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We, the Moriarty Brothers, are grown-ass men with houses, but that wasn't always the case. In our younger days, we -- like so many! -- lived in apartments, townhouses, and even entire homes with roommates, and such experiences are obviously rich for storytelling. So allow us to delve into our college years and early professional lives, and tell you about some of our living situations, from the mundane to the ridiculous... and regale you with tales of the amazing, lame, and otherwise unforgettable people we bunked with along the way.



Alex Bolton

Aw this is a great topic!!! Can't wait to listen

Dakota Brown

I love Dagan, but his stories about eating his roommates food triggers me so much. I had a roommate who did that constantly and it drove me crazy. I’m glad Dagan is able to reflect back and see that it was not okay lol


The nerd culture episodes of Knockback are really cool, but my favorites are the shows where you and Dagan share memories of your past lives. Dagan is a great storyteller with a welcoming voice, and what seems a very relaxed disposition. I wouldn't complain about a Knockback+ down the road. Have a good day guys

Julian Zhu

These kind of episodes solidify why Knockback is my favorite podcast, bar none. You guys are such excellent storytellers.

Will Hahn

This was such a great episode! I love these sort of interstitial ones where you guys talk about your pasts and your past experiences of life. Good stuff.

Will Hahn

Lol I once was one of those people. I ate my roommate’s food back in college and he threatened to beat me up. He was a fucking maniac, but I still learned my lesson nonetheless.

John Fazio

Dagan is god damn national treasure and he should be cherished by the entire world! I would love to see you guys revisit this topic and hear Colin speak of more roommates he had in the ign and kinda funny days. Great stuff. Listened to every story with so much nostalgia applying it to my own life.

Andrew Christensen

I could have never guessed Dagan was a roommate-food eater... 😂😂😂😫

Russell Robinson

Dagan's Ducky story was funny and relatable. Especially the part about Jeff stating "Ducky's Finished" dramatically. I lived with 2 roommates and my girlfriend at the time so I know the difficulty of it. She's also saved me from aggressive onslaughts on a couple of occasions. Knockback is my favorite podcast. Keep it up guys.


God damn! This was a great episode!


Ive listened to this 3 times. Roomating with my buddies have given me some of the best and worst moments of my life. Really glad I could here your guys story.


Great episode, I’d expect this topic to produce some great stories, but both Colin and Dagan have the wildest, most colourful stories around. Would love more eps like this!


Thank you for listening. I'm glad to have had those experiences... but am also glad to be out of those situations entirely now.


As a senior in college, I can especially relate to the strange and unruly world of roommates. Great episode!


Col, your roommate was 6th Sense? Never heard of him til now but I saw 1 of his vids and he’s dope. Did IGN take those guys to court? Sounded super messed up, on both sides really. That Ducky story sounds like a mess. 😅 Also, why is he called Ducky? lol