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This week's episode of Defining Duke Ultimate is a review discussion and spoilercast of Twelve Minutes . Now that the audience has had time to play and ponder, let's dissect the game for all it's worth. What did you think of Twelve Minutes?

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

You have until Tuesday, September 7th at 1p ET to make your submission.


Passive Pixels Edwin Castillo

Hello Cumboiz Ultimate, Played the game, beat the game, and I need to ask; is Daisy Ridley actually pregnant in the world of the game or is it a scenario that the dad is using as a hypnosis, as in "if this won't make you break the nothing will"? Do the events within the apartment, excluding the cop, actually happen? Thanks, Edwin


I want to know how you feel about how divisive this game is. Some folks seem to not only dislike it, but HATE it. Do you think it’s because of the disturbing subject matter?

Ben Williams

Hello Gobblers of Titties, How many times did you kill your wife? I stabbed, shot, and electrocuted her in hopes of progressing the story. Sadly none of it helped and now I'm just a murderer :(

Dimitreus Newell

Unfortunately this was one of my most anticipated games of the year, and I personally don't think it delivered in the way I'd hoped. There were moments that I thought were super cool, but overall I beat it and had no problem putting it down for good.

Ryan T. Mandle

Howdy Dukes! Did any of you get “stuck” while playing the game and seek out any hints or guides? Did you feel guilty afterwards? I was able to get one of the endings organically but I sought out some hints after that. I found I was really close to figuring most of them out had I been a little more patient and tried a few more times. If you did get stuck, is this just part of the experience of adventure games? Could there be a better solution? I absolutely love adventure games (shout out to Myst) but there can be a lot of frustration too. I usually find the the reward of figuring out the puzzle makes it all worthwhile. Keep up the great work! Ryan PS - After some reflection, I think it could be cool game mechanic if the characters in 12 minutes would give say unique dialogue that included some kind of hint if you experienced enough loops without making progress.

Jeremy Craves

Yo Dukes! The more I heard about this game the more it was clear I wasn’t going to like it, despite my interest and even downloaded it. I wanted to see this twist so I found a 90 minute play-through with endings. Holy crap am I glad I didn’t play this game. I wouldn’t even recommend watching it like I did. Hurry up and spoil it, in hopes it deters others from wasting their time.


All hail the Dukes of Last Stand! Look 12 minutes is a cool idea with a wild story, Buuuuuuuuut the games puzzles are so obnoxiously specific it really hurts the whole experience. It took me way to long to figure out that you had to stun the cop by switching the light switch twice in the bedroom. Like if you never hit that switch you would never know you could do that. I get having difficult puzzles and maybe I’m stupid. Idk. It was a cool game but I urge anyone to play this on PC over console. Thanks for the great content and the awesome Meetup! Hope you guys have a 12 minutes kind of day.

Jeff Caseres

What’s up Dukes! 12 minutes had a story interesting enough for me to get all the achievements and see the game through to the end. I tried playing the game on my own for two hours but ultimately I gave up and used a guide to get through the whole game and get all of the 12 achievements. Do you guys like point and click games? Because this game proved to me that they are definitely not for me. Love y’all! Keep it up!


Hello, Dukes! I have noticed regarding this game that some people dismissed all the good things the game had (like William DaFoe's excellent performance) outright just because of the taboo subject matter the devs chose for their story and twist (i.e. Incest). Even saw some takes of people giving it a 0/10 just because of this. Were you in a similar camp? To me it was bold to choose such a controversial topic, specially if the dev intent was to make us hate the protagonist. After so many cookie cutters stories we usually get in games, it was a bit refreshing to have a game use such a taboo topic. Hope you have a point and click obnoxious puzzle kind of day!

Phil Crone

Hello Dukes, Did either of you try to get through the health insurance hold? I sat in that damn closet the whole time and NOTHING! Oh well.

