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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.


You have until Thursday, September 9th at 5 ET to submit. Talk to you soon!



Scott Pilgrim vs The World


Hey CDC, John Gibson, now ex-president of Tripwire Interactive was cancelled for being pro-life in a world where virtually 50% of people are pro-life, including women. Are we really this deep into cancel culture where a popularly held belief such as this one warrants what's been done to this man? As a pro-life person myself, I understand the criticisms of this Texas bill, but in my opinion this wasn't just about that. While a small portion of the games community viewed John's support of the Texas bill as the only problem, the majority simply used this Texas bill as a jumping off point to get to the root of the issue which is that you cannot be pro-life and be a part of this industry at the same time. Don't believe me? Scroll through all of John's responses and look at the hundreds of tweets attacking his pro-life position all failing to include anything about this Texas bill. What is happening to our industry is an atrocity. We're at a place now where opposing ideas or beliefs are simply not allowed. Either you can echo what is being said inside this intolerant bubble or you can leave. Gone are the days of healthy conversations or the idea that reasonable minds can differ. We need to stop with this "holier than thou" attitude and be more welcoming of others with different opinions than us. You might feel that I'm overblowing this situation but I can't even tweet that I'm pro-life without being told to go fuck myself for being a fascist asshole by members of the gaming community. It seems Last Stand Media is truly the final frontier against this bullshit mentality in the games industry. Please don't ever change because without you, different voices will never be given a platform in this industry. Upped my sub from $5 to $10...please keep going.


Ys 1 and 2 Chronicles for PSP/Vita

There’s No I in LLC

Afterschool we got to play outside while waiting for the bus. One day strained my ankle playing football. I went to go rest on these benches at the bottom of hill. However my brother and his friend came, and I thought they were checking on me. Lo and behold they started beating my ankle with these thick, not exactly logs but bigger than sticks,pieces of tree! Anyways after they were satisfied I got to climb the stairs and hobble over to the bus and go home. Any stories about playground betrayal?

Nathan Guergis

Hey everyone, As of the day of writing this (September 8th), Kojima Productions released their new Death Stranding: Director’s Cut trailer which was edited by Mr. Kojima himself. Great trailer, but I noticed that it had the PlayStation Studios intro. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this only featured on first-party Sony trailers for games like Ratchet or Horizon? Could Kojima Productions be a future first party studio to Sony? At the very least, could this suggest that Sony and Kojima are still tight - contrary to the Microsoft & Kojima rumours swirling around? Thanks and keep fucking that chicken.


Hey Boys, Just wanted to stop by and say I really miss hearing the word “eldritch” on the podcast. Hope to hear it again one day.

Michael centeno

Hey CDC, Has there ever been a game or console launch that you were so excited for, you took the day off work or school to play it? Thanks and congrats on the success of the LSM meet up

Joseph Losinno

Hey boys, It's no secret that video game journalists can cause certain opinions to be "mainstream" (as in unanimous on twitter). Can you think of some of the craziest takes they have had you think are just off base. For example, while most journalists would say Joel in the TLoU is a monster I am sure many players who are fathers would disagree. Thanks


Greetings and salutations guys! After the recent kerfuffle about Horizon Forbidden West not receiving a free PS5 upgrade, and then Sony changing their minds to allow the free upgrade after all, I decided to take a look at the PS store. As of today, Horizon on PS4 is $60 but it is $70 on PS5. Sony has to change this to $60 for both, right? Or is it possible they are hoping that people that own a PS5 are none the wiser, and that they will just pay $10 more for the current gen version? Thank you for all you all do to keep us entertained every week!


Hi Crew. The last two games that heavily featured stars from the silver screen bombed critically and were mired in negative press upon release (Twelve Minutes and Cyberpunk 2077). Do you think this will have a material effect on opportunities for collaboration between big name actors and video game creators? Or do you not think it matters much to them because they don't seem to appreciate or enjoy video games as a past time?


Hey CDC, I’m assuming you will be recording this week’s episode after the Sony presentation on Thursday. So, what did you think? Was it worth the wait? Sony’s current release schedule is barren compared to what they claim is in development. I’m curious to see how many of those 13+ new IPs we got to see. Keep up the awesome content, gents!


Hello gentlemen, Just two quick questions for you this week. First, with the new firmware allowing us to install our own SSD finally coming soon do you guys plan on getting one or just keep balancing what is there? I bought one a month ago and can not wait to get it in there. Secondly, for Colin, have you seen the trailer for Arcadian Atlas yet? Not nearly enough games coming out in this space for me. Love the art style as well. I have bought Fell Seal on 2 systems but have yet to play it because I’m trying to get over the string bean lanky art style. Thanks for all you folks do. Keep spit roasting that chicken.


Greetings gentlemen, Tales of Arise is releasing this week and reviews are very positive so far. How excited are you guys and what do you think Tales of has to do to finally get as popular as even Persona and Yakuza?


Hello gentlemen, So this week John Gibson the president of Tripwire Interactive stepped down for saying after outrage ensued because he said he was Pro-Life and supported the new abortion law in Texas. This led to the collective meltdown from loads of games journalists and devs. As Colin mentioned on Twitter, I can't seem to figure out if the outrage is from him being Pro-Life or supporting the law as most comments by notable people are just shaming him for his pro-life views, even when it's not like it's a view shared by a few. I was wondering what your thoughts on the situation were?


Colin, You've talked about your dislike of the ZA/UM studios politics but have also spoken about being open to discussion and discourse about politics and life in general, what then is your aversion to Disco Elysium? A stellar game with some interesting poignant conversations about labor, unions, and relationships with ourselves and others. It also happens to be a pretty big Exclusice for the PS4/PS5. Stoked for the episode and as always keep penetrating those aviary holes boys!

Robby Deadman

Hey beastie boys. What do you guys think of the Tripwire situation regarding John Gibson's tweet? Personally, I find it unfortunate that he had to step down as CEO due to an opinion he felt like sharing. The conversations online about this have been reduced to the usual "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence" and totally cool-headed and civil discourse about abortion. I think it's more of a cancel culture story since that's more pertinent to more ppl than the TX law in question, but nonetheless, what's done is done. Keep up the great work fellas.


