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These slow summer days have been suddenly interrupted by a most-tantalizing rumor: PlayStation 2's classic trilogy of Grand Theft Auto games are migrating over to PS4 and PS5, reworked and modernized (though not remade!) for a new generation. Yes, it's true that GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas are already natively playable on PlayStation 4, but in their stubbornly-old formats. Let's talk about returning to Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas in full, retro effect, and how excited we are to delve back in for all the fun and mayhem. Plus: Sony has officially acquired anime streaming giant Crunchyroll, timed PS5-exclusive shooter Deathloop has gone gold, the US Congress is looking to stomp-down on lootboxes and microtransactions, Focus Home Interactive grows its internal roster of studios, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Is 2022 shaping up to be the craziest year in gaming history? Should Sony revive Massive Action Game? Is it possible (or even worthwhile) to boycott a game or a company without actually hurting it? Why does Colin sleep like Winnie the Pooh?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:08:49 - What the deal with the unholy chicken talk?

0:11:50 - Why does Colin only wear a shirt to bed?

0:15:33 - Let’s talk more about twin stick shooters.

0:22:22 - So…Abandoned. What’s the deal? Also, will PlayStation have an event?

0:40:09 - A few smaller news items.

0:55:43 - What have we been playing?

1:09:42 - Sony has procured Crunchyroll.

1:17:44 - Three classic Grand Theft Auto titles appear to be getting the remake treatment.

1:30:47 - Deathloop has gone gold.

1:34:12 - A new South Park game is on the way.

1:40:30 - The US government is attempting to put more restrictions on video games.

1:52:57 - Focus Home Interactive has purchased Dotemu.

1:56:40 - The Life Is Strange Remastered Collection has been delayed.

1:58:12 - Sony has revealed the top downloaded games for July.

2:00:07 - News Wrap-Up

2:04:11 - Will 2021’s delays cause 2022 to be stacked?

2:10:43 - Should you buy games from companies you don’t support?

2:22:18 - Why do we call it crunch in the video games industry instead of overtime?

2:23:49 - Can MAG come back?

2:29:35 - Will Activision-Blizzard suffer financially this year?

2:34:49 - Has Hello Games been redeemed?




Might be my favorite thumbnail ever!

Michael Ferrari

Omg. This Blue Box thing. It’s so obvious!!! Endless promises. Going dark. Not delivering on said promises. It’s not Kojima, it’s the return of Peter Molyneux!

Eric Bolella

Time to fire up a joint and listen to the best podcast.


Who thought of the title? IT IS PERFECT.


People are making this way too complicated and convoluted. I’m 100% with Chris. Twin stick shooter means you move with the left stick and shoot with the right. If you have to press any button to shoot it’s not a twin stick shooter.

Josef Barker

Omg this cover art rules!!!


Velocity 2X had side scrolling parts where the right stick was the shoot button. (Mic Drop)

Clay Layne

Lmao " I need to be naked, I need to sleep like Winnie The Pooh". Fucking classic!

Shawn Hayden

Blue Box has now deleted all the tweets about the app patch.

Travis B

I think what makes a twin stick shooter is you can be moving in any direction while aiming in any other direction by just using the sticks.


I know that honoring this distinction is widely seen as pretentious or silly, but traditionally a Zombie is only really a Zombie if it has previously been a lifeless corpse. A Zombie is a dead person, reanimated. So while, mechanically speaking, the infected in TLOU are "Zombies," they aren't actually Zombies, because they are living, breathing people who just happen to be controlled by fungi. I think writers try to avoid falling into the Zombie trope and just want to use the threat of people behaving like violent, wild animals. TLOU is really one of if not the only game that does this right, using a real world fungus as the basis for its lore. Freakers is a absolutely an absurd name haha


Someone tell Dustin that thumbnail is incredible.

Anthony J Sanchez

I love the picture that was created for this thread! It's a wonderful collage and my favorite picture is the one from Colin rants about gun control! The game over greggy show episode 134 part one.

Eric Cibak

This thumbnail is the best yet... Nicely done!


Idk what’s better: Colin holding a gun in the thumbnail or the fact that Chris has been moving to NY for an entire year

Stephen Forgione

*Paulie Walnuts voice* This Naruto talk, fuckin slander if you ask me. Watch it boys 🤘

Phil Walker

Im afraid Blue Box is nothing. They have a laundry list of previous failed projects since 2015. Literally a laundry list. 6 games which they have promised in various states that they NEVER delivered on. Regarding Sony's part. All Ill say is Life of Black Tiger. Sometimes they clearly dont know their ass from their elbow over there. Or prehaps any focus on their platform is good focus. I dont think anyone cares about their complicity, if any, in the long run. The 'Fool me Once' proverb came up on the show one time in the last few weeks. Well at this stage we are at 'Fool me six times' with Abandoned the seventh...


