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So, I'm sitting in the passenger seat of Micah’s car coming home from our somewhat surreal trip to Western Pennsylvania for Last Stand’s first ever live show. It was a rousing success, to say the least. There’s so much buzzing through my mind right now, but for the time being, I merely wanted to express gratitude.

To the hundreds of people who either/or came to our show on Saturday night or to our meet and greet the next day: Thank you. You were awesome. It was my first live event since 2016 (indeed, it’s the first in Last Stand’s history), and pretty much everyone else’s first live appearance ever. Your enthusiasm and passion was infectious. Your kindness and eagerness didn’t go unnoticed. I’m incredibly pleased that our vision for what a Last Stand live show could be met and surpassed so many of your expectations. I’m even more pleased that we all got to see in the flesh first-hand just how wonderful this community is.

To my staff: Very, very well done. I’ve never worked with a finer set of professionals (in Dustin, Ben, and those they brought into the fold). You orchestrated everything and ensured it went off without a hitch. You likewise rallied your hometown to our cause, and it was an honor to be a part of that experience. We met a lot of great people in Butler -- including your respective parents, who are fantastic -- and I’m grateful to have you as the tinkerers, engineers, and doers of our brand. Bravo.

To the hosts: You showed up and brought the heat. I think I take for granted that I’ve done many live appearances, sometimes in front of a thousand people or more. This was something new for all of you, and you all came prepared, full of energy, and ready to deliver. I was so happy that we could all finally be together, break bread, talk, and of course drink copious alcohol and smoke cigars. I am absolutely beaming with pride for each of you. You should each have your head held high for a job very well done, indeed.

We’re gonna take the next couple of days to decompress. (Don’t worry, though: There won’t be an interruption in content.) In the coming weeks, we’ll have an internal post-mort, and maybe we’ll even do a podcast talking about the experience. We have a lot to say about it, and certainly more people to thank and acknowledge.

But in the meantime, yes: The show will be posted on YouTube in the coming weeks. And yes: There will be more live shows in 2022.

But for now, I wanted to thank everyone for a wonderful weekend. Top to bottom, I couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out, and I hope that everyone who participated feels the same.

Talk soon. -Colin



Ryan Caulfield

Hope to make the next one if I'm ever released from this prison colony called Australia!!

carter weiss

The look on his face says it all: Chris definitely farted right before the photo.

Mark Whittington

So, whens the European tour, I'll come out in London ;-)


It was an excellent event! Had a blast!

Carm Pascuzzi

Wish I could’ve made it!! Next time for sure you filthy animals! I’m so happy this was successful! You guys deserve it!


I'll be saving some vacation time for the next go. See y'all then I hope!

Rob Aitken

I look forward to attending on in the future, again props to the amazing team finally getting to see in the real world the love of the community and to you Colin for fighting that demon and coming to a large gathering. Well done all.


It was an awesome experience!

Brett Medlock

Congrats on the show guys! I’m coming to the next one!!


I’d love for you guys to come to the U.K. one day!


Glad to hear it turned out good! The little pictures looked fun, come west next time? Utah is calling your name ;)


I know everyone hates California, and rightfully so, it’s stupendously hot the entire year, however I would love a show here in say LA or something, keep up the amazing amount of content, and we look forward to seeing you travel to our hometowns now, cause these live shows need to become a thing.


Europe on the horizon! Portugal representative here!


Had such an amazing time at the event thanks to all of the LSM few and the amazing community members I got to meet this weekend! Can’t wait for the next one!!


Wonderful experience all around

Jorge Pal

Live show in Orlando, FL with meet and greet at Star Wars land? Jk not sure Disney would let us get away with that lol


I'm jealous of yall I was not able to get the tickets. But im so fucking filled with joy for you Colin and everyone evolved, for those that showed up I hope yall had an amazing time there. I'll be there for the next one ✌

Dave Ramos

I hope to go to the next one! But WOW, the energy from the experience can be felt all over the pics and fan groups on social media. Seems like such a great time for everyone involved. I'm so happy for LSM and everyone able to go. Seems like such an awesome time and a great community. I'm happy to be a small part of the LSM community by being a Patron.

Raymond keys

Awesome!! So glad everything went well. LSM’s hard work and great content are paying off!


I second Orlando! Congrats on a great show and building such a great team and company. Would love to attend in person someday!


Thanks for holding a great show. It was entirely worth the trip to see everyone just be themselves. Frisk appearance at the picnic too. Can't wait for the next event.


Can't wait to watch all the fun you guys had 😁


Reading this and seeing the picture of everyone that was able to make it to the event brought a smile to my face it's events like this that make proud to be part of this community. I wish I could've made it to the event


Does me good to see this show be such a success! And to see everyone absolutely beaming with happiness in the photo posted on social media! Congrats to everyone involved.

Louis Harrison

I'm jealous. How about doing the next one smack dab in the middle of the country in Omaha!


Congrats on the show. I’m really happy to hear that it was a success. I know you just got done but as they in German: the “after a show” is the “before the next” (confusing I know). I would love for the next one to be in Germany. If you need a contact person for that I’d love to help.