My Guys, you have to rid either the left or right thumb stick from existence. Which one?


Hello Sacred Simp-holes gang, Who are some of the most exciting "indie" studios to you guys, right now? I've really been enjoying the guys over at Dotemu for retro-styled games. Also Sabotage Studio that made the Messenger, and is making that incredible looking RPG, Sea of Stars, seems to be a solid team. I'd like to see more from teams like Chucklefish (the devs behind Wargroove) and I have enjoyed Spearhead Games (Stories: Path of Destinies and Omensight, and they are making a cool looking RPG called Witchstone.) Hope you guys are having an incredible week and keep up the great work.

Joseph Losinno

Let's get down to business with the most important question related to last week's live show. Was your Winnie-the-Pooh ass big swinging dick and balls all over Dustin's childhood room and Sonic's face??? Thanks.


Hey Phat, I have mused over Valve's peculiar hardware trajectory and started piecing together where I believe they're headed. If the Steam Deck finds itself truly making a splash in the gaming psyche, I believe they could keenly translate that success into the home-console space. With the experience from their Steam Machine debacle, Steam controller flop, the well-received Valve Index hardware, their growing partnership with AMD, and soon the Steam Deck; I feel they're positioning themselves to make another strike for the gamers living room. What I'm envisioning is a beefy botique box that you'd come to expect with all the bells and whistles such as super-fast SSD, high-end RAM, and teraflops for days. Who knows, maybe they'll embrace modularity similar to what you'd expect in the PC space. Kick in the option for users to opt to install Windows and whatever other launchers they may want (that part being completely optional). I can also see them makling a breakthrough controller similar to the DualSense as clearly they are not shy when taking daring risks with their input devices. Of course most important to note they have one very big secret weapon: The gigantic Steam library. So, what do you think of this possible reality? Thanks and hope you guys have a slightly above-averge day.


Hey CDC, I was watching one of Jaffe’s videos from last week and he mentioned that he heard from 3 different sources that there was a change in Sony’s bonus structure for employees. Basically, after bonuses were awarded from GOW 2018, there was a mass exodus at Sony Santa Monica, so they implemented a new policy that still pays all their employees the same bonus, but over 3 years instead of a lump sum after the game launches and becomes profitable. Personally, while I think it’s kinda shitty, I also think it’s a genius move to try to retain talent although 3 years might be a little on the extreme side. With all the competition for game dev jobs, particularly in southern California, it makes sense to make an effort to try to keep your talent. I haven’t seen much written about this in traditional games media and was curious about what you guys think. Is this taking it too far? If you were running a AAA game studio, how would you try to mitigate losing your talent so quickly after shipping a game? Anyway, congrats on the success on the first live event! Excited to see what the future holds for LSM. Thanks – Jamie.


I think it's important for this show to also have Cory Barlog's reply to the tweet: "jesus fuck, man. really? you are all about this fucked texas bounty law that pushes us closer to some kind of Gilead dystopian religious state? really??? I mean what the fuck, man. seriously, how can anyone be proud of claiming dominion over a woman’s personal freedoms?" And because of the last sentence we can see this is not just about the nature of the law's enforcement mechanisms for him but about being pro-life in general.

Ray Briggs

Hey CDC (but note that Chris is listed first there), Everyone seems to be pissed at Sony for the "upgrade" fee that want to charge for every cross generational game. Wouldn't a simple solution for Sony be to just roll into PS+. Members get all PS4 to PS5 upgrades for free. Non-members pay $10. It adds value to PS+ for existing members, might convince some to join PS+ and is CONSITENT. If seems like the rules change for every game. Sony is just shooting themselves in the foot for no reason. Thanks, Ray Briggs II

Alex Bolton

Good afternoon Dustin, Chris, Colin (and Ben when he edits this) I just wanted to shout out the entire team for an absolutely fantastic Live Event this past weekend. It was a joyous experience, and the hard work put in by everyone did not go unnoticed. I am really looking forward to seeing you all at the next one!

Turd Ferguson

Hey guys, What do you think it was about Firesprite that attracted Sony to acquire them? After all, this studio is made up of many former Sony Liverpool employees, which Sony closed down not too long ago. Is this maybe an admission on Sony's part that they made the wrong decision to close down Sony Liverpool in the first place?


Hi gang, I had a thought whilst reading on my phone, in the shower, wearing glasses, drinking a beer, and a thought came to me. Do you guys think that games lack detailed game design these day, I was thinking about games I've had such a good time with (hitman 2 an example), and these are clearly so heavily designed, I just wonder if that attention to detail is missing in modern age design philosophy? Just food for thought. Peace


Hey CDC, I'm currently playing through Control the ultimate edition and it occurred to me "Why the hell did I not play this game when it came?" I'm wondering if there was a game, that you forgot about or got overshadowed, that you ended up playing years after release. And had the same thought as me. Take care and keep fucking that chicken.

David Graham

What do the terms "endgame" and "postgame" mean to you? To me, endgame always meant the events immediately preceding the ending, but now I've heard individuals like Chris refer to the content after the main story as endgame, which to me would be post-game. Am I wrong, or is the definition malleable? I voted for Toy Story 3. The man had passion.


Hi Team, This question is mainly for Colin as it has to do with trophies but feel free to chime in. Colin - on your latest Sacred Symbols + you spoke on how you like to focus on completion percentage when it comes to your trophies. My question is this: Do you ever see a particular trophy on a list and become turned off from attempting the platinum or even playing the game? If so, what is the trophy? Regards, Jace


Afternoon gentlemen, I was listening to the part in episode 165 where you talked about buying M-rated games ‘legally’ for the first time and thought I could contribute. When I was 16 in 2012, I got a job at GameStop. One of the perks is that the employees can ‘check out’ games to play like you would books from a library. The first game I checked out was god of war 3. It’s M-rated of course, but no problems from my boss. I found the loophole. I was riding high on my illicit activity when I was picking out games to blow my first paycheck on, which of course included other m-rated games. I get to the register full of optimism but was dismayed when my boss says he can’t sell them to me because I am still technically under 17. Unbelievable. I then had to ask my dad to come down to the store and buy them for me. Super embarrassing for a 16 year old to have to get bailed out by dad in a job setting, but funny to look back on now. Thought you all would get a kick out of this, hope you all stay safe out there.