How fucking high was Chris at the end? Seinfelden Ring? I guess the edibles kicked in.

Andrew Arana

As the biggest persona fan on earth, I agree with Dustin

Evan Bederman

Hey Colin, I notice in your tweet yesterday about Blue Box, you said they "somehow got a PS5-exclusive app", and it reminded me how in an earlier Blue Box discussion you added the exclusivity as evidence of their weirdness. I agree plenty about this company is bizarre, but why the exclusivity? Sony doesn't have to bestow anything onto them, they can simply decide to only make Abandoned and their Realtime Experience stuff for PlayStation. It could be a sign that they're working closely with Sony, or it could just be a sign that they're a small, shitty studio with limited resources who decided to solely focus on the largest console platform. Thoughts?

James Pies

Great episode and phenomenal thumbnail Dustin as always. AND my question got read!

Carlos Quintanilla

Hopefully either Crunchyroll or Funimation has Initial D. Been wanting to rewatch it lately.

Kenneth Oms

they’re not zombies in back 4 blood, they’re people who have a parasites inside of them. They’re worms that live in the water that’s how it infected so many people in the game. You play as people immune from the worms


Should of played either the PS3 or 360 version of MGS2, Colin. I've played both the PS3 and Vita versions of MGS HD Collection, and the PS3 version feels sooo much better to control. Maybe keep it in mind for MGS 3.

Shawn Yorn

A playstation 4 version of Psychonauts 2 was promised and delivered. Microsoft offered the $ to completely overhaul this game and add a Ton of content. These versions wouldn't exist without Microsoft $. Why would they make a PS5 version? Not being aggressive but I just see some of the complaints from the PS side and this game wouldn't be NEARLY as fleshed out nor would it have next gen versions if the Microsoft acquisition didn't happen. ***Edit for reply*** For sure! I know it was mentioned that it makes sense. However, a couple opinions made it seem as if it was slightly shitty on MS's To handle it the way they did. Keeping in mind that the game, in general, regardless of next gen versions, is substantially more fleshed out due to the acquisition and that they shelled out even more for the additional enhancements/versions. That being said, I find no way to spin this as even a remotely questionable decision on MS' part. That is all!


Don't forget the iconic year of 2014. That gave us the iconic Game of the Year, Dragon Age: Inquisition.

James McGivern

The opening to today's show. Chefs kiss.

Angel DeJesus

The thing about crunch/overtime always drives me nuts. I'm pro-union, but the idea that a games industry union, would eliminate crunch, is so ridiculous. There would still be crunch, it's just how much might be regulated, and they would definitely get paid appropriately. Working security in NYS, if your not in a union your company can force you to work without a day off for months. For 3 months after Sandy I worked everyday and a double Sundays. If I wanted off, I had to switch with someone else at the site to do another double. And according to the NYS Labor board, completely legal.


I was a huge GTA fan from the original top down games up to GTA 4. 5 went many directions I didn’t like. If they remade these games I’d be interested, not interested in this.


Yeah, it's a tired subject either way. I think most reasonable folks see it for what it is.

Brandon Soto

The fact that Sony / Konami STILL hasn’t said anything at all is so strange. They’re both in on it. I’m right there with you, man. I believe.


“Libertarian Winnie the goddamn Pooh” LMAO, this shit fucked me up.

Frank G.

I love the dog sleeping (I assume Rush) and Colin's random ass gun pointing 😂 (put the Mayo in the fucking bag) Chris looks like he's contemplating why Ubisoft won't bring splinter cell back.


Looks like we mighta lost a little bit of Dustin talking about Deathloop at 1:32:09

Zack E

The Diablo 2 PC battle chest box has been on shelves of Walmart’s and Targets for nearly 20 years now. Tons and tons of “casuals” clearly have been consistently buying it. Probably due to its cool cover and aesthetic if nothing else. Diablo 3 sold 3.5 Million it’s first 24 hours back in 2012, and an very large amount to date. D2 Remastered probably won’t sale as much as D3, but I wouldn’t underestimate the strength of this series and brand. Even removing the super die hard fans, Diablo has been very good at attracting more “casual” oriented fans. So technically maybe D2 Remastered might lose some potential sales with the stuff going on, but I’d imagine by the end of the first month the numbers are going to be so large that it won’t seem like it did. We just have to remember when we analyze these sort of scenarios that it us our “type” of people, the video game enthusiasts types, that are an extreme, extreme minority of the video game consumer base. Particularly when we are talking about these incredibly mainstream type of games.


Dicks out or GTFO (when sleeping)

Shaun Wilkinson

I can’t believe Colin’s sleeping attire is so controversial. I sleep totally naked for the same reason and I will wear t shirt up top in the winter but I never cover the cock.