Zackery Parkerson

Why hello there, Obviously, much of the discussion around this game is about the incest. I actually applaud the idea of a developer choosing to address a controversial topic, but what the hell was the point of it? It doesn’t back up any sort of narrative theme; it’s just there for shock value. What could’ve made for an interesting discussion on right vs wrong concludes with the protagonist abandoning a pregnant woman without telling her anything. My question is: What the hell is the point of this taboo topic being in the game? It came off as a middle-school kid trying to play at being a pretentious indie filmmaker. Do you think a writer owes it to the audience to engage in tricky subject matter with intelligence, or is this schlocky approach totally fine? Did I expect too much? Thanks for your time!


I used a guide after an hour and never looked back. I would simply never have thought of drugging my own wife 😂 Too many logical leaps for me :)

Dylan Weaver

What’s up dukesters This isn’t a comment about the story but more of a question. With this game having some big name film stars in the cast, (James mcAvoy, Daisy Ridley, Willem Defoe) how do you feel about developers casting these A list Hollywood celebrities in their games? Personally when I see the marketing of a game rely heavily on the cast being made up of famous actors not typically known for video game voice over I get kinda suspicious about how good the game is actually gonna play. Do you feel it hurts the industry, or more specifically video game centric voice actors? Thanks and have a great day!

James Soler

Hey Dukes! I was hyped to start up this game on August 19th (my wedding anniversary). As with most short & story based games I played through the game with my wife. We had an awesome time figuring out different the puzzles and progressing the story together. I definitely think that experience this game with my wife boosted the enjoyment for me. However, I can’t help but think that some people are being way too critical. I never thought that many of the puzzles were that big of a leap, and I didn’t have issues with the controls or repetition either. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Thanks! - James in Texas

Marc Cairney

Hello you beautiful double D's! I played through this game instantly on PC and at first I was hooked. They had me. It felt like this was going to be big. The reviews were blowing this game UP! After being murdered for the 100th time, and feeling a bit stuck I was on the ropes. WTF is up with this? Then managed to sus out some further tricks and moves to get to newer dialogue. Then we were rolling. Made it to the "end" and it restarted. Then made another "ending" which also restarted. Finally got an ending that stopped the loop. Phew! as you can see. It's repetition. Personally, I never found this game fun. It got my heart rate up there, and infuriated me, sure. If I was rating the game i'd say 5/10, which aint bad. Do you guys think games like this are overhyped? what about this game made you think it was special (if you did like it)? I hope you step on Lego. Have a wonderful day. Marc


Hey Dukes, Just wondering what YOUR guys specific takes on the story are? There are multiple endings and I don’t necessarily think one is more right than the other. My take on the ending is that the entire game we played is a fantasy played out in the husbands head after getting hypnotized by his father in order to forget everything. Us figuring out the mystery is kind of like the husbands memory coming back to him. This would explain why the cop and father are both voiced by Willem Dafoe. He is subconsciously creating characters based off people in his real life. The game almost has a “Shutter Island” type feel to it. Hopefully you guys get that reference. Anyways, would just like to hear what you guys thought the story meant. Cheers.

Craig Mcguire

Dukes, What's your thoughts on the outrage surrounding the games themes and it's lack of content warnings? Are people just getting too soft or are some subjects just too taboo? Are they willfully ignoring the context of being stuck in a time loop would push you to commit extreme acts through shear desperation. Maybe they didn't get far enough in the game to learn that the loop is a construct created through hypnosis to rid a man of his unhealthy obsession? Why is mass murder generally accepted when used primarily for fun but games that approach subjects in any serious way are almost always met with some level of disapproval from quarters of games media. Does this speak more to video games immaturity at being taken as a serious artform?