Howdy partners, The Horizon pricing debacle was so odd that I can’t help but think it was a planned PR move. They announce the offerings with no upgrade path from PS4, which is contrary to their current strategy with the Director’s Cuts, simply so they can later roll it back and reframe their $10 upgrade scheme (which is not consumer friendly relative to Microsoft’s Smart Delivery approach) as something benevolent rather than greedy. Do I sound like a conspiracy theorist or could there be something to this?


Hey Last Stand boys. I have started watching the excellent hit TV series Downton Abbey. And I am in awe of the time period it is set. Its crazy to think that just over 100 years ago people were marvelling at the introduction of electricity. And here I am, just over 10 decades later, sitting in my pj's typing on a tiny electronic communication device that will instantly send a message from London England to your good selves in the USA. With Sony calling their Thursday event the future of playstation 5 I wondered if you guys could humor us with your predictions for the future of video games in the year 2121. Will we still use consoles? Will be be jacked into the matrix? Will games just not exist? I would love to hear you ponder... Warmest regards Lord William Bunter

Real Radec

Hey CDC. Sony Interactive has acquired its 15th studio, Firesprite. One aspect of the news I do not see people talking about that much is that the team was made up of former leads at Sony Liverpool. With rumors that a new WipEout game is in the works for PS5 and VR, do you think Firesprite is the team making it? Omega Collection on PS4 is fantastic and it would be cool to see the original developers come back and make a brand new WipEout for PS5 and VR.


Hello fellow domesticated homo sapiens. Just like many others, I'm longing for a new playstation handheld. I have been thinking about if a new modern Sony Xperia play would be the way to go. I would totally buy a hybrid smartphone/gaming handheld and use it as such. I mean I would use that Xperia play as my daily smartphone as well as a playstation handheld. I wouldn't mind if it was a bit bulkier and bigger for a much bigger battery, even if it wouldn't for example not fit into my pocket. I guess that's a trade off i would accept. What do you guys think? Thanks and greets from Sweden.

MonstaPontes93 (Ricky Pontes)

Hey CDC So I been thinking a lot lately about dual sense controllers! They’re awesome and great addition to the PlayStation 5. What I wanna know is what Games do you think that were on the PS4 first party or 2nd party that would or could utilize the new dual sense features like haptic feedback or adaptive triggers! Thanks boys and have a marvelous day! Oh and congrats on the live show can’t wait to watch it when it goes live!


What's going on Sacred Crew! There's a really funny Parappa meme going around Twitter with Parappa and Batman. Not only is it hilarious but it got me thinking. What if Parappa returned and just got his "8 Mile" on with a bunch of other PlayStation characters? Like he could rap about slaying Greek Gods with Kratos or have an epic rap battle against Colonel Radec from Killzone? We have been so into multiverse things lately so why not have Parappa drop into another character's world and see what Aloy looks like in 2D and if Jin Sakai can spit some sick rhymes. Thanks guys, have a great day and remember you gotta believe!


Hey gents, How big is a game like Kena to Sony this year with its lack of first party content? Normally around September we’d be getting something like Spider-man and since Horizon missed that mark we get Kena for September. Does it matter to Sony? Or are they just going to look ahead to Call of Duty?


Hi gents, hope you're all doing well. I'd love to know what you make of Sony's decision to backtrack so quickly on the upgrade limitation with Horizon: Forbidden West. Personally, the pessimist within me thinks that they're doing this on purpose. We talk a lot about optics, and Sony are currently getting a lot of positive praise for 'being consumer friendly' and 'listening to the fans'; praise that they wouldn't have gotten had they simply made the right decision in the first place. Maybe I'm looking into it too much, but I feel like *someone* at Sony must have known how their audience would react, right?

Ben Williams

Hello Colin, Dustin, and the Blindkeeper, One of the most surprising parts of the John Gibson story was multiple developers cancelling current contracts with Tripwire over his comments on the Texas abortion law. Are we going to see more game developers and publishers refusing to do business with one another over political issues of their senior leadership? Or will we just never again hear anyone publicly express more conservative views in the game industry? P.S. Thank you for fostering a truly welcoming community where people can have sharp disagreements about these issues and still be part of a wonderful group.

The Late Nate

Hey D giving it to a pair of Cs, If you were able to clean house and install your own guys in one department of Sony, which one would it be? Marketing? PR? 1st Party studio overseers? C suite executives? Maybe even the cleaning staff? Cheers boys!


Hello gentlemen this is more of a recommendation then an actual question in regards to an amazing game ive discovered and I can’t put down and it’s called 13 sentinels aegis rim. This game has some of the best story writing/character development I’ve ever experienced the way the game handles progression is fantastic have any of you guys tried out this game? Thank you guys so much for the great content and thank god football is back (go Broncos!)


Damn that's a tough one but I would tell her. Isn't communication key for a good lasting relationship? That's the word on the street I hear lol

Benjamin the Warped Nuclear Test Subject

Hey CDC, With the Playstation 5 approaching its one year anniversary, i feel like now is a great time to ask this question. If you were Jim Ryan, what would your 3 year plan be to keep Sony at the top of the console sales leaderboard?


Hello CDC, Can we please all stop calling games free on game pass? I don't know how many fools have said about a game that it's "free day one on game pass". It's included in your subscription not free. Please help this one gamer spread the word to not call it free. Thank you. Sick of it Steve O


Greetings CDC, This question might be too hard to answer quickly but with Colin's wealth of playstation knowledge I am curious to know what his "Defining Games" are of past generations such as PS1, PS2, and PS3. It would be interesting to learn about the most popular titles from the past, how much they sold, and how these games brought us to where we are now.... or have become forgotten. P.S. The Butler show was great. I hope you slept in Dustin's childhood room with just a shirt on.


