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The inevitable has happened: Bluepoint Games has officially joined PlayStation Studios as its 16th team. You may recall that this news kinda-sorta leaked months ago, and either way, it's the most obvious acquisition Sony could have possibly made, so we're not exactly shocked. Yet, there's much to say, because it seems like Bluepoint may be breaking the mold when it comes to what they're best known for, potentially focusing on new projects rather than remakes and remasters. There's other first and second party news to consider, too. On the first party front, rumors strongly indicate Guerrilla's in-development multiplayer game may actually be Horizon-related, which frankly disappoints us. Meanwhile, over in second party, Destruction AllStars dev Lucid is apparently working on a Twisted Metal revival. Color us interested, though bummed Jaffe isn't consulting. There's other news, as well -- Firesprite's headcount has grown, GTA re-releases have been rated, etc. -- and we end (as we always do) with listener inquiries. What games did we turn our noses up at only to be pleasantly surprised when we actually gave them a chance? What licensed song do you most associate with a video game? Do we even care about Abandoned anymore? Is Colin being too harsh on bidets, and in turn European sensibilities?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:05:48 - Corrections, comments, and concerns.

0:39:32 - Some smaller news items.

1:22:42 - What have we been playing?

1:37:39 - Bluepoint Games has been purchased by Sony.

1:52:46 - Firesprite has acquired Fabrik Games.

2:09:40 - A Twisted Metal game is on its way to accompany the series.

2:20:26 - God of War: Ragnarok may have been further delayed due to an injury.

2:30:11 - New job postings may indicate what else Guerrilla has in the works.

2:39:34 - October’s PS+ games have been revealed.

2:41:45 - The GTA remasters have been rated by the South Korean game ratings board.

2:46:57 - Kepler Interactive has been formed as a new publishing model.

2:48:37 - News Wrap-Up

2:49:35 - What games have we hated, and then not hated?

2:55:46 - Do we have a process for getting Platinum trophies?

3:02:41 - Would we buy an M rated game for a minor?

3:07:55 - What’s the best use of a licensed song or soundtrack in a video game?

3:14:41 - Gut Check: Abandoned.

3:19:03 - Should developers sacrifice fun for realism?



Joshua Brown

💁🏻‍♂️Can’t wait to listen while I deliver the mail at work tomorrow.

Alex Bolton

Let's go! Sick and home from work today, time to play some Death Stranding and listen to these beautiful boys.

Shadi Haddad

I know the news came out just this morning, but can we possibly get a SS+ on the Konami news about Castlevania, MGS, and Silent Hill????

Petre Cismigiu

I lost my shit at FhHfrroons


I've never heard someone compare Naruto to France... #DustinIsRight

Tristen Wilbers

I'm only 20 minutes in and I'm laughing so goddamn much. These past episodes have been killer, and I'm so impressed with the improvement of this trio's rapport over the past 9 months. Love to see it!


love the debate about proper ways to clean the asshole boys. keep up the great content


Ok I haven't let you finish the bidet talk at this point... But, is the water cold? Cold butt water sounds uncomfortable 🤔

Kenneth Oms

Great episode as always I haven’t finished it yet , but Colin will you cover the great semi conductor heist that happened in China? Breaking points covered it and I’m wondering how it will affect PlayStation 5 production. I’m also wondering if China could essentially steal an entire games company if something similar happened.

Dustin Furman

You can get them with heated water but it's more expensive than a standard bidet. Personally, the cold water doesn't bother me. -Dustin


As someone whose primary platform is Xbox (then Switch and then PS4), I wouldn't be able to happily listen to this podcast every single week if it was fueled by fanboyism. Thank God I'm not on Twitter so that I can avoid most of that BS (didn't even know it was a problem for you guys).

Shane Geis

Microsoft literally NEVER said The Initiative was a AAAA studio…..this is based off one line from a hiring firm. They constantly said they are a small and agile company that only has 67 employees yet Colin NEVER mentions that he thinks it’s crazy they need help after 3 years….when 18 months in a pandemic and with only 67 people unreal…..your show had a whole segment on a false narrative and premise just insane….. I listened to the whole segment I did not take you out of context.

Shane Geis

Show me where Microsoft themselves ever called The Initiative a AAAA studio….also how does only having 67 employees and wanting to be small and agile studio while being in a pandemic not effect development time?


Use the thread next week to write in, and we can correct if necessary. You're talking to me like we don't correct all errors. That said, I just researched, and it was indeed used. So maybe don't write in.

Shane Geis

Thats cool but we both know it only came from ONE job listing/recruiter trying to hype up a job listing and MS has never promoted the Initiative as a AAAA studio in any official brief…..but cool I’ll stay out of this thread


Shane, you realize that any company speaking on behalf of Microsoft is doing so with their blessing. Microsoft doesn't even use internal PR for Xbox. Lots and lots of people are doing things on their behalf.