Ross Winyard

Hey Dukes, Personally I really enjoyed this game, though I can see how it’s flaws would lead some people to feel the opposite way. A couple of times I felt like I came upon a solution via luck and if I hadn’t had those breakthroughs to progress the story I could see how it could get frustrating. My question for the dukedom is, how do you think the developers could improve upon this in the future? My personal opinion is that adding multiple routes to the same story beats would ease the reliance on lucky breakthroughs, or at least raise the likelihood of stumbling across them but what say you? Cheers fellas, have a GREAT day. Ross

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Dukes and Lords. I'm a huge fan of the"Groundhog Day" concept and love that it's been adapted into a video game. From day one I was excited to play this one and while I have some mixed feelings on the experience, overall I really enjoyed it. My question is this: how do you feel about the endings, or seeming lack thereof? General a time loop story ends by breaking the loop, but there is not one ending in the game that shows what happens next or tells you the loop broke. Every ending leads to the Husband getting off the elevator again at the games beginning. Part of me loves the ambiguity of any sort of conclusive ending being obstructed by the fact that the game just simply starts again, but another part of me wonders if that this night happening is just inevitable for these characters. Thought?

Nicholas Brilhart

Personally I just found the incest inclusion contrived. The fact that the whole time you were the murder and just repressed the memory feels unearned. They also jump to the conclusion based off a really flimsy piece of information.

Dan Morgan

Hi lads, I loved the game until the twist at the end. I absolutely hate stories where it turns out the character was an amnesiac all along and they suddenly remember everything at the end. Did this plot device annoy either of you? Hope you’re doing well, Dan.

Tim Sierzega

Lord Dukes, I realize art is often left up to interpretation but can't help but wonder how anyone thought this was ever worth publishing. To me it felt like a half thought, the initial story was interesting and engaging enough to keep pushing forward. But when the "twist" came I couldn't help but feel like my time was disrespect. It was almost as if they didn't know how to complete the story so felt a M. Night Shyamalan what a twist ending was in order. Curious if this hit the same for you or if I am being too critical. I hope the next title you play is just mediocre to go along with your day. -Tim


What’s up my dukes! It’s the year of the loop returnal, hades re release, and now 12 minutes. This one is definitely the more clunky of the loop style games but where it lacks in gameplay it makes up for it in the narrative. Now I will admit I had to look up a certain sequence to progress my loop further since from the first loop I tried to brute force my way through to see how this game actually works. And that’s where the gameplay started to decline by missing a certain loop that you can access from the beginning you run into a wall. A fuckin watch has never made me more mad in my life but it’s very interesting how you get access to it. The wife tells the “cop” while you watch with baited breath in the closet and it was actually pretty intense. This made me release that I was playing more a point click game that with certain information the perspective on the interactive items shift since you have the new information was very cool. I only got 3 endings I believe and just looked up the rest, as much as the twist was definitely on the wilder side I just couldn’t play it anymore I got bored very fast after figuring out how to set up different loops and watch them play out. All and all it’s a pretty decent game with a very wild story that seems to be extremely layered and makes you really think about what actions you’re talking to account for an loop set ups or outcomes. Also the way the character names will change based on your progress in the story was a nice touch. -Shayne

Joseph La Russa

Not a question about the game, but can we get Hoeg on here to hear his thoughts in detail? We all know he gave it a 0/10, would love to have him on.

Casey Sitter

Stabbing my pregnant wife was one of the most visceral fucked up gaming experiences I've had since the eye in Deadspace 2 and the developer's aswell as James McAvoy and Daisey Ridley should really applaud themselves for making me feel so shitty.


I totally disagree with the public opinion about the ending. I thought it was brilliant. There has never been a game I was so engaged in I actually forget the time and stayed up way too late at night.


Colin i think xbox will match Sony in terms of first party games next year this is a exciting gen for me cause there finally making moves i think there both great systems i just im more interested in the exclusives xbox has coming such as red fall and started and the day will come where doom and the elder scrolls 6 will fall 4 5 years but it will come i have thought about buying a ps5 for ghost and God of War but uncharted the last of us they just don't do it for me