Hey cdc, was hoping to get a chance to ask this question at the live show but do you think there is a possibility that fallout 3 isn’t getting remastered because of the Chinese sections of the game? The dlc is all about the Chinese invasion, along side things in the game like liberty prime and other American history. Also if that is the case do you think it’s less likely to be remastered now that Bethesda is owned by Microsoft?

Adam Barnes

What fucking event and why are you yelling at us?


Hey CDC, I hope all is well. I recently snagged a preorder for the steam deck. It's a promising device and looks to be my next emulation machine for the road. I'm curious if you think there's a snowballs chance we will see another Sony handheld during the ps5 generation? Thanks for the awesome content and keep fucking that chicken like the piece of meat it is.


Whats up CDC, I have been judging Colin for not beating Cuphead yet, but unfortunately I have had to wave the white flag on Hollow Knight. I believe all of you guys have finished it so my question is this: What is it about certain games that has made us accept temporary defeat? Are there any other games that you feel like you should have no problem finishing but simply cannot "Git gud" at? Thanks for being awesome and helping make my long commute more enjoyable!


Hey CDC - first time writing in, though I've been a follower since long before you had an ever-rotating-third-chair on Beyond! I’m curious of y’all’s thoughts on John Gibson and the blowup surrounding his support for the Texas anti-abortion bill. I am conservative and pro-life and was really encouraged to see just one voice in the games industry represent something I believe in. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the near-universal condemnation of him and his views. The typical response to this backlash is, "you have freedom of speech, but not freedom from consequences." And, while I understand and agree with the sentiment, why is it that only one "side" experiences the consequences? For example, Cory Barlog is quite vocal about his politics, and no one is boycotting God of War or cancelling contracts with Sony Santa Monica (nor would I want them to). Why, in the gaming industry, are pro-lifers expected to "shut up and dribble" while pro-choice advocates are able and encouraged to shut down anyone who dares disagree?

Parker Petrov

Greetings CDC, Colin, I come before you today to fix an injustice. I have silently watched your career from afar. I moved to vita island, I paid my birthday taxes when you asked, and when you went to make history podcasts, I told you I support you but can't follow you on that journey. When you started doing gaming podcasts, I listened and supported as much as I could. However, PlayStation has committed a travesty. Since the mid-2000's a console's operating system has had to do two things on the most basic of levels, and that's launch games and turn off. That's it. However, PlayStation, in its infinite wisdom, has broken that functionality. When you go to press the PlayStation button, it no longer turns off the console. It brings up a second menu I have to navigate to get the option of turning off the PlayStation 5. I got my PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X at launch. I have enjoyed the exclusives I bought the PlayStation for. However, that enjoyment ends when I go to turn off the PlayStation, and I have to jump through all these hoops. PlayStation had an excellent system that had worked for almost two decades. I implore you to use your powers to fix this. PlayStation has been big on haptics, so this could be fixed with that technology by tapping, or a short press launches the menu that exists today on PS5, and if you press and hold, we are then prompted to turn off the controller or the console as we always have been. Thank you for your time. Praise be to Shuhei, and have a good day.


Toy Story 2. Did you guys ever play that PSone game? So fucking good.


Gentlemen, In keeping with your weekly video game education segment, can you tell me what constitutes a "season" in a live service game such as Destiny 2,  Division 2, or Fortnite? Is it a certain period of time or is it going from point A to point B in a story mode? I have no clue.  Keep up the great work and know that you all are appreciated. Jason Luskie


Hey guys, I'm ashamed to admit I never got past the first hour of Horizon: Zero Dawn. I went to play it on my PS5 recently using my disc and realized there's no sound in some of the cutscenes. During the Aloy-growing-up montage, I found myself thinking "Huh, I thought there was music behind this," only to miss the dialogue completely a few scenes later. I don't know if this is a common problem (especially since most PlayStation fans have already played the game), but according to Reddit, this bug may have come with the 60 frames PS5 patch. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if there are other examples of patches intended to improve a game causing such a significant problem. I was instantly disengaged. Side note, you guys are the highlight of my Fridays--appreciate everything you do and hope you do a live show close to home, Colin. I'm in NC and would be there in a heartbeat!


Hey sexy, sexier, and sexiest (you know who is who). What do you guys think about the Tripwire Interactive situation and everything that has gone down with the studio? While I am personally pro choice and think John Gibson is wrong, I find the witch hunt that occurred to be troublesome, although to be fair, I don’t know what the fuck John Gibson thought was going to happen. Nevertheless, the whole Tripwire thing is an interesting situation, and it reminded me of the Mozilla situation years ago with their former CEO Brendan Eich. Would love to hear all your thoughts on the matter. Thanks, and much love from Canada!


Hi CDC, I’m a week behind so my apologies if you addressed this on last week’s episode: Have any of you played the Tales of Arise demo? I’m not familiar with the Tales series and this one looked cool so I decided to give it a shot. Not 10-15 minutes later, I deleted it. Why you ask? Every time an enemy is attacked, the characters yell what attack they’re doing. I found it incredibly annoying and decided it wasn’t for me. Are all Tales games like this? Is this a trend in modern JRPGs? FFVII Remake didn’t do this but maybe that’s because it was developed with a Western audience in mind? I’d like to hear your thoughts. As always, keep up the great work! Brian Goerlich (Ger-lick)


Hello chaps. Is it possible that one of Sony's second party partners could be working on one of PlayStation's biggest IPs? For example, could Firewalk be making a Resistance or Killzone game? Has there been an occasion before when a second party studio has made a game with one of Sony's existing properties rather than a brand new IP? Much love from bonnie Scotland <3


Hey CDC, Stop referring to PS5 games as “next gen”. PS5 is now current gen. Thank you. Owen

