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When you do a video game podcast, chances are you're not going to do every release, every series, every genre its due justice. It's just the way it works out; we're only three guys with three distinct gaming tastes. But there's no denying that, when it comes to Sacred Symbols, our Gran Turismo coverage is unacceptably lacking, considering it's not only a first party game, but arguably Sony's most popular IP, ever (it's certainly the best-selling). Thus, today's episode of + is the first of our attempts to help ameliorate our shortcomings. To get the conversation going in earnest, I (Colin) invited Alex Jones (not that one!) to the show. Alex is an industry veteran who, among other things, worked for ESPN on their esports initiatives and tried (but failed) to get the famous sports network to cover GT and other racing series. So he's the perfect person to speak to about the past, present, and future of Gran Turismo leading into GT7's launch, as well as the promise and ultimate demise of Driveclub, EA's aggressive purchase of Codemasters and what that means for the genre, and Nintendo's clever gateway drug known as Mario Kart. So start your engines... or just hit play.



Steven Camilo

"Not that one" lol 🤣

Joe Perez

This is awesome 👍 I’ve been quietly getting more excited for GT7. Have a great weekend, gents!


Not enough gay frogs and inter dimensional child molesters but I’m still in for GT talk!




The 917 concept car on the Thumbnail 🔥🔥


I've always found the forza/gran turismo relationship weird. All you hear about online is forza, and how hyped people are, while gran turismo seems to get no love. But then the sales for gran turismo blow forza out of the park. Very strange

Alex Jones

I definitely agree. I think it comes down to marketing. I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve seen GT in a commercial, but you see Forza and Forza Horizon a lot.

Brandon Soto

RIP Evolution 2007-2016 Really hope Sony brings back Motorstorm, somehow.


Ok but you should interview alex jones for real one day lmaoooo


this was great. really like the idea of a conversation around a specific genre. maybe a conversation around the fighting game genre or something else? just a thought/suggestion

Kenneth Oms

I don’t know anything about racing or racing games, and I suck at them, but this guest’s passion for them made me want to try grand turismo 7 when it drops. Great episode as always Colin.


This was awesome, I gave you guys some shit awhile back for not covering everything but this is a great way to hear about different genres. Hopefully fighting games next I would love to hear how the community feels about Playstation and EVO Keep up the good work.


As a GT fan, I approve this 💙


I'm not a huge racing fan or anything, but I just wanted to say that an episode like this is special. I love the way Last Stand Media doesn't cover anything in a way that feels forced. I also love how you aren't simply looking for someone with a name that can get you clicks. You follow the interesting story and the interesting people regardless of their status. Last stand media is unlike any other community I've been a part of online. Thank you to all of the gang!


Quality conversation

Joe McPartlin

Truth be told this podcast really makes me want to get or at least try GT7. Good conversation!

Drew Lee

Great episode and conversation. I’ve been a big GT fan since OG. So I was happy to see you reach out to someone that has a better understanding.

Drew Lee

Sorry if I missed it, but does Alex have a media platform I can follow? I didn’t see it on the Twitter post.

Alex Jones

I only really use Instagram and not much at that. Though, I post stories fairly often @the_aoj

Mark Horner

Great episode. I hope you bring Alex back when GT7 comes out.


Awesome talk. I love his passion for racing games. I hope he comes back around the launch of GT7.

Alex Jones

Thanks!! It was an honor to be invited this time and will be for anytime in the future.

Kurt Lewin

I really loved this episode. I think it's great credit to Colin to get someone on to cover a genre and series he doesn't have experience in playing whereas other podcasts would just stick to the games they know. I think it would be great maybe once a year for Alex to come back on with Colin or another guest to talk about which racing games have come out over the past year, the best and worst racers that year for us racing game fans.

Alex Jones

I think that’s a great idea! Anything to cover the racing genre more in the LSM space.

Stefan Catinella

I really appreciate the Racing Game talk as a fan who has plays both GT and the Forza series. I personally found Gran Turismo Sport underwhelming. While I understand the desire for clean racing, which I support, It felt tedious to me to find good races, especially at a beginner level. Maybe online racing just isn't for me, I've always preferred racing friends on the couch or vs AI.

Mark ?️

As someone who has 100% on all the DriveClub trophies, I'll defend that game to the death! Great podcast as always

Kurt Lewin

Not sure what Colin's relationship is like with him but another racing game enthusiast who he might know from his ign days that would be good to get talking with Alex and Colin next time is Luke Reilly. He has been at IGN Australia for years and is always the one to review racing games for ign.


I've been playing Gran Turismo for 21 years. So stoked for GT7