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Those of you who have been gaming on PlayStation since the early PS3 era will certainly remember Q-Games' PixelJunk franchise. The hallmark of the PixelJunk series of downloadable offerings -- available on PS3, PS4, Vita, and even PSP -- was that they were all different (except for direct sequels, of course). One's a racer. Another's a shooter. The next is a tower defense game. Heck, one of them is even an offbeat music visualizer. However, Q-Games' relationship with Sony seemed to sour with the release of PS4's The Tomorrow Children in 2016, a free-to-play second party title that was seemingly sent out to die with little fanfare or effort from its publisher. These days, Q is working far away from the PlayStation ecosystem, peculiar for a 50-person strong team once closely associated with the brand. To talk about the studio's history and its future, I invited its founder, Dylan Cuthbert, to +. Within, we discuss his storied past (he's one of the minds behind Star Fox, if you didn't know), how he found his way to Sony (Blasto!), and ultimately how he founded a Kyoto-based team known for its unapologetically eclectic approach. (Oh, and we also discuss Cuthbert's quest to get The Tomorrow Children's IP back from Sony, which could be a tall -- yet doable -- task.)




I've recently bought Eden 2 on the Switch... Can't wait to listen to this episode!


Enjoyed every moment of this interview, Colin. Keep em coming!


This was a fantastic interview, especially if your a fan of PlayStation history. Keep up the amazing work Colin.

Brandon Soto

Can tell how much you respect this guy. Never played Pixel-junk before. Gonna have to check it out now.


This was awesome. It’s so interesting to hear dev stories, especially from back in the day.

Nathan Densley

Fantastic! Great work again! Seriously loving these interviews.

Shaun Wilkinson

I absolutely adored this interview, it’s one of my favourite things you’ve done. I love hearing stories from the history of PlayStation so much. It’s such an exciting and fascinating time in the History of Gaming. More of this shit please ❤️


Colin, I loved this chat. I would love to hear more about the development history of both Hardware and software within PlayStation in future programmes


I don’t know this man but I LOVED this interview. Fascinated by his telling of the early days of PlayStation and the story of his own career. I wish it would have been 3 hours. So many more questions for him. Love this content!


I really enjoyed this. Dylan's story is interesting and I loved how open he was. Props to Colin here too, you really did a great job! You asked pertinent questions when needed but also knew when to sit back and let Dylan talk.

Joshua Brown

I remember learning about Dylan through Netflix’s High Score documentary series. This was a really great episode of SS+


Love these interviews! Keep them coming!


Awesome interview, Dylan has such a wealth of knowledge I’d love for him to return and talk in-depth about tech. I’m also one of those who played The Tomorrow Children beta and would love to see it return. Thank you for bringing his story to my attention!

The Eclectic Gamer

Fantastic interview…brings back alotta nostalgia when I think about some of the first “downloadable games” I experienced on PS3.

Douglas Morreale

Living abroad, especially in a non English speaking country is really cool. It's like hitting Reset on your life and getting a whole new 2nd life. Along with it there's this whole new "switch in OS" so to speak as you leave behind your home culture and assimilate. Going on my 7th or 8th(?) year now, engaged in South Korea.


This was super interesting to listen to. What a truly exciting and interesting time and place to work in the industry. Stories of moving between the US and Japan for work trigger something inside me. I’m really depressed that I am stuck in Australia with our Covid mad government. My options feel more limited than ever before.


Played a few of the PixelJunk games in the PS3 days and just recently started Shooter again on PS4. Really enjoyed this interview and hearing his stories about the industry. Keep up the great work.

jordan allen burton

Holy shit! This guy is a freaking legend!! So cool to hear about some old Sony lore! Great stuff, Colin.

Ryan Harvey

The mad lad did it! Can’t wait to hear the follow up now that Q Games has been able to retrieve their IP 👏👏👏