Tommy Murphy

Dia dhuit gentlemen, first time longtime. I'll aim this mainly at Colin, and will try to keep it relatively short. With the recent releases of classic Konami games as collections, such as Contra and Castlevania. Do you ever think we will see a re-release of some of their classic RPGs as collections. I would love to see Suikoden, Azure Dreams and Vandal Hearts come out with trophy support. I know it's probably just a pipe-dream but with the recent Konami shop updating their Suikoden clothing range, a man can only hope! Also I'd love to know if you have ever played the Vandal Hearts games? In a way they remind me of the song of Ice and Fire books, in the guise of a 90s turn based strategy. Political violent, mature for their time, and very underrated in my opinion. Ps. I hope this is read out just to hear your pronunciation of ‘hello’ in Irish Colin, I know you identify more so with your Italian roots, but you are an O’Muircheartaigh (Moriarty) as we know! Have a great day gentlemen, keep up the excellent work Tommy


Hey CDC, Back in the day I played the Mass Effect trilogy as a soldier, but with the recent remastered collection, I’ve been playing around with other classes and utilizing biotic/tech abilities. To my surprise, this has made the gameplay much more complex and engaging. My question is have you ever changed up your play style when revisiting an older game, whether it was to a positive or negative effect? Thanks!


Hey boys. Congratulations on the live show it looks like it went smoothly and yourselves an the audience had a ball. Maybe one day when our draconian overlords here in Australia let us go free in 2055 I’ll come to the next one. Just a quick one today. Has there ever been a game you’ve really enjoyed, then years later the inevitable sequel arrives and you find it to actually be worse than the original game? An example of this for me would be with wolfenstein. In particular the jump from “The new order” to “The new colossus.” The new order was my first platinum, I loved that game. An whilst the story in “The new colossus” seemed great, the jarring change in pace, level design and weird difficulty spikes had me putting the game down after 2-3 levels as it felt like such a departure from the original. Thanks guys, keep up the great work you’re all killing it. Cheers.


Hey guys! My question is for Colin today. You often start shows by saying "greetings and salutations." So I have been saying that for years to my students since I've been listening to you. But one student came up to me today and said salutations means greetings and I was caught off guard. Just curious if you could clarify this phrase. Thanks for all the supberd content here.


Hey Sacred Boys, I among many, really wished I could have been there at the live event! Hopefully you’ll come west to Cali (maybe Chris can move back again) in the future. Which leads me to my question, what are your takeaways from the live event? It took a village, I’m sure, and I was hoping to hear what you thought went really well, what should be done differently next time.. etc. thanks for considering my question and thanks for making my week considerably better with your content. Cheers

Chris Dell

Hey there ultimate warriors, With the uncertainty of Halo infinite, should Microsoft take the Disney approach and let other studios pitch their ideas to Microsoft for the next halo experience? Whether it be a studio within Microsoft or outside of Microsoft I think there is some potential for some really cool ideas for a Halo game outside of a FPS or tactics style games. Personally I would love a marine based horror game, on earth during the floods invasion during halo 3s time line. Keep them dukes up boys!


Hey guys! In the recent blog post announcing Horizon will be able to upgrade for free, Jim Ryan also says "And all other games…" after saying the next God of War and GT will have a $10 upgrade charge. Is he implying there is going to be MORE 1st party games coming out on PS4 natively?! Love all you guys do! The Best Dry Cleaner in Cleveland


Here's the full quote for context. I kinda butchered it lol "I also want to confirm today that moving forward, PlayStation first-party exclusive cross-gen titles (newly releasing on PS4 & PS5)–both digital and physical*–will offer a $10 USD digital upgrade option from PS4 to PS5. This will apply to the next God of War and Gran Turismo 7, and any other exclusive cross-gen PS4 & PS5 title published by Sony Interactive Entertainment."


Dustin and Colin, I wanted to thank the the two of you for trying to reach out to John Gibson on Monday. He’s been a great friend to make a wish Georgia and my wife while she’s been going through cancer. I hope that he does come on your show at some point. I think we can all see how fair your interviews can go after the Filip Miucin discussion. Not to get on my high horse or anything, but enough is enough. Black listing people for an opinion that you don’t agree with is just wrong. It’s fundamentally in American. I’m sick of it. I personally went into the Marines 2 months after 9/11 because believed in freedom. 20 years later, I still believe in that freedom. We all have the right to speak and even the right to fuck up. You should be able to express yourself without fear of retribution. I’m not talking about being hateful or inciting violence. John Gibson clearly seems like he had something to get off his chest. He was tired of being suppressed. He wanted to to say he was pro life and for a Texas law. I don’t even care about what side of the fence anyone is on about that Texas law. What I do care about is the freedoms being suppressed. This seems to be the bigger issue to me. Instead of disagreeing with him and moving on, the mob swarmed on him. All the typical people you see in every gaming circle post that people don’t agree with show up like moths to a flame. They attack and attack until there’s almost not other solution except to fire the person or resign. This isn’t America. This isn’t the idea of what I and so many others have laid their lives on the line to defend. Just disagree with the person and move on. Or if your viewpoint is so strong, present your reasoning and maybe it’ll change someone’s mind. Thanks for letting me rant, and thanks for the kick ass shows you guys put out. If John is listening to this, don’t back down, brighter days are ahead.

james o halloran

Hi guys absolutely love the show but as a gamer who plays all consoles but mainly xbox was perturbed when I heard the hyperbolic take you had on Xbox and Halo on the last episode. I really feel your take is of an Xbox from the last generation and not the one that exists now. In the past years Xbox studios first and second party have released Flight simulator 91 Metacritic, Psychonauts 2 89, Ori WoW 92, Gears 5 85, the outer world's 85, Forza Horizon 4 92 highlights that the talent is there and with bigger budgets and support all games from these studio minus Moon will be Xbox exclusives not to mention ninja theory, Bethesda among the vast amount of others. To say that if Halo fails this year it's all down hill for Xbox games may have been true 5 years ago but we are now moving into a different and positive future for what Xbox studios can deliver. Hope Chris is back this week to give some love to 343 studios after Destins takedown last week. Love you guys but can we please have a more nuanced conversation with it comes to Xbox.


