male, and I always make female characters. I don’t understand why a straight male wants to look at a man for several hours.


There's a lot of potential, but they seem to be starting off with a dud (though, again, not as bad as I thought it'd be).


You may not think they're necessary, but that one of the greatest survival horror games of all-time -- widely considered the first modern game in the genre -- has been edited for content is a big story, full stop.


Monthly income generated (gross) would be more useful than subscriber numbers, no doubt. It's like when people say a game has "reached" a certain amount of people, or had a certain amount of players... doesn't really matter.


Kit Harington is 5’8. Tom Holland is 5’7. I’m 5’9, which according to Google is the average Male height in the US. Are you calling me small Colin? You big ogre you.


@Christian R I just renewed, and will continue to support the service until it does me dirty. The way I look at it is if I normally buy two full price games a year (I do,) The service provides me with a one-to-one value, and anything after those two full price games are "free" in a sense. This year the two biggies are Halo/Forza, games I intended on purchasing already. I just played through all of Control, and bought the DLC (I never do that,) and obtained all of the achievements. I just did the same for Subnautica, and am now playing Subnautica Below Zero. That's just within the last month. My buddy and I are planning to play Back 4 Blood on Halloween, and I have played and completed a handful of other games this past year. It should be noted I love Indie games, and think that's where you find most of the creativity these days, so the library as of now appeases me completely. The amount of value I have extracted out of game pass within 2 years is staggering. This doesn't really prove anything, but I thought you might appreciate the anecdote from a satisifed user.


OH MY GOD THAT FART. Now I know I'm officially part of the Sacred Symbols Family, the free farters

Kingstons Grandma

I haven’t read through the comments to see if anyone else has touched on this, but the douchey tone is integrated into the dBrand brand voice. If you look at their Twitter, product pages, and the ad integrations they do with other YouTubers (example, Linus Tech Tips) the language around darkplates makes more sense.

superbadisfunny .

As a guy I play as a woman 99% of the time cause usually their gear looks better and more creative than the guys.


Most of the time I'll do a run as a man where I'm a nice guy and basically role play as myself. And then a run as a woman and I'll be a complete bastard

Greg Bruce

As an avid trophy hunter I have to vehemently disagree with Colin's assertion to play Bioshock as a "1-playthrough" game to get the Platinum for someone who is brand new to the game. Having to constantly save scum to get the Survivor and Vita-chamber trophies would be very immersion-breaking and just add unneeded frustration to the experience. Having to do a second (or more) playthrough is annoying, but ultimately would lead to a much better reception to the game IMO

Paul Andrew

Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I think the whole Blue Box thing was just an accidental very successful stupid publicity stunt. I think the tweets about death threats and such are probably him getting ready to give an excuse to 'cancel the game'. I put that in quotes because there is no active evidence that this game has ever existed


Hey Colin. Been a Patreon for a bit but haven't really used it so sorry if this isn't how we do things but I just had a question for you. I still haven't gotten a PS5 yet ( Series X and PS4 Pro) I still have some games in my backlog like Last of Us 2, Death Stranding and Ratchet and Clank, still haven't bought Miles Morales. Do you think it's best to wait until I have a PS5 for that sweet sweet 60fps. I haven't played a 30fps game since moving to Series X. Hope you have a great day/night love from Australia