Michael centeno

Congrats to everyone on how much of a success it was! Just looking at the pictures you can tell how much fun it was for everyone. Safe travels home

Jason Bolla

Very happy to see it went so well, leading to more in the future. Very much looking forward to attending one in the future.

Marc L

I wasn't able to attend, but seeing all of you post about it on social media brought me immense joy. Really happy for all of you. Can't wait to see the footage!


I'm glad that everything went so well! Hopefully, I will be able to go to a show if you guys come to the Seattle/Portland area.

Jason Harris

Was the guy who sh*t his pants on the date there?!

Jeff Caseres

Congratulations to you all! Definitely jealous I couldn’t attend but will make sure I make it to future Events!

David Graham

Fantastic show! It was definitely surreal seeing you lot as actual human beings. Just hope you don't forget about the Pittsburgh area in the future. (And no, I'm not in that photo).


Congrats Colin, glad it went so well. Couldn’t be more proud to be a patron of LSM. I’m excited to see the live video! You can fucking bet I’ll be at the next one!


Seeing you all together makes me incredibly happy, keep being the thoughtful and genuine team I’ve come to know and I will always be here to support!

Wayne Moss

So pleased it went well as a fan from the uk i wasn’t able to attend but I enjoyed see photos of the event being posted on Twitter buy other Last Stand fans. I will be looking forward to the video of the event that you guys will be posting. Congrats Colin & team on such a wonderful event & creating such an amazing fan base 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Can't wait to hopefully see you in the Midwest! Congrats on the sold out show!

Vagicarp, I choose you

Sounds like it was a blast! So glad for you guys and our community ❤ Maybe one of the next ones could be up north? Weed is legal and we got Poutine, guys!!! 😁 Either way, I couldn't be more proud to be a member of this awesome community. Well done, LSM crew! 🙏


That's awesome!!! So glad everything went so well!!! Here's hoping you might make it to the Memphis or Nashville areas in 2022!!!


Wish I could've gone to the show! I live in Pittsburgh but my baby daughter has COVID so it wasn't safe for me to attend. Bring the show back to the Burgh in 2022 please :)


Show was a blast ! The small town idea was brilliant. Everything was accessible. And it felt like such a personal gathering and most importantly it brought business to the community. Loved it. Shout out to the Cafe on route 8 ! Great food


Congratulations guys! Maybe one day you can visit your fans across the pond in blighty! :)

Daniel Boyer

It was so damn good. Kudos to all involved!

Heathen James

Thank *you*, Colin, and thank you to everyone who found the time to be awesome to a random community member. Seeing so many people enjoy my neck of the woods was just awesome. Shout out to that couple from Connecticut who talked with us in line and I genuinely hope you guys enjoyed your stay in the 'Burgh! Here's to everyone who helped make this weekend as great as it was! Skål!!


Congrats all! Would love to have a podcast ep breakdown what putting on the show was like!

Brock Smith

I couldn’t make this one because of the super quick timeline but given a little more heads up I plan on rearranging my work schedule making the next one. So so cool to see this type of event and am looking forward to watching it 👏🏻


Congratulations to you all. Proud to be a founder patron of this company.


So goddamn happy for you all. If/When ya'll come to the UK or something, you know I'll be there. Love you all ♥️


It was a great time. Hopefully it happens again. It was great meeting the crew and the community!


Congrats to the whole team! I love the organic growth this company/team has made, hard work really pays off. I really hope the next one is in Richmond!


Wonderful, congrats to the whole team! Hope to see you guys in the UK at some point.


I didn't think about the fact that this was the LSM team's 1st live show (barring Colin), and honestly, it didn't even show. As someone who does public speaking it can be very intimidating and you all completely crushed it. In fact, it wasn't until Chris posted it was his 1st live show that I realized this about the team. Y'all are naturals! Kudos to all, and that includes the LSM community. Everyone earned a Plat! ***Just want to clarify. I know it was LSM's 1st live show, just didnt know none of them did a live show outside of LSM.


It was amazing. Look forward to another!

Caleb Johnston

Thank You, Colin & ALL of the LSM staff and Volunteers at the event! It was an Incredible Experience that I don’t think I could’ve ever been a part of if it wasn’t held in a spot that isn’t the “usual” for these events. And for the content, you guys absolutely CRUSHED IT, seriously, thank you so much! And the community was great in person, met some really nice people! Can’t wait for the next one!


What a great community! Honestly I’m proud of being a patron!


Congratulations on the show! Currently living in the VA Beach area, will be there in Richmond when the day comes!


Congratulations all, sounds like a fantastic weekend.

Nikitas Gagas

Congratulations on all of your well-deserved success and on forming the awesome, close-knit family that is CLS. You all seem really tight. It's a beautiful thing. Sending much love.