Howdy boys, Sony just acquired Firesprite Games, another studio that has worked closely with them. Sony was big on cutting studios if need be. Is this the sign of a confident Sony or from what some are saying a Sony backed into a corner? Keep up the good work and hope to see footage of the live show soon for us that couldn’t make it.

Bryce Mccloskey

Hey chummy Colin, cuddly Chris and dank Dustin. I was thinking about how Colin said, he would need more of an incentive to play through the DLC for a game after it came out. He suggested having a platinum trophy for each Trophy list added. I think I have a better idea and it's the Diamond trophy. The Diamond trophy would be the final thing you can get after finishing all of the different trophy lists. A tier above Platinum if you will, that megafans of the game can strive for. A Developer adding a diamond trophy would effectively be saying this game is done, we've added all of the content we want to. This would probably exclude live service games for obvious reasons. What do you guys think? Would this be enough of a reason to play through all of the DLC? I'm just spitballing here, i'd love to hear your thoughts!


Colin, Do you have a quick prediction for the Jets and Zach Wilson this season? CDC, for those of us that still enjoy physical games, does it make any sense to buy the PS5 version for Horizon at this point? The lack of free upgrade initially was for retail. If the box for ps4 costs $60 and the box for ps5 costs $70, the logical buy is the ps4 box for a $10 discount on the ps5 version with the free upgrade. Like many listeners, I am illogical and want the white label on my shelf. Sony can't get the messaging right for cross-gen new releases because they shot themselves in the foot with the $70 price tag. They would've had fewer issues if both the ps4 and ps5 versions were the same prices. Thoughts?


Hey Gents, WTF is up with Kotaku and how are they still around? Between the CCP sympathizer article about supporting 1 hour of gaming per day and the attack on others games media journalist on their Far Cry 6 preview I am lost as to why people still support them with how toxic they are. Thanks for the great content.


Hey cdc. With the news of the firesprite acquisition, is a playstation home game for psvr2 seem more likely?


Hey boys, funny story for you guys. I met and took a picture with all of you at the meet and greet on Sunday and it was a great time! However, upon looking at the pictures later that day, I noticed that my fly was very clearly and openly down in each and every picture. I’d like to think you all knew and just didn’t tell me. Regardless it was great meeting you all, and I hope you take comfort knowing that my exposed crotch will forever be a part of LSM lore

Joshua Pierstorff

Hello my sweet boys, I was lucky enough to win a PSVR (via Twitter contest) and have been loving it. Colin I've heard that you don't have yours hooked up (not sure if that info is up to date). I have updated model and it's super simply to work with and put away, with only having to unplug the headset. Have you played it recently and if so what would you recommend since I'm catching up on 5 years of PSVR.

Card Captor Corey

Hey guys, What is the best breed of dog?

Rob Kvasne

Dear Crispy Colin, Grilled Dustin, and Spicy Chris, Tripwire CEO John Gibson got himself in a world of Twitter trouble and ended up stepping down after tweeting his support for the Texas abortion ban. After looking up Tripwire and realizing that it was the studio that brought us Maneater it got me thinking... Could the CEO or creative face of a bigger studio have gotten away with it? What studio could be the Chick-fil-A of woke twitter? A studio so prestigious, with games so big that the noise of Twitter seems to bounce right off of them? I think Shigeru Miyamoto might be able to get away with saying anything. What say you? Keep fucking that chicken (but not on Sunday) Love, Rob Kvasne


Hello gentlemen, I've been living vicariously via posts from this weekend’s live event. It looks like everyone had a great time and I’m super happy for you all. I'm only *mostly* dripping with jealousy. Yes, dripping... Moist, in fact. As I scrolled through the various photos, tweets, posts, etc. I noticed something unsettling. My estimates on the LSM crews' heights appear to be completely off. I almost exclusively consume LSM content in audio form, so I rely on a mental image of what you all look like when following along with your tales of skullduggery. I've always assumed Colin was quite tall, Micah was quite short while Chris and Dustin were roughly the same height as me (5'8”). All the photos from this weekend appear to throw that out the window and my warm bubble of Sacred Symbols understanding is a lie. So, for my inaugural enquiry to the show, please clear this up for me. Is Chris really as short as these photos make him look? Is Micah actually a lot taller than her YouTube videos imply? Is Colin not quite the tall, handsome leader I assumed? Thanks for all the great content, I appreciate you! Paul

Elliott Morgan

Hey Schumps With the acquisition of Firesprite does this mean Studio Liverpool lives again? What’s changed since the studio was shuttered by Sony years ago? and does this mean another Wipeout is on the cards? VR perhaps? Thanks for all the hard work!

James M

Hello all, 4K 60 FPS or 1080p 120fps? Happy Friday, James


Hey cdc This one is mostly for Colin and Dustin but have you started playing tales of arise and are you liking it? I was very exciting to see it get so many great reviews. I know the hype train is dangerous but I miss having a verity of big budget jrpgs. From final fantasy to dragon quest they really seem few and far between. Do you think the massive success of persona and if tales is success we could see a resurgence of this genre? Keep up the great content!


Dear Colin, sidekick Chris and minion Dustin Greetings from across the Atlantic. I know you like for people to keep things topical, but it sometimes takes me some some to mull things over. So I am enjoying Hades now it has come to the PS ecosystem, and as much as I think it is a good game (and as much as Transistor is perhaps one of my favourite games of all times) I am not quite sure I grasp why so many people wax lyrical about it. In particular I find it suffers when played so shortly after Returnal. In the later I had more scope to influence my build and the combat was fast paced and crisp. I like the characters and art style in Hades, but the story line (unless there is a twist after what I think is the final boss on whom I am stuck) isn’t compelling, I find the combat a question of getting a combo that works then mash that out rinse and repeat, and the fact it takes longer between one encounter and the next than it did to warp across the world in Returnal is a series of micro frustrations that once I became aware of could nevermore ignore. I will beat Hades because I am pigheaded - I platinumed Returnal because it ensorcelled me. Am I missing something and have you ever been so enamoured with a game that it spoilt your enjoyment of another even though the other seems to be a critical darling and garnering acclaim more widely? Anyhow thanks for all the content and give the chicken a day off now and then. Bludougal


Heya Command and Conquer: Dustin. First of, Congratulations on the live event! I wish I could have been there to see all of its glory. A few episodes ago a question was asked on how LSM will meet its end. However, I am more interested in your vision of its peak. What do you think Last Stand Media will look like at its apex? Is there any current video game channel or website comparable to it with a more Colin-esque twist on it? Does one even exist? With Love and Respect, Jan.


