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While it's true that we ain't afraid of no ghosts, it's also true that we're not very fond of them, either. They are, after all, undead apparitions that seem to play by their own set of rules, and, well, it's time that they were busted. Thus, we queued up 1984's classic comedy Ghostbusters to draw some inspiration. With lots of brilliant minds involved -- Ivan Reitman, Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and others -- you'd think Ghostbusters would be a runaway hit. And for many audiences, it certainly was. But the Brothers Moriarty have a slightly different take: Primarily that Ghostbusters has all of the makings of something truly great, but doesn't fully take advantage of any of its components. Please don't try to trap us with your proton pack before you listen, though, for you may just find that you agree.



Dennis Johnson

Pour one out for Greg's sweet little heart. Lol.

Robbie Agnew

Yeah, I was kinda wondering if Greg influenced his dislike for the movie or if he always held this opinion. I guess I’ll find out by listening.


Colin: I don’t want to go to conventions. Also Colin: What if we dress up as GI Joe characters and go to conventions?


I read this as KnockBusters.

Kenneth Oms

Great episode as always. Very happy to hear from Dagan about his life and how he’s doing right now. The life banter between the two of you always makes my week. I think the two of you had a really good take on this movie. I do wonder if a modern aaa game for this could do the franchise justice. It would be cool to drive around nyc solving ghost haunting while making money in order to stay afloat.

Michael Thew

They have a ghostbusters the video game that was made in 2009ish and remastered lately. All four of the ghostbusters have said that was pretty much the 3rd movie. It was very good story and is canon, give it a shot. It a very good game and story if you like ghostbusters

Tim J Weckwerth

No patreon notification on this episode to my phone for some reason. But im downloading it now.


Colin hitting me with the "call your mother" comment. Damn. Will do, my friend.


When I was a kid I thought the ghost was trying to make him pee during the bj scene.

Zack Fair

I love Ghostbusters, although you both made very valid points about the film. They is a very interesting show on Netflix called the Movies that made us which has a episode on Ghostbusters, amongst other films

Michael Size

I think part of the reason Ghost Busters is so beloved by people in my generation (38-45) is because they grew up watching the Cartoon, playing with the Toys along with watching the movie. So it was much more than just the movie for us. The cartoon played a huge part in the pop culture phenomenon.

Luke Tucker

This episode is a really great example of why KnockBack is my favorite pod. I do love the ones where I am nodding along in agreement, but it's also good now and again to be challenged with different perspectives. I was often not having issues seeing why they did what they did when you guys weren't a fan of the approach. Ultimately though, I did agree with Dagan's reflection that all of the wanting more and wanting to flesh out the universe is a large component of why the film and property remain compelling 37 years later. This was a movie I wanted to see but wasn't allowed to because it was "PG-13" and I was 7 or 8 when the Real Ghostbusters grabbed me, eventually leading to getting to see the original film a year or so before the sequel. I think like any creative work, if it was important to you growing up it's going to have way more impact than if you missed out on it during your formative years.

Kaulike Souza

A little late to the party, but the ghost blowjob scene in the montage, was part of a deleted scene that was never fully finished. You can see more of it in the special features.


Good episode. Another one I get flak for that I think is overrated is Space Balls 🤷