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We are in a period of unprecedented corporate consolidation in the gaming industry. Microsoft's purchase of Bethesda is obviously the biggest recent example, but indeed it's happening everywhere: Take Two and EA had a bidding battle over Codemasters, PlayStation purchased four studios in this calendar year, and even new entities like Kepler Interactive are giving indies a way to buttress each other and not sell-out to the big guys. In other words: There's a lot of moving and shaking going on, all of it is financial and strategic, and it can all be a little confusing for the uninitiated. That's why I (Colin) invited Last Stand's legal analyst, Rick Hoeg, onto the show to talk about what this all means, how it all works, and what future possibilities may await us. Will Microsoft gobble up EA or Take Two? Will Sony fight back with Square Enix or Capcom? The possibilities, as you're about to find out, are endless.



Hose A Contra Razz

Colin you keep saying your for sale, let’s say someone buys your company are they buying you or the company, I don’t care about the company I care about you, you are the It factor. If I were Microsoft and saw Sony buy insomniac I would just hire the team For a 1 million minimum 4 year contract minimum per employee probably cheaper than buying the studio. Is that a possibility or are there terms that employees can’t leave for a set time after the purchase?

Kenneth Oms

Great episode. The one thing I wish you two talked about was if we’re heading towards an ultimatum. Either we accept western companies like Microsoft buying more gaming companies or we let tencent run wild and acquire our favorite companies and censor the crap out of them like they have with Activision.


Patrick Bateman: Ask me a question. Daisy: What do you do? Patrick Bateman: I'm into... well murders and executions mostly. Daisy: Do you like it? Patrick Bateman: It depends. Why? Daisy: Because most guys I know who work with mergers an acquisitions really don't like it.

Adam Turley

The relationship with Bethesda and Microsoft ran really deep. Having watched the no clip documentaries and the xbox Bethesda roundtable they talk a lot about how much they communicated, trusted and worked with each other for decades. Just because Bethesda was a multiplatform developer doesn't mean it was a random purchase like say ninja theory was.

Piston Pants

The ole ambulance chaser himself, hoagie boi is back!

Anthony J Sanchez

I don't really have time to listen to the main episodes as much anymore, but these one offs are the reason I became a member in the first place! Thank you for the content.


As Hoeg said, I would think there are a lot of ways to do this under the C-suite, but it's a matter of if people are willing to take the deal.

Robert Graham

Such an awesome contributor you came across with Rick. Really unique content from other podcast. Loving these conversations!

Dylan Weaver

Love it when we get episodes getting into the nitty gritty business side of the industry. Great informative episode!

Max Stahl

Ah, yes. "Murders & Executions"!


Was this episode Named after the sopranos Episode? Lol first thing I noticed.

Carlos Moreno

Always a good episode with Rick!