**September 11, 2001** This year we mark the 20th anniversary of a day that lives in infamy. Even as a Canadian on the west coast, it shook me. It was the reason I enrolled in the Army. That said, I wasn't there... Colin, Chris and Dustin. What was 9/11 like as American citizens? What was it like as New Yorkers? What are your memories of that day? Much love, -Nigel


If you haven't seen it, this episode of Fireside Chats with Colin's Dad was fantastic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZvDxRDKV_w

Joseph Cerini

Howdy Sacred Men, Can we talk about how Sony has fucked up the cross-gen PS4 to PS5 upgrades. I know businesses make mistakes all the time but this whole situation, not just with Horizon but with the other "Director's Cut" upgrades, just seems like a move from a company that is oblivious to common sense pricing models. Is this a glimpse of early PS3 Sony or how Jim Ryan's runs Sony? The process for 3rd party cross-gen upgrades has been simple for the most part so we know this is Sony. As a game developer, is there any documentation for how one should do a cross-gen PS4 to PS5 upgrade on the PS Store or is it a free for all? Much Love for the show and all y'all do. - Joseph

Michael Limauro

Hi CDC, I’ve been on a metroidvania kick and have recently completed both guacamelee games and platinumed ender lilies. Is this genre a space that Sony should invest more into to seriously compete on an exclusive basis? We did get FIST this week on PlayStation and PC that has my interest. With this said, I’d really like a first party game to help make the wait for the big guns like HK Silksong more bearable (coming to switch and pc first). Thanks boys.

Matt Wiles

Dear Colin, Why do you say ‘inquiries’ and not ‘enquires’? Matt Wiles.

Sean Mason

Hey Boys, The live show was an absolute blast. Thank you for making it the best weekend of 2021! Now on to my question.... Sony, Nintendo, and Xbox are all killing it with their own unique takes on gaming, resulting in a plethora of high-quality titles. Indies continue to push the medium in interesting and inventive ways. Even for casual gamers, the mobile gaming space is massive, accessible, and captivating. It seems like every aspect of gaming is growing. The future for gamers is very bright. So can we say this is a golden age? Or is focusing just on the players' perspective too narrow? Best, Sean M.


Hey C,C and Big D. After being a loyal sony fan for many years since the PS1 days, i remember a time when it felt like sony was at the peak of their game (no pun intended) taking big risks with new IP's and in-turn, releasing some of the greatest titles ever made across the generations. My questions to you is this, Is it just me, or has sony's big leadership changes over the years affected their vision for the future of playstation? It seems this generation they have taken a more cautious approach to how they create, deliver and market their games under Jim Ryan compared to when Shuhei Yoshida or Kazuo Hirai were at the head of SCEA and SIE , where we saw alot more of sony and their showcases for the playstation brand. Given how Phil spencer has treated Xbox over the last and current generations, do you think its time for sony to take a similar approach? Curious to hear your thoughts, keep up the great work you guys do. James

Jake Watson

Hey SS soldiers. I guess this question is aimed more at Colin. You were a big proponent for a games price increase this generation. Sony made what I would call the sensible decision to raise the price of games by $10 and I think you guys agree. With this in mind, how come you are so against Sony charging a $10 fee to upgrade a PS4 game ($60) to a native PS5 version ($70)? If they didn't do this, people would just buy the PS4 version of the game and upgrade, completely bypassing the new price increase. How would you guys handle it if you were in charge?


Hey cuties. I know I'm a little late to the party, but I recently beat The Last of Us Part II and loved it. What I think is so intriguing about this franchise is the world they've set up. There's multiple factions across different regions, all with their own beliefs and motivations. My question is: is The Last of Us ripe to spin off into a much larger franchise including TV, film, books, comics, etc, and how would you feel about this if it happened Does the chicken ever fuck you? Cheers

Daniel Boyer

I usually hear about these articles on social media. I am tempted to go read them but I also don't want to support Kotaku. Tough dilemma

Card Captor Corey

Colin, Can you please educate Dustin who on a stream this week said that Ni No Kuni 2 is better than Ni No Kuni 1? Kind Regards, Corey


Hey CDC, Sony and Seoul-based studio Nat Games have announced “Project Magnum” for PS4 and PS5, and I’ve got to say it looks pretty neat. The game looked gorgeous, and something tells me this might click with me better than Outriders, so I’m looking forward to learning more. What did you guys think of the game, and how do you feel about yet another looter shooter coming soon? Just wanted to add that it was awesome getting to meet you all at An Evening with Last Stand, looking forward to more events in the future! Keep that chicken tenderized, lads.


Hey cdc been a fan of Colin since the beyond days. I finally had the good fortune to become a patron and had a question for my favorite podcasting trio. A while back on side quest Colin said that level 5 would be a great fit for the Sony first party. Later on a mailbag episode he stated the last thing Sony needs is a jrpg studio, but mentioned level 5 ip that Sony owns. After Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda many gamers jumped to square Enix as a studio to gobble upon retaliation (although financially unfeasible). My question is, with the resurgence of the Japanese role playing games lately (FF7 remake, DQ XI, Persona 5, KH3, Tales of Arise etc.) Would it not be smart for Sony to throw their hat in the ring? Either with an internal studio or throwing some money around and acquiring some more permanent 3rd party exclusive series? There was a time when Sony probably could have easily bought the tales IP or made a move for persona during the vita days. Sorry for the long question or if this had already been covered in a pervious mailbag. Hope yall get to this question and keep defiling that poultry


