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It's not 1995 anymore, or 2000, or 2006, or even 2013. During those years -- when PSone through PS4 launched in the west -- PlayStation's success revolved around what it itself can do. Its own system, its own studios, its own architecture. But in 2021? Things are changing. Sony's recent acquisition of Nixxes was all of the evidence you needed of the shifting sands, but recent interviews from ex-PlayStation CEO Shawn Layden and current PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan are incredibly illuminating when it comes to intent. After all, when Ryan is asking how a PlayStation hit selling 10 million can instead sell 100 million, he understands that can only happen by opening things up. The question is, does the audience understand too? Or is everyone about to get angry? We discuss. Plus: PS5 supply issues may ease in 2022, Konami is going both big and small, Final Fantasy's bizarre prequel has a release date, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Can third parties protect each other from consolidation? Should Sony cuddle up to Valve? Does PlayStation require more kid-friendly fare? And whatever happened to that man that pooped his pants on that date, anyway? The answer will surprise and please you.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:05:44 - So… about that guy who shit his pants on a date.

0:14:00 - Did The Initiative mean to call themselves AAAA?

0:21:47 - The zipper controversy gets some clarification.

0:23:42 - Some smaller news items.

1:03:55 - Is it normal to eat warm cereal?

1:07:07 - How long would it take us to notice growing one inch taller overnight?

1:11:44 - What have we been playing?

1:37:25 - Shawn Layden has revealed his previous plans for bringing PlayStation games to PC.

1:50:55 - AMD expects their chip supply to normalize within a year’s time.

1:59:33 - Konami is planning to bring new installments and remakes for some of its biggest franchises.

2:11:03 - Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin has a release date.

2:17:39 - Ubisoft has revealed Ghost Recon: Frontline, a free-to-play title.

2:32:03 - Starting October 27th, you’ll no longer be able to use credit cards or PayPal to purchase titles on PS3 or Vita games.

2:38:29 - Game Trials appear to be coming to PlayStation in some regions.

2:45:20 - eFootball 2022 is taking a beating.

2:49:12 - October’s PlayStation Now additions have been revealed.

2:50:27 - News Wrap-Up

2:52:21 - Should Sony buy franchises instead of publishers or developers?

2:57:34 - Could we see big third party developers merge?

3:03:49 - Does Sony have enough family friendly games?

3:09:48 - Would it make sense for Sony to acquire Oculus?

3:15:27 - Are there any Korean developers that are primed to make a splash globally?

3:19:05 - Should Sony be making friends with Valve?



Jose Mendoza

Can’t wait to listen to this


Best time of the week baby!


Let's go!!!!

Remington James

It’s go time 💰🏴‍☠️

Raymond keys

Lol it seems like everyone has a similar dream about going back to school. I have one where I miss a certain class all semester and I am failing that class; and of course I need to pass in order to graduate. Mine is college, not high school though.


Not particularly a fan of Hasan myself, but there isn't anything inherently hypocritical about promoting socialism while making money through the function of the capitalist society you live in. This is actually a pretty common way critics of socialism have turned themselves into a meme. "You criticize capitalism, yet you participate in it? Very curious. I am very smart!" Having said that, I just don't find Hasan entertaining. A guy on Twitch struggling to moderate live chat and interrupting content to go off on five to nine minute rants between every few seconds of a Shapiro video isn't fun to watch.


I have been texting my girlfriend "Happy sacred symbols day!" every friday at 9(im on the West coast). She still has no idea what that means BTW. But after a few months of consistently doing it, she has been sending it back to me every friday, even when I forgot too.

Drew Sleezer

I think the meteoric success of Monster Hunter World has been an a-ha moment for capcom in more ways than we can think. They’re putting a Nintendo switch exclusive game on PC 9-10 months after release, and a really quality port at that.


I think it's reductive to reduce people's arguments like that. There's no doubt a conflict worth noting when someone rails about the rich while becoming rich and then staying rich due to the system he's criticizing. That's just common sense. I have no problem with him making all the money he wants, but I certainly think he's a hypocrite, and at the very least a champagne socialist... the worst kind.

Phil Walker

I replayed MGS 1 and 2 recently and its funny. On the whole, I found MGS1 to be the more replayable. The game tries to do less with its fixed camera vs MGS2 which relies heavily on switching to 1st person (2 or 3 button presses and the dreadful, albiet nascent, analogue aim acceleration). MGS 1 actually controls a lot like a 2.5D game for the most part and I think holds up better for it.

Big titty drinker

Giving death stranding another shot and liking it alot better than before.

Elliott Morgan

Probably the funniest episode in a while! And that’s coming off the back of last week’s mention of “Piss Crystals”

Nathan Henderson

Gonna listen to this at work tonight but just wanna give a shout out to Colin for enduring the "debate" about being a fanboy. How you lasted that long is beyond me, when I saw his 'gotcha' of "well why isn't Sony in the timestamp, it clearly says Microsoft acquisition rumour" I had to turn it off. You need to protect your product but this was above and beyond, my friend. Hope you took the day to recover after that mess

Jeremy Craves

Funny community story - from the Bay Area my wife and I met several friends at PSX 2016. In line we met someone alone who came from Africa, that was also a KF fan. His name was Basil Frank and we spent PSX with him. A rare moment where you find a friend for life through these events. It’s a shame he revealed himself a psychopath immediately after my write in LOL. <3 you all!


Im just glad that Limp Bizkit is Final Fantasy canon now.