Jesus christ

Shane Geis

Fair enough thanks for the responses…. Big Xbox guy not a fanboy have a PS5 love their exclusives….don’t always agree with your takes but always look forward to your channels Xbox and PS shows have a good day

Jeremy Seal

Bluepoint is one of the best studios in gaming, period. I'm so happy about this news.

Will Ellis

Hey guys thanks for a fun podcast so far. I’m about an hour in. In regards to “console war” discussions I do think there is a middle ground to be had. And I know your out of context situation is different colin. Depending on how it’s talked about sometimes it’s fun to just talk up the console you like. I don’t think there’s anything wrong about being passionate about “your team”. I’m an Auburn tiger fan and living in Alabama that can be down right difficult. But I wouldn’t trade the smack talk we give each other for anything. It’s all apart of the fun of being a sports fan. Same can be said about console support. Assuming the spirit in which the banter is i guess. I guess my point is sometimes it’s cool to support the team you root for. I’ll be a Nintendo boy till I’m gone but ive owned pretty much all consoles from every gen. Except the dang ps5. Kids have to eat the wife says but I will wear her down eventually. Any way y’all have a great weekend.

Hose A Contra Razz

Colin as a home owner be careful flushing those flushable wipes down the toilet they will clog up you pipes overtime, advice from a friend of mine that’s a plumber, also Dustin the water is suppose to go into the hole that’s the purpose to clean the pipe and around it


I don’t like realistic systems in games that slow it down. I will say I like watching Link open chests as the music plays. Gets me every time .

Brandon Soto

I just don’t get this childish fanboy stuff, especially when it’s grown adults in their 30s & 40s arguing with strangers online. So sorry you guys had to see some of that.


I really want to buy an Xbox, but they currently have no games that interest me that I can’t get on PlayStation. And I don’t buy things just for the sake of buying them. Somehow on the internet that makes me a fanboy. This console partisanship is getting old.


As an avid listener of Colin’s work since KF, I have found myself on a handful of occasions disagreeing with him politically. I would consider myself a liberal politically and in-spite of that never felt the need to distance myself from the fandom of his content. Been riding with CLS since he started it up. However, i found myself thinking about how the situation with this instigator trying to stoke the whole console wars thing was handled. I don’t quite understand the fervor with which he responded to the video, though I appreciate being reminded that when he genuinely cares about perception, he acts with passion. I then began to lament the fact that it seems he rarely reacts with the same loud denouncement of the bad actors in this community or those that claim to represent it. Anyone who seemly attacks Colin within the industry, clearly does so solely on their perception of his politics. They look at this community with the same skewed light, with the proclamation that they are a bunch of “nazis” or intolerant, alt right scumbags. Personally, being as far from that as humanly possible, i wish that Colin would use his voice far more often to publicly denounce those bad actors claiming this community with the same fervor. I get that he’s been through the ringer and is likely tired of having to defend himself from those types of falsehoods, i just wish he would speak up more and show the detractors through his actions that they have his/his fans fundamental moral tenants completely wrong.

Domenico Smarto

As someone who is never really interested in video game film or tv adaptations. When i see Neil Druckmann working on a show I’m a little bummed because i would rather see one of the greatest talents in gaming history continue just to focus on games. That’s just the gamer in me speaking.


He has and unfortunately it just results in "Colin sent his toxic fans on us!" And then the situation gets worse. At this point it's a scab that won't heal. Leave it alone and it will become be a scar. I don't like this, but not sure what can be done about Colin's detractors at this point.

Ravjeet B

Just came here to say that I have without a doubt heard many people say Naruto the way Colin does. I also say it this way, funny thing is the way Dustin says it is American pronunciation while Colin is doing British pronunciation.


Yes, I was thinking exactly this. It can cause huge issues, it's basically like flushing tampons/pads down there - and they are pretty awful for the environment. 1-0 to the ass splashers on this one I would say...

Derek Alcott

I geeked out when you read my question. Great show guys!

Zack Fair

Dustin, why you put it on Easy mode for boss battles in Tales of Arise, I beat the 3rd boss in one go, use charms to help you take less damage per each boss elements

Michael Buffill

Colin is dead on about double A games. I recently downloaded Mark of Kri on my PS5 because I enjoyed that game on PS2 and it holds up beautifully as I am again enjoying my time with it. I have the new ratchet and deathloop on my console untouched because sometimes those double A games hit the sweet spot in between big games. Hope we get some more in the future.


Yes, I understand this argument but it is taken many orders of magnitude to the extreme. I am a massive Jets fan, I never, ever miss a game. You don't see me being insane about it.

