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In a lighter news week, we shift our attention to PlayStation who was making the most noise. Thanks to next-gen upgrade backlash surrounding Horizon Forbidden West, the pitchforks were pulled out and raised high by fans of the platform. With that, Matty & Cog dip into PlayStation's incidental marketing of Smart Delivery and how the service is being pushed without Xbox doing much of anything. Scoping out the lay of the land, it appears that a $10 upgrade could be questionable depending on how long last generation titles hang around. In other headlines, Alan Wake is back! Formerly an Xbox exclusive, fans beyond that ecosystem can finally experience its wacky and zany nature this fall. What does this mean for the future of the series? We discuss! Perhaps more discussed than any of this is the situation over at Tripwire where CEO John Gibson was removed after comments made about a new bill passed in Texas. After revealing his thoughts on the situation, John is out, and with that, we have an important topic to mull over.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:07:21 - Will Game Pass change how reviews are perceived or produced?

0:14:40 - What other games are expected to deliver as much as Halo?

0:22:17 - Is there a multiplayer game that has strengthened our friendship with someone?

0:31:15 - Will there be a Psychonauts 2 spoilercast?

0:33:07 - Danganronpa is better than Ace Attorney.

0:35:54 - PlayStation has received backlash over upgrade pricing.

0:50:54 - Alan Wake Remastered is on its way.

0:58:57 - Tripwire CEO John Gibson has been removed from his post after a controversial tweet.

1:07:19 - The new Mass Effect may run on Unreal Engine 5.

1:17:03 - Windows 11 comes on October 5th and will bring improvements for PC gaming.

1:22:00 - Microsoft has acquired Clipchamp.

1:27:46 - Game Pass pick of the week.

1:30:27 - What games are good for someone who can’t quite figure out camera controls?

1:37:58 - What genre should get a bigger budget?

1:49:45 - Do we use the Microsoft Rewards system?

1:53:19 - Can Microsoft boost their supply soon?

2:02:51 - What Xbox game should be remade at a Bluepoint level of quality?



Michael Welter

Let's fuckin go. Thanks for keeping me company at work guys.

cody lawson

Matty I can’t believe you were nervous. You ALL hid it very well and looked super natural. Chris did show all of you up with that drip though. Shout out to Cog, my man had the best presentation and i voted for him. Matty if you had to pick a game that wasn’t a joke, what would it have been?

Stephen Forgione

I don’t think you should change the 5 starting/ending question format. If there’s enough topical questions to fill out the show, why not use them? I know not every patron can bat 1.000 (I know this from experience haha) but I still like hearing your guys’ extended thoughts on topics around the industry. If you’re still going to move forward with 3 starting and 5 ending, I’ll just need to step up my question game! Be well boys


I'd be pretty disappointed with a shorter show.


Really liked this episode. That’s it. That’s the comment.

David P

I felt like ace attorney's stakes were too low after playing the danganronpa trilogy (and another episode). I never felt as gripped playing it, but I've only finished the first Ace Attorney.

Your Boi Nicky V

Lol Matty talking about checking for KOTOR news constantly. Glad you got your wish today 😁. Also I'm fine with fewer warm up questions. 3 hour shows are good with me but if you're struggling for good questions then it seems like a smart move.


Commenting on how Dragon Age was GOTY material: A lot of people forget, but the first year of PS4/X1 had jack shit for games. Lol

Lord Cognito

Much appreciated for the love. thanks for coming out to support us. Surprised Matty didn't come with his classic KOTR;) -Cog


Hi Matty, if you’re really wanting thoughts on the question segments I’d offer one idea; don’t worry about it. Considering that the nature of the show is largely conversational, don’t stress about a rigid format of questions. Instead of committing to a 5&5 or 3&5 setup, just go with your gut for what submissions are most interesting and relevant to use in the show. A format is obviously important but it’s there to support the flow of the show, not to lock you into rules which cause you problems. Keep it loose - worst case scenario is that some shows are a bit shorter, some run a bit longer, and you pick some questions up in mailbag episodes! Trust your instincts and don’t chase tick box requirements - you’re doing a great job :)


I’m good with 3 and 5. If you happen to get inundated with good content one week, nothing wrong with the occasional 5 and 5


I just want to say I love the long length of the show and I’m actually a little sad when it’s not 3 hours haha. But keep the show just as long as it needs to be, if that means one episode is 5x5 and the next is 3x5, I’m cool with that. I’d rather have quality content then quantity.

Big Ru

Re: warm-up questions, I like the idea of 3 and and 5, but I don't mind the length very much TBH. You both do a great job all the way through so keep up the great energy regardless of changing any format

The Eclectic Gamer

A month between game release and Spoilercast is definitely too much…two weeks is all you need (but adjustments can be made depending on game length). If a game warrants a spoilercast or lengthy discussion, the likelihood is that many people are playing around launch is greater. One week to play and a week to submit questions then record the show thereafter. You can have a life, partner, kids, commute, and still find time for games…btw enjoyed the 12 Minutes Spoilercast. But still tell Dustin to finish It Takes Two and Ghost’s Iki Island content.

Brian Anthony Seals

Three and then five questions sounds fine. Re: Fighting Games,; afaik Sony doesn't do much development in that space themselves. It's mainly their relationships, helped by their origins and former focus on Japan (a huge mecca for the genre) that has earned them their dominant position. The EVO buy was the cherry on top. For Xbox, they need to to create an Initiative-like Studio to stay on top of KI and invest in that franchise. Secondly, work on those relationships you have and have had in the past. DOA was an Xbox exclusive for a while. Now, it seems like that team is hurting for resources. Bandai Namco and Sega have good working relationships w/ Xbox now, thanks in part to Game Pass. Let's make some exclusive deals. Playstation got their hands on VF5 Ultimate Showdown exclusively. That's a huge loss for the Xbox brand and that shouldn't have been, given Yakuza's success on the platform.

William Murtha

Aren’t PS5 games $70? Of course Microsoft is giving free upgrades to their games when their isn’t a price difference between Xbox Series and Xbox One. The $10 upgrade path for Sony just makes sense otherwise everyone would just buy the PS4 versions.

David Taylor

After the disaster of an announcement I had little interest in the Xbox One but I lucked into one for $200 only a few months into the release and I think it actually had a pretty solid first year. Dead Rising 3 wasnt as good as 1 and 2 but was better that it got credit for and Ryse and Sunset Overdrive were awesome.

Ryan (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 20:55:31 To answer Sean Car’s answer about which games yo play with his woman, PLAY SPIRITFARER! Such a fantastic game. I think this would be perfect for you 2 since it’s even co-op. Someone who is in the Discord should tag him and pass this on, in case he doesn’t see it here
2021-09-13 18:47:22 To answer Sean Car’s answer about which games yo play with his woman, PLAY SPIRITFARER! Such a fantastic game. I think this would be perfect for you 2 since it’s even co-op. Someone who is in the Discord should tag him and pass this on, in case he doesn’t see it here

To answer Sean Car’s answer about which games yo play with his woman, PLAY SPIRITFARER! Such a fantastic game. I think this would be perfect for you 2 since it’s even co-op. Someone who is in the Discord should tag him and pass this on, in case he doesn’t see it here