Shaun Wilkinson

Chris’ idea of fun is very different to mine lol. This whole Abandoned thing is the most fun I’ve had with gaming outside of actually playing a game. I guess it depends how engaged in it you are and I’m so far down the rabbit hole I don’t think I’ll ever get out.

Hose A Contra Razz

Aren’t you worried that Rush might groomed you when you are asleep?


Col, where does the saying “You’re on Earth, dicks out” come from? I popped when Dustin said this as I remember it being 1 of your sayings.

Kaz Redclaw

Fig definitely had a kickstarter-like preorder system as well, as that's how I got my Linux and PS4 version of the game.

Samuel Zamora

Regarding “Abandoned,” I think this is the marketing ploy for it. These ploys to be used as a set up for a theme of abandonment. Where something is about to happen but it doesn’t. We are the playable teaser. I think the game could either be a continuation of Venom Snake as he was abandoned and went on to create Outer Heaven. Or Silent Hill when the protagonist end up in the Otherworld / alternate hellscape is the abandoned? To me this is suspiciously Kojima esque, this is straight up a theme and he’s known for using that approach. He’s done it before. I think there’s something hidden in the app.

Samuel Zamora

This is to Colins comment on a random update popping up on the PS… I just got a random download notification for a “No Title | PS4” game. Maybe it’s the PT update? Or highly likely a mountain out of a mole hill situation. Either way, it’s fun to speculate on something possibly related to Kojima.


But you’ve said it before in old KF content 😄


i wish rockstar and take-two gave more love to Bully, i’ve been desperate for a sequel or remaster but i’ll have to settle for the port for now.


Fuck loot boxes. They are designed to be a dopamine releasing 'surprise mechanic', and they're designed to obfuscate and separate the use of real world money as much as they can, by using 2-3 different in-game currencies. There was a fun presentation on the matter that *I think* Jim Sterling deconstructed a while back, where some dev explained exactly how predatory their tactics are, with the strategical use of 'best value' packs, creating peer pressure to push other kids into buying them, or milking whales. It's no wonder that some kids have spent thousands of dolars on them, when they just thought they were buying everything with in-game crystals or some other bs currency. Not every parent is going to be tech savvy enough to navigate profiles, credit cards, and passwords on console UI, either. Some families just use 1 profile for everything, cause they're not even aware that their kid can spend $1000 on FIFA cards. A warning on the game box wouldn't hurt anyone.


It's not to say that any of these sales techniques are right... but they clearly work, and they are present in myriad other things, too! Of course they want you to spend money. Of course they want you to try to out-do your friends. Of course they want you to fixate on their stuff. I mean... that's kind of obvious to me. Parents need to be parents.

Josh Lucas

For some unknown reason the physical release for Shovel Knight Treasure Trove for PS4 has seemingly been canceled, even though it came out for Xbox and Switch a long time ago. Pretty strange and disappointing

The Eclectic Gamer

pretty lackluster discussion on the what we’ve been playing section…Chris is basically on a month long hiatus from touching a Dual Sense with any sort of passion and Dustin and Colin are stuck in a stasis period playing titles that they won’t to “finish.” On the heels of the call in with Colin from last week regarding game discussion…this needs to be the 1A to the number one priority, which is the analysis. I’m still surprised that during a somewhat slow summer that 13 Sentinels and Disco Elysium weren’t played yet. Once September hits, those games will likely not get experienced until 2022. Excellent titles and far superior to Metro Exodus…enough with the compulsion to play a shooter…CoD: Vanguard is on the way anyway.


I've noticed that. That was the version that was apparently going to give a Platinum to the DLC packs.


People deep into gaming know what loot boxes and microtransactions in video games are, but you can't expect all of the parents to know all the ins and outs of modern monetizations. It's not like a mom that doesn't play games will know that game X can drain your wallet, if it's not in any adds, or on the game box. People in your story weren't trying to outright ban them, either, just to spread the awareness, so that the parents can actually be parents. And love ya, Col, but some of that shit is straight up made to replicate the whole gambling experience - https://youtu.be/FwN4VYzD02g Stay safe guys, hope you get better


It's cool that crunchyroll and funimation are going to come together but now the problem is that hidive is going to be left out. Hidive is owned by sentai filmworks and have licenses to anime the other ones either don't bother with, older anime, or ones they have exclusive license to. Hidive and crunchyroll was folded into one subscription called VRV.

Samuel Zamora

I appreciate this guy mentioning how when the family goes to bed it’s his time. It’s great hearing others still raise a family and do things for themselves. My friends without kids act as if I’m crazy or have some magic recipe for being able to play video games, workout 2-3x a day, work a 10hr + schedule 4x a week, and still spend time with my kids and wife. Much of it is owed to me not as sleeping much haha.