Hey! That’s me on the very left behind the dude in blue shorts! It was an amazing show, so incredibly funny. Couldn’t stop smiling the whole time. While hilarious, we still had some meaningful conversation about some of the greatest games of all time. It was nice talking to like minded people who share a love of this company in podcast. ( shoutout to the two dudes who sat in front of me and I talked with while we waited for it to start)

Alex Bolton

The event was absolutely so much to be a part of. Thank you Colin, and thanks to the entire team (and the discord boys) for making it an absolutely unforgettable experience. I'll be sending more thorough feedback through DM, but I just wanted to say I had such a wonderful time ❤


I wasn't able to make it, but seeing photos of y'alls authentic joy kept me smiling all weekend. Last Stand is truly something special <3


'Twas a right merry gathering indeed! 😎 Amazing work: cast, crew, and crowd. I'll never forget this amazing weekend

Jeremy Menear

Yo! There's me in the back right with the Xbox shirt. 😂 Hell of a show, and such a wonderful weekend. The community is so friendly and fun to hang with. Everybody from LSM was so genuine and always willing to talk/hang out with everybody there. Had to be a ton of work. But you guys made it into something special in my opinion. Butler was a wonderful little town. I'm glad it was smaller and more intimate. Ben and Dustin did a hell of a job. Hopefully you guys can do a show again there in the future. Loved it. I will remember that for the rest of my life. My old lady and I had a blast! Im glad to be apart of the best community out there! Thanks LSM! :)


Glad to hear it went well. I’ll make it to the next one.


Had a great time. So thankful Colin and his crew put this together. Can’t wait to see you all at the next one.

Timothy Bryant

It was truly an amazing experience and the first time me meeting you all. Definitely will try to follow you around the country like my favorite band and try to attend every live show


Come sell out the Wilbur in Boston please 🙏. It would be a great site and easy to sell out for you guys. All the New England fans would appreciate 😎

Brandon Soto

Congrats bud! You deserve every moment of it. Excited for what the future holds.

Jeff Pollard

Congratulations to you and the entire crew! Looks like it was a blast. Wish I could have been there, but here's hoping for the next one!!


Really glad to hear it went well, congratulations! I look forward to enjoying it from the comfort of my own home! Love from the UK

Fotis Lyto

Congratulations guys, wish I could be there but being in Europe and also poor it would have been impossible also in different times. Yet it’s great to hear it went nice hope there’s gonna be an upload.


More live shows? You still continue to exceed my expectations and proud to be a Patreon supporter

Your Boi Nicky V

Seem some genuinely heartwarming pics of you all. Hope you had fun and bonded. Hopefully some day you'll do a show in the UK.

Jake Watson

Check out the gun show in the back

Roman Haljkevic

Awesome. What an amazing team you made here. Congratulations Colin, and thank you for all the wonderful and interesting content. If I knew how Patreon worked better, I would probably enjoy it here, but I usually download podcsst in the free feeds or watch on YouTube.

Chris Dell

Saint Louis or KC would be a great place, fairly Central to a lot of the midwest

MonstaPontes93 (Ricky Pontes)

Please consider anywhere in the Maine NH Boston area! Much love LSM! Glad everything was a success!


Glad it went smoothly can't wait to see the replay

Adam Thiry

I wasn’t able to attend, but if any more of these happen I’ll be sure to. Looks like it was fun!

Donny C

Congrats everyone! Well deserved! Can’t wait to hear about the next live shows in 2022 to attend!


Congratulations, LSM. Happy for you, Colin.

Brandon Kirkman

This was a heroic feat Colin. Especially against anxiety. I drove 3 hours on Saturday after working both of my jobs to get a photo with you and see the team in a room. Admittedly my anxiousness wouldn’t let me say hi to you at the meet and greet, but I mustered up a convo with both Chris and Dustin. I won’t beat myself up about it, next time I’ll make sure I say hi and get that photo :)

Matthew Major

Please come do one in Ontario with Barry!!

The Eclectic Gamer

I thought Cog was 6’5” also who the hell is the guy on the far right.

The Slobfather

Awesome seeing you guys all together

Drew Agnew

I’m so happy everyone had an awesome time! Maybe one day I’ll be able to make it over from Australia to join in!

Alan Hayden

Congratulations. Amazing what you have all accomplished really. It's so good to see the positive vibes with LSM all brought together through a shared passion. What a world...


Good job guys ! Wish I could’ve been there. -from Australia.

Bobby Woods

Awesome to hear Colin ❤️ I’m gonna make sure to be at the next one!

Matthew Clem

Glad it went well! I'm hoping for one in New Hampshire next year!


I love this community and the content creators! I’m so glad I at least got to shake your hands. I can’t wait for the future of this company and what new milestones it hits.


Sad I missed it. Glad it went well and this amazing community proved that we can have more Live events.

Sergio Pina

I'm just going to throw this out: Tucson/Phoenix, Arizona.


I love the dude in the background flexing over Colin's head lol looks like Colin's brain got so jacked it popped out of his head and flexed on us 🤣

Derek Alcott

It's great to hear it went good and look forward to more events. I hope to make it.

Benjamin Pope

Hopefully I can make it to one of the live shows next year, seems like it was a great time. Congrats on the successful live show guys!


shouts to COG for the black representation!


Come to the UK next time 😉😂 (yeah right!)