Peter Pham

Just to let you guys know, I ran away from all of the boss fight (except the last boss) in death stranding. If you run out of the perimeter, the boss disappears. I agree the combat wasn't something I wanted, the choice to run from (almost all) battles made the game great for me. It's one of my favorites.


Regarding Tales of Arise difficulty, I recommend playing on normal. This is what I do for most JRPGs I play, because difficulty spikes are not uncommon with bosses. Personally I think normal mode is balanced well enough. I wouldn’t say it is designed to force you to want to buy gald from the psn store. But you do need to explore for chests, sell your commodity items, and do all the side quests you can. I love side content (trophy hunter), so it’s good for me 😁 Still, I think selling gald is a horrible idea overall because obviously the game devs don’t care about the in-game economy. Kinda shitty, but I think Tales has done this for a while…

Alan Hayden

Really enjoyed this. Thanks lads!

Dave Ramos

I think a Horizon FPS would make complete sense with the lore if they set it way before the events of the first game.


I really wish Colin had angolicized "bidet" and said "bih-dett" the whole time. God the opening of this show is so good. 😂

Oliver Johnson

The way you guys focused on the “original content” quote with Bluepoint makes me more confident that they are working on a Metal Gear remake. They said with SotC and DS they were already making original content, the MGS remake is not going to be top down, it’s going to be more like MGS5– which would be “original content.”


They're both wrong. It's not NaR rue toe. It's Nah rue toe.


Just finished tales of arise getting the plat. Love the game as a jrpg fan even with a few flaws. Hope you love it as much as I did

Douglas Morreale

ThE Ps5's FuTuRe iS GriM was always a premature, silly take imo. Also, the 3 Hosts of the Biggest Playstation podcast have barely any experience with the GTA Trilogy. I know we all have different tastes but still, my mind is 🤯


The correct pronunciation of Kena is in fact "Kay-nuh."

Anthony Palerino

I’ve bought every cod at launch since MW2, love the hardcore YouTube and competitive communities. Usually every year people are giving concrete reasons why the game is off and how it could improve, but this year, most people are just saying that it’s just not interesting. Simply too many other fun games to play! Hope that halo and battlefield can kick my favorite franchise in the ass to give it a push, but we all know how likely that is…

Kevin Cooper

"Our butt cheeks have touched the same surface. We are brothers. We are one."


Can I just offer a point that might have been said. However the challenges of a new team making a game during covid for Microsoft’s work at home policy’s in Cali. Might have added more issues to getting this team up and running then anything else. Was it as good to be established during a pandemic for games deep in development vs what we see now is crazy. I think after hearing so many games media reporters talking about how many games we lost I’m not shocked they might get help from cd and how square might want to try and make money back even if you had 2 years to build a studio.

Ian Everett Trout

I am an American living in Spain. I had never had a bidet in my home before moving here. The nozzles here do not point up. Simply search "bidet España" and you'll see what our bidets look like, more or less. What say you, Colin? Is this acceptable?

The Eclectic Gamer

How do you miss talking about the eFootball 2022 news, which was actually a game that you were mentioning concerning their free to play model? There have been a ton of user feedback concerning the egregious player and fan models that have been happening over the past week and nothing was mentioned…


Colin, I think the photoshop guy is James Fridman, amusing stuff.


Where are the new episodes?

John Hanke

The Cap'n Crunch Crunchling adventures game was the shit (nostalgia lense is clouding the actual game quality ;))

Sweeney's Girlfriend Archive

It is kind of frustrating that x box is doing the Halo Special Edition Xbox because a ton of people go for those special edition consoles despite already having the system. Nobody is doing anything wrong but it's annoying all the same. I just want the box.

The Eclectic Gamer

Oh really I must’ve missed that nothing particular besides what I highlighted I just know you were the only podcast that mentioned about the efootball in the past

Brian Lau

Not much of a correction... I get Chris' comparison with Bluepoint not remaking old games is the same as Dave Grohl playing drums. Dave Grohl was a pretty good drummer for Nirvana before Foo Fighters.

Nate McKinney

I'm a bit confused. That cryptic tweet Bluepoint put out a couple years ago, the one that was chock full of references, referred to "two things returning from shadow" so if the next game is "new" what was the other game? Was it canceled?

Nate McKinney

It is haunting. I suppose I'll have to keep dreaming of a Legend of Dragoon remake. Sigh.

Kevin Cooper

Coming soon to music streaming platforms everywhere... Chris Raygun's much anticipated debut album "Livid Beyond Reason", including the hit singles "Fascade of Realism" and "Wild" featuring Usher & Lil' Jon. Also available for pre-order on Apple Music.


Episode 170: Piss crystals and heinous poop crimes “If anybody maximizes my time in these places: instant enemy.” 😄

Context Should Matter

How did you guys not bring up Offspring from crazy taxi?