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We have spent two weekends with Halo Infinite and in the latest flight we were able to see yet another new map alongside Big Team Battle. Matty and Cog join up to discuss all things Halo Infinite and if the campaign concerns can be nullified at this point with such a mechanically sound product.



Phil Walker

Yes boys! Here we go! Was such a fun weekend. Havnt even pressed play yet and Im hyped!! :D


Been waiting for this one


Halo 5 has an excellent multiplayer so this multiplayer being great doesn't surprise me at all. My biggest issue with the 343 Halo campaigns was that the Prometheans were not nearly as fun to fight as the Covenant and even the Flood. I can deal with a bad narrative as long as the gameplay in each mission is on point (talking Halo 5 here, Halo 4 had a decent story). So I'm a bit more optimistic than most about Infinite's campaign because of its focus on the Banished (which were great in Halo Wars 2) over the Prometheans. My main concern is in regard to technical issues and how the open-world would work. Imo Halo never had good stories - just fun characters, cool set pieces and badass dialogue. I don't need Halo to reinvent itself from a narrative perspective like how God of War did. Edit: Yes please delay the campaign if necessary. Glad you guys came around to the idea that the campaign and multiplayer can launch separately.


I'm super excited for Halo Infinite. The MP is looking solid if they can work out the links like controller aim acceleration bugs, no player collision and no Jeff Steitzer voice in BTB in the Flight build. But the foundation is strong and feels like a true evolution of the sandbox of H3/Reach. And that art style is exquisite!


Gunna have to call Lord Cog out on calling the plasma pistol trash. The noob combo is still alive and well, you just have to use it in it's optimal range. It's a little farther out than in previous Halo's because of how it tracks enemies.

Lord Cognito

Fair enough. Wasnt sure if the old school combo still works;) - Cog

cody lawson

Mr Meddling Matty and Lord Grand Duke of Incognito mode, How’s it hanging gentleman? Quick question. Lately I’ve seen a few games in the Xbox store that are on gamepass but that previously I would have bought outright, and furthermore, the ultimate editions of! Games like halo and my personal favorite like the forza series are both now on gamepass. My question is, would you still consider it sane to purchase these to support the developers or does me being a subscriber to ultimate support them enough as they are on this service? Perhaps just purchasing all the DLC? Curious about your thoughts as I think about this every time I check the coming soon tab and I’m conflicted on preordering big games due to gamepass

Craig Mcguire

I wish I could have got more time on the flight. Very impressed, felt like H5 without the bullshit and little bit of H2/3 sprinkled in.