This question is for Dustin mostly. But Colin and Chris can way-in if they have any thoughts. So, I’ve got back into SEKIRO which I’m completely in love with. I’m about half way through and I’ve found most of the later bosses to be a tad frustrating (go figure ha) ..so, when I’m stuck or frustrated I look-up on YouTube some hints/tricks on how to beat a boss.. But, most boss tutorials are already out of date on YouTube. When I watch previous YouTubers beat bosses, they mostly cheat the game and they have found a glitch to beat a boss …. 2 years later and multiple patches, the tutorials are worthless. FromSoft clearly saw these and made sure to patch them out. So, what the hell….did I miss my window on nerfing SEKIRO ? Or should I continue to play the game as it was “Meant” to be played? Either way I love the game on so many levels but feel a little annoyed that I might be playing a different and even harder game. Thanks, trev. Appreciate you guys


Hey boys, Thanks so much for everything you do. As each of you has pointed out, Sony is clearly lacking a solid first party shooter. I’d love to hear the group pitch what a next-gen version of SOCOM could look like. I played the series extensively back on PS2, and I’m just curious to hear your perspectives on how it could be modernized to fit in a very competitive space. The chicken deserves better, and you know it. Love, Galen


Hello CD and C, hope all is well. With the addition of Firesprite Games to PlayStation studios it got me curious about other studios Sony decided to pass on. Clap Hanz in particular, if Sony sees Firesprite games as worthy of adding to their collective then I fail to see how Clap Hanz wouldn't have been a great addition. They made incredible Everybody's Golf (hot shots in the us) games for them on every PlayStation platform, including handhelds and PSVR, except the ps5. When you compare the two studios' body of work it's pretty clear how much more involved Clap Hanz has been with PlayStation. Why do you think Sony hasn't locked down Clap Hanz? Thanks for all the podcasts boys and hope you had fun at the live event.


Hello (insert sexual joke about a pair of juicy C's and a girthy D), long time listener and first time writing in. After reading the recent reports about the PS5 heat sink being downsized in newer models, as well as a projected chip shortages lasting until 2023, I broke down and bought a scalped PS5. Shameful, I know, but personally the $200 premium I paid was well worth not worrying if I will ever get one of the damn things through regular means. If 2020 has taught me anything, it's to be prepared and act preemptively. Given these reports, how do you see the scalping market and general PS5 availability going forward? Do you think they will be even harder to find? Love what you do, looking forward to the review of the Showcase tomorrow!


Hello CDC, Colin, what have you done to me? I obtained my first platinum trophy ever! It was from Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, which was a solid, fun and cute game! It feels good to finally see it through and accomplish a goal I've had for a while now, and hoping to get more in the future. What game would you say you had the most fun getting the platinum trophy from? Love all that you do! Can't wait to see the video of the live show!


Hey CCD. I just wanted to bring up the whole game price argument that gets brought up on the show. Personally I have a lot of bills and can’t afford to spend $70 on every new release especially for games like Returnal where I don’t know if I would be happy with my investment. So I wanted to suggest GameFly to the audience it’s a great service even though everything gets delivered through USPS and can have you waiting for a while it’s about $15-20 a month almost the same as gamepass and I’ve found it a great way to play new games like Ratchet and Clank and Returnal without dropping a lot of money. I don’t know if it’s for everyone but I think it’s great for people like me and just wanted people to be aware. What do you guys think? Thanks for being the best part of my long commutes to work and keep fucking that chicken.


Hi Gents, I have a question, it’s something I have been thinking about for a while and was wondering if you could help. Put simply how does someone like Hideo Kojima/Corey Barlog make money? Kojima for example since the release of the phantom pain has left Konami, set up his own studio, employed people, teamed up with guerilla games, and created a game (with some very well known celebrities which I presume he had to pay for?) Then finally, in 2019 he released his game. How exactly, by the time he’s paid his staff etc, does he make any money, and where does it come from…..and is it a lot? Thanks for all the great content, I’m glad the live show went so well! Elliot, Belfast, Northern Ireland.


Hey Sacred Symbols crew, By all accounts the love show looks to have been a massive success, congrats to the entire team. I’m sure now, that like me Last Stand fans around the world watched on in envy. When the world has finally moves on from Covid, do you think there is a chance LS will do any sort of world tour? Maybe (and this is a long shot) there is a way to do a live event that fans can watch in PSVR, wouldn’t that be neat! Much love for you and the team Tim from Brisbane, Australia


Hi CCD, This week remedy announced they are releasing an Alan wake remaster and for the first time it's coming to playstation. Alan wake is in my opinion one if the best 360 exclusives and started my love affair with remedy games. Now that it's finally on the playstation platform and after your love for control will you be diving in?

Keith Golfer

Good day Gents, What do you guys think of the idea, that there is a general Gaming apathy broiling under the surface for a lot of Gamers? I'd dismiss the notion entirely but I've recently seen a lot of videos popping up as of late - talking about how "Gaming isn't the same as it was" - siting lack of creativity, monetisation practices and other reasons for said apathy. Do we really think this is the case? I suspect that nostalgia plays a big role in someone seeing their childhood days as somewhat of a golden age of Gaming for them. But Collin as an industry veteran who's covered multiple generations, is there a perceivable downfall or perhaps just a change that could be seen as a slow alienation to a lot of Gaming fans? What are each of your individual experiences and takes on the matter? Thanks and best wishes towards the continued success of LSM. I've really enjoyed everything produced on this platform.


Hey Everyone, What would make you use PlayStation Now in its current state? Like for instance, if the newly released FF pixel remasters were exclusive to PS Now would that force you to play them there? Much Love from NY


Hi Dads quick little story here. So recently I bought a PS5 bundle thru GameStop and when it arrived my heart was broken. Upon first boot up I was hit with an error code that essentially said my brand new my console was banned from the PlayStation network forever. After contacting PlayStation support my heart was broken even further when they told me that they would never unban the console even after all the proof I provided. They said that the console was stolen in 2020, the console I had just bought from An authorized retailer. Has Sony’s customer support always been this terrible? This whole mess just makes me want to buy an Xbox if I’m being honest. Anyway keep on keeping on Boys.