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Xbox has upped its transparency since the beginning of the Series Generation. From there, we have seen multiple faux pas from them failing to set or even meet expectations. What this has led to is the removal of magic from announced showcases, baffling decisions, and at times very angry fans. With the recent Fable debacle in the rear view mirror, let's look at some standout moments in Xbox's very recent history and see if they are communicating well with fans.



Jeff Caseres

What up Dukes!!! In reference to what LordCog was saying about Sony never telling people to lower their expectations. I don’t think an executive has said it themselves, but in recent State of Plays they do now put “what won’t be shown” IN ORDER to lower expectations a bit. There were a few State of Plays that fans hated because they kept getting too hyped and nothing big was shown resulting in people going wild on Twitter.

Sean McClary

I thought I’d play a little drinking game while listening to today’s show. Every time Cog says “at the end of the day” has got me in a good place. Love the show, gents. Keep it up.


You guys are absolutely right, Xbox for the last couple of years have been almost right there to really hitting it big. Looking at Sonys past showcase and it had the huge banger moments and Xbox just hasn’t had those quite yet. I think Xbox really needs to show off their first party games and key point of showing GAMEPLAY for their announced first party games.

Mark Michaels

Omg Cog bringing up my favorite ridiculous meme from that time. “My work here is done”. Lmao. Great episode. Much needed discourse.