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Video games (both the products and the medium) are full of untapped potential. They can be fun, sure. In fact, that's perhaps the single greatest reason we play (hence the verb). But as we've learned time and time again over the years, games can be about serious issues, and you may not necessarily describe those experiences as fun... but as just that: An experience. One such experience has caught my eye recently, not only because it's directed by a friend of mine -- Luc Bernard, one of the most prominent supporters of Vita ever! -- but because it's about an issue video games simply never speak about. And we mean never, because Luc's game is about the Holocaust. Set to launch for free in 2022, Luc and I (Colin!) sat down to talk about his origins, his experience as a Jewish person and a Jewish game developer, increasingly obvious anti-semitism in corners of our industry, and more. But our chat primarily focuses around his newest project -- The Light in the Darkness -- and why it's boldly attempting to take on perhaps the most serious subject matter imaginable head-on. Luc has to do it himself because, as he'll explain himself, no one else will.



Remington James

Currently listening in the Sauna ✌️

Alex Bolton

Wow what a topic of conversation! This is a great surprise!


Israel should take the rest of Palestine by violent brutal force


Colin , this kind of content further adds to my already robust number of reasons why I contribute every month . You have such a diverse spectrum of discussions , I’m never not entertained. Thank you to all of LSM


This was an excellent interview, this was!

Jeff Caseres

Wow he really does bring up a good point that by simply putting Germany as the enemy in WW2 games instead of Nazi Germany is in fact white supremacy. Waiting to see if any big outlet makes an article about that one. Thank you Colin! Will definitely check his game out!


I think that is hands down your absolute best interview. Great info and what a charming young man!! I learned quite a bit from this one and I really can't wait to check this out when it releases. Keep up the difficult work Colin..... "You're our only Hope."


Yup. And you can see a similar normalisation of white supremacy or holocaust erasure on any old WWII history forum (most notably the WWII subreddit,) where a conversation about frightened young men fighting for Germany often becomes an obvious circlejerk of Nazi apologists singing the old song about how 'most of the Germans weren't the bad guys, they were just fighting for their country.' Nazi apologists love hanging out in online history buff forums, because they can mingle under the guise of appreciating stories and old war memorabilia. I don't think game devs omitting swastikas are actively trying to erase the holocaust or anything. It's more likely that they're oversteering in trying to keep Nazi symbolism down in the gutter where it belongs, but it isn't a good look when they get cold feet on acknowledgement of the jews and the Holocaust, and turn a blind eye to the Wehrmacht. While they aren't being malicious, they are, in effect, providing a similar narrative as the revisionists on 4Chan and Reddit.

Kenny C

Absolutely fantastic interview and thoroughly looking forward to the game .

Guns vs Kittens

Wow, cant believe Microsoft is the one out of all companies to help him publicize the game. Was he implying Sony was the company that doesn't want to put out a trailer, since that is the company with the PS+ game with nazis?

Guns vs Kittens

This was incredibly interesting, These interviews are so fantastic that I almost think they should have their own name separate from SS+ so I can find them easier when trying to show friends

James Galos

This was a tremendous episode. Let the silenced be heard.


I clicked on this episode not knowing what it was really about and I'm absolutely shocked this game has pretty much no coverage for how monumental and educational it will be. Also I'm a long time listener since 2014 and I honestly had no idea that you built a new company until I randomly thought about you at work and now you've certainly made my work days a lot better and I'm glad you're still around as I believe you are the best game journalist working today.

Julian Zhu

This was a great topic and enlightening conversation, Colin. Luc really articulates a lot of things that I hadn't considered before and does it well. I agree 100% with what you said in regards to the anti-semitism earlier this year in games/games media. As someone who is generally left, that was the straw that broke the camels back for me with my divorce from the majority of the left in the industry. It was such a disgusting display of hypocrisy. I look forward to checking out Luc's games -- would you happen to be able to provide any links to support his non-profit or any of the other organizations he mentioned? Would love to contribute. Much love.


Great interview Colin. Looking forward to the game


Very interesting point about the demonization of Nazis into Zombies or Shadows. Games like Wolfenstein (that I love) turn the Nazis into something beneath human in their monstrous portrayal. But by demonizing them to such an extent, maybe you make them more palatable. These are demons. They aren’t people, they’re NAZIS. It’s more disturbing to think about what the Nazis did, but put real people behind it, not mustache twirling cartoon villains.