Jack Sibert

Regarding the listener write-in about the "AAAA" job listing... Colin you state that the listener is being pedantic when criticizing the conversation about the Initiative's mission statement. But isn't it also fair to say that you're being a bit pedantic yourself? Taking a magnifying glass to a job listening and interpreting it in a hyper-literal way and scoping it out to encompass the Studio's entire existence is kinda weird. Having read and applied to many tech industry jobs myself, I would say that "AAAA" was a games industry contextualized attempt at communicating "high quality, 110% effort". Because literally speaking, there also isn't such a thing as "110% effort", but people still say that all the time.


Having recently replayed 1-3 of MGS, 3 was the most annoying game for me to play today. The alerts are punishing on harder difficulties and don’t go away. You have to either die or wait minutes for it to clear. 1 looks terrible but is still playable and charming. The controls in all 3 suck.

Matt Wiles

So glad you guys love Death Stranding. The game is love/hate. I adore it - it’s gone into my top 10 games of all time alongside the likes of Mario 64, Resi Evil 1, Street Fighter 2 (Amiga!!), Halo 1, etc. It’s brilliant. A masterpiece. I rarely do this, but like you guys, have bought the art work book of it. Probably won’t even read it.


I disagree. I don't think it's pedantic to say that it was written by someone at Microsoft or with their blessing, they obviously meant it, and it remains on their website to this day. Them's facts.

Josh Lucas

Symphony of The Night is wayyyy easier than Dark Souls and is probably the easiest Castlevania game I can think of. But then again, like you Colin, I do have lots of experience in 2D games.

Mark Michaels

Playing through this advance collection after finishing my platinum on Symphony. I like how they left the glitches in these games for the most part. Being able to keep Alucard’s stuff by simply pressing back dash as soon as you go through the door to the room with Death. Since this is my 3rd play through why not. I’m all for cheesing the game on repeat play throughs. For Circle of The Moon I beat it straight up. Then they wanted me to go through on Magician mode for that trophy. Instead of wasting 2-3 hours spamming summons I beat it in 10 minutes using the summon on the edge of the screen glitch. Beating Dracula by using the Skeleton DSS from above him off screen. The 2nd form was a bit rough since I couldn’t take a hit at level 25. Rewind was very helpful here. Looking forward to a re release of Dawn of Sorrow. Man. Playing through that SNES version of Dracula X after playing through the excellent Rondo of Blood was brutal. That Dracula fight was nonsensically hard.


Is Hasan that guy who said that America deserved 9/11?

David Taylor

Listening while at work and Chris broke me at the Aesop's fable line. Now my coworker is looking at me like I am some sort of serial killer. I think he is onto me.

The Eclectic Gamer

Play 2021 games…plain and simple. With that said (and I’m not looking for a slow clap or a “good for you”)—but I beat Death Stranding Directors Cut in 2 weeks with a 250 Porter score…it can be done and not also sacrifice the ability to keep up with new new releases. Play the old shit in December so you’re not rushing past the current crop of games… This is going to be a very bizarre game of the year discussion for Sacred Symbols. Playing Metroid Dread and FarCry 6 now—great stuff, forgot how addictive FarCry can be. As I said a week ago, Colin is gonna be lukewarm on Deathloop, over analyze Kena and not beat it, ultimately balk on FarCry out of trophy anxiety and it’s redundant nature, not play Dark Pictures 1, 2, or 3 and skip out on the CoD campaign again.


In that Final Fantasy spinoff game its not a Limp Bizkit song Im guessing they saw a fan edit


Yeah its not Limp Bizkit but it is nu-metal. I just think someone said it was Limp Bizkit and it because its the same genre people ran with it. Its actually a piece of in-house music

Hose A Contra Razz

Dustin trying to invite him self to your wedding as your son, congratulations if you are.

Joseph Cerini

Great Episode. Thank you Colin for mentioning the chronicle order of Metal Gear. For the record that order is: MGS3, MGS PEACE WALKER, MGS 5, MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, and MGS4 ending the series. If Konami really wanted to make a impact starting from MGS3 would make sense if they planned to do a console full remake of MGS Peace Walker which would be incredible. However, it's like you said, and like Konami probably realized, us MG fans contribute the series to it's maker, Kojima. So there would have to be some blessing there but bringing Peace Walker to console in full remake fashion would certainly bridge the gap. I for one would be on the fence but at the end of the day, a new MG would be great because the stealth genre is basically dead. The situation is here for Konami to make a splash if they line their ducks in a row. I still can not believe no studio has stepped in the fill the gap MGS and Splinter Cell have left. So I am hopeful my favorite gaming series might be coming back but also wearily that it might be Konami alone without any presence of Kojima. Konami has us starving for some tactical espionage action so it may be all apart of the plan.


When the guy that shit his pants on a date gets married before you do…what is life? ☠️

Martin Colclough

So knowbodys gonna mention "Jordan Peterson's fat hog"? Nearly choaked on my drink.

The Eclectic Gamer

And as quickly as he started them, Chris has effectively abandoned Alan Wake and Death Stranding for the past week, c’mon bro…finish your shit. I’ve completed nearly 30 games this year with a full time job, 2-3 hours of commute time per day, wife and 2 kids…Chris GOTY…1. Halo Infinite, 2. Psychonauts 2, 3. Cyber Shadow or It Takes Two (even tho he played both for a hot minute)…unless he pivots to Life is Strange: True Colors.


Why can't he play what he wants? He plays a lot on PC, by the way. He has an Epic Creator account.