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Call-In With Colin III | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 111

It's been about a month since we did a Call-In With Colin episode of Sacred Symbols+, so we figured it was high time to return to the format. On today's episode, we talk to callers from all over the godforsaken place about topics they bring to the table. If only Resistance or Killzone can return, which should it be, and why? Is Sony about to jump back into the multiplayer space in a big way with its recent second party studio deals? Will SOCOM live again? Are JRPGs finally healing, and can we expect more high-quality entries in the genre to continue coming from outside of Japan? Will Switch surpass PlayStation 4's meteoric sales figures? All of that -- and more! -- await you on the other side of the play button.


Julian Zhu

I'm not sure if we are moving into a new era for JRPGS that will kill off turn-based, I look at it as a new era where you can expect a good mix of turn based and action based rather than either or. You guys touched on Persona 5/Royal and Dragon Quest, but I think we should also note the success and popularity of Yakuza Like A Dragon, which moved over to their take on being turn-based JRPG, Fantasian over on the Apple Arcade and the fact that we have a new mainline SMT coming out this year as well. I think we are moving towards a healthy mix, even if games like FF have shed turn-based. Just food for thought. Thanks for the show as always guys.


I just want to thank you This is my favorite form of entertainment that isn't a game


So i definitely think Nentendo is its own genre. Good show this is my favorite form of entertainment outside of games


Gotta say, I love the call-in episodes. Thanks for really taking the time to have a great conversation about my education question; I was very glad to hear Dustin’s take at the end.


On the education question. I first learned about Julius Caesar from playing Empire Earth. I’ve learned more about history as a child from historically based RTS games than from Elementary school history lessons. Games have a real potential to engage people that otherwise would roll their eyes at a topic in a textbook.


I agree with Colin about learning in Video games, from a young age when I played the original Pokemon games it taught me to read and you really do learn new words from gaming I hope in the future the stigma changes.

Sean P

Like a dragon is another really long game with a high completion rate. I was surprised 26% of players finished that game.

Zack Fair

I wouldn't be shocked when PlayStation does their next big show we see a Resistance remaster trilogy to test the waters or a brand new game

Wayne Moss

These call-in episodes are brilliant having the interaction with the fan base in this way is something truly special.

Matt Soucy

What we are playing -- is honestly my favorite part of the podcast. I enjoy hearing about your opinions of whatever games you guys are playing.

Andrew Gambill

Colin you make a good point saying it's been a while since Sony has made a shooter and differentiate that from games with shooting. My question is what about Returnal? I think of it as a shooter but can see why someone would put it under the "game where you shoot" category.