If the Palestinians stopped launching attacks, I agree that Israeli attacks would likely also cease. However, I believe that Palestinians would still be bullied/intimidated/coerced out of their land. And it's been a decade since I read up on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, but from what I remember the Zionists used their political inertia of the moment(not trying to be insensitive, that whole phrase makes me cringe) to start seizing land, though I'll admit I could be wrong and Luc could be right that the only settlers were people being pushed out of their country and only had one option to them. All that being said, I love this community and the conversations it fosters. So glad I've been on board from day 1.

Andy T

Excellent episode. Really well done. I’ll take this guy over Jeff Grubb any day of the week.

Hose A Contra Razz

I thought Israel was the most Jewish place in the world? Lol

Zack Fair

Knew my history on WWII and the Holocaust really well before but still a great episode, will be definitely playing Luc's game, hope it does well and think getting it into schools is an amazing idea. Hope it really teaches the games journalists about it also as they come across as very dumb and quick to jump on the bandwagon like they did with the Free Palenstine movement without knowing the history

Jacob R.

Incredible. Thank you.

Jeremy Shook

Just got done watching this fantastic episode. Colin absolutely hitting the nail on the head. Everyone in games media out of no where is suddenly an expert in Palestine and Jewish cultures. I’ll never understand why the Ian Walkers and Corey Barlogs have to comment on everything.

Dave Ramos

Great episode! Is there a trailer or anything that exists publicly besides just this image? I wanna see more about this game but it's proving difficult to find on searches.


The antisemitism was on full display earlier this year in the industry, it was insane. And I know full-well it bothered many people.


Zionism predates the World Wars; the intent was to 'go back' but, as Luc said, it was happening in many places around the region. The Jews actually offered the Palestinians a lot more than they ended up getting if you go back and read the UN agreement structured around Balfour (from post-WWI).


Thanks. It's their general ignorance which I think made them be so comfortable being blanketly antisemitic.

Cameron Sturre

Colin with the, ‘walking fart noise’ I’m fucking dead LMAO


https://twitter.com/LucBernard/status/1433368925450891265 For those who wish to see the trailer, this is the trailer of the game


What a cool guy. Great interview.


Thanks for this episode Colin, I think it's a very important one.


Fantastic episode.


Damn, Colin. This episode was very good. I look forward to supporting this developer.

Kenneth Oms

Hey Col this is a damn good episode. In Florida they teach about the Holocaust in high school. I believe you read Night as well as other books on it. I was always very interested in learning more.


Somebody finally said out loud that French sold out their people. Nice. Next step is talking about other Jews working with Nazis. Nobody grows until you can speak openly about history and all the complexities.

Reuben Barrett

Really great point about the normalization of playing as Nazi's, low key removing the symbolism but keeping lots of other aspects. Yet barely and noise from games media... almost typical at this point. Go after that which your allowed, and let the hard stuff float on by.

Nathan Densley

These interviews are kick ass Colin. Keep doing them.


To what do you specifically refer? I'm sure there were collaborators among the Jews. Does anyone deny that?


To the point of your comment on woke being racists, https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg Pretty funny guy and hilarious comparison


I watched the salty "conversation" video right before this. Who would have thought a podcast about the holocaust would be a great palate cleanser. This content is amazing. I walked away feeling like I learned some things, and am considering more ideas about how mainstream gaming normalized a lot of really weird and bad things for profit. Keep up the great work both of you. I can't wait to check out this game.


Lmao glad you know this guy

Mark ?️

It's nice to hear the Armenian genocide get a mention brief as it was. It's a historic topic that's sadly all to oven missed, and still denied by many to this day unfortunately


I refer to oversimplification that is present in the media. Unless you actually dig into the topic it seems like WWII was this good vs evil conflict while rarely anyone actually looks at how complex situation was for individual countries/nations. WWII was much more than a guy in a weird mustache goose-stepping through Europe. Games don't explore that topic at all.

Miracle Peach

Excellent episode. I just said this with the mergers and acquisitions episode, and I’ll say it again, now: Colin, I love what you’re doing and the variety and breadth of content you’re bringing. I just increased to the $5 level on Patreon—not bc I felt compelled to have those privileges, but just bc I wanted give more to support you, Chris, Dustin, and the rest of LSM. You’re the man, good sir. As for the game, the concept is very intriguing. If he can deliver a well-written, polished product, it sounds like it could be a quite unique and affecting experience. Genuinely looking forward to it.

FourEyes Malone

Great interview, this the content I didn’t know I needed.