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I wanted to take a moment to write to you today to share an unfortunate piece of news: We’re indefinitely delaying (cancelling, really, but more on that later) our planned Let’s Play series.

To catch you up (and cut right to the chase), you may recall that -- earlier this year -- we surpassed a couple of stretch goals in machinegun-like fashion. One goal was to deliver some Let’s Plays, while the other was to bring forth a second weekly episode of Sacred Symbols+. As you’ve likely noticed, we’ve been churning-out two episodes of + a week for a while now, and it’s proven really popular. So that rocks. No problems there.

The unfortunate reality, however, is that we’re kind of at maximum capacity right now. I know I am, for sure, and I think I can speak for the team, too. It's kinda-sorta starting to get to me. I can't turn off the work. But I must. One of the things I’ve tried to do with Last Stand is create a culture that expects and rewards toil, but also draws a line and respects boundaries. I think I’ve steadily overworked myself for years, and it’s catching up to me, but I also know that my guys, particularly Dustin and Ben, already have their plates very full. Our co-hosts, too, who would be tapped to record, manage, and produce these videos, are barely disconnecting from all the work on their shoulders as it is. I think by asking less of them, we get more. We definitely get better. And that's what's most important.

So, for the mental health and sanity of all of us, and in living the principles of 'quality over quantity,' I am hereby unencumbering us. We didn’t expect to hit two stretch goals days from one another, and we’re not yet equipped to scale at a pace necessary to accommodate the level of growth those stretch goals entailed. The buck stops with me, and I’m truly sorry about that.

That said, I suspect this won’t be much of a problem for virtually any of you. We give you six podcasts a week. Six! Sacred Symbols, two episodes of Sacred Symbols+, Defining Duke, Defining Duke Ultimate, and KnockBack. Week-in, week-out, no missed episodes. Not to be too Larry David like in my forwardness, but… that’s enough.

The future no doubt holds new programming. Let’s Plays may be in there. But at the current time, I want to focus on what we do best -- podcasting! -- and I also want to grow sustainably, responsibly, and sensibly. These are good problems for us to have. We’re getting bigger and we’re doing more. With our live show coming up and the idea of doing more in 2022 and beyond, I think we have some very exciting, very Last Stand-like surprises up our sleeve that will more than make up for not having to watch me play Mega Man 3 again.

Above all else, though, it's important to introduce a better semblance of order, and that starts with doing less when more is simply unneeded. The value with our content is already there in spades... and I know you know that. You support it. It exists because of you!

I thank you for your kindness and understanding, and hope you have a great week. -Colin


Daniel short

All good sir, appreciate the transparency


Quality > Quantity No problems here! Be well 🙂


Everyone will understand Colin. You guys are amazing


Totally understand. The final product could get diluted if everyone is just always at max work load all the time. Gotta do what's best for your mental health and just your creative flow in general. Thanks for the heads up and transparency. :)

Joe B

Totally understand. I figured yall were super booked. It shocked me that you all wanted to and did add a live event to your plates.

Curse These Metal Hands

Absolutely no problem SS team, your physical and mental health is more important than anything. Thank you for all the amazing content you already put out!


You guys are doing more than enough! Keep up the great work.

Jacob R.



Take it easy friends.


Guys you human, if people don’t understand that, then simply they shouldn’t be on here! Your much loved by all of us!!


All of us in the community appreciate immensely what you guys do and enjoy all the content that’s created. We as fans want you guys to be happy, healthy and motivated and if not adding more work keeps that’s a reality then fuck doing anything more! Keep up the awesome work guys!

David Portnov

I'm fine with that. Like you said, 6 episodes a week is still a massive amount of content.


Everyone is doing a stellar job at Last Stand Media! Thank you for communicating this with me and your audience, I’m positive everyone will understand :) Keep up the great work all!


It’s all good ! And the content is incredible as always !!! Take care of yourselves 🙏🏻

Guns vs Kittens

Was wondering about this. You guys are bulldozing through work, i only do 1 podcast a week and that has already been a crazy amount of work! I think i speak for a lot of us when i say, Dont break your backs over it all. The second SS+ episodes with the interviews are awesome


The value proposition from this company is unmatched in the space.

Jared Lainhart

Health comes first. There's honestly enough content from you guys that I can't keep up most weeks. You all work hard enough as is.

Zack Apuzzo

Understandable and personally I likely wouldn't have had the time to watch the let's plays anyway now that there's two SS+ episodes a week! Much prefer them to let's plays. Thanks for everything you guys do!


Do what’s best for y’all! Honestly, I don’t care to watch other people play video games anyways, so this isn’t much of a loss for me.


I couldn't care less about Let's Play personally. As for podcast I do feel like you are spreading yourself thin and wouldn't even care if you felt the need to scale back. Quality over quantity. Do what you feel you must.

phil mccarthy

Take care of yourselves first guys and the content second, We'll be here whenever it drops, You've been spoiling us with incredible content constantly and I imagine it takes its toll so take all the time you all need and thank you for everything. ❤

Justin Zasada

No hard feelings here, as much as I would love more content, keeping the current content at a high quality is more important. Just keep doing what you're doing, it's really great!

Russell Garrett

That’s it, I’m cancelling……. …other services so I can up my pledge. I feel like you deserve it more than other places that I give money to.

Andrew Duda

Love you guys. Always respect the transparency. Keep up the amazing work & most importantly: take care of yourselves. We need you!

Ian (616Entertainment)

You canceling the let’s play series means I’m canceling my Patr- Lol. You’re doing the right thing, you know that. You and the team, get some fuckin rest. <3


I forgot that was one of the goals until you reminded us. I’m tempted to pitch a fit like spoiled child, but in all honesty I don’t really care.

Greg Mocha

Let’s plays don’t interest me and I’d much rather see the effort and time go to affirming the success with the current slate of podcasts. You went through a huge positive change, you need time to enjoy it as well. Congrats on the success!

Adam Thiry

No hard feelings here man, quite understandable. I am finding it hard to keep up with what’s on offer now, so I don’t even know if I would have been able to watch any let’s plays. Keep up the good work

Derek Alcott

Take the time you need. Go outside and touch some grass. Take a vacation if needed. We will be here waiting and having good health is very important. We're riders for SS no matter what.

Brock Thomas Walsh

Totally understandable! I would so much rather you guys enjoy what you are doing then feel crushed by your work load. The sheer quality and quantity of content already adds so much joy to my life, I couldn't ask or expect anything more from all you fine folks! Much love and respect.


Completely understandable, forgot it was even a goal.


Still the best money I spend every month to support you guys. Value remains outstanding, and I'll gladly keep supporting LSM. Be well friends!

Kendrick Luckenbach

No worries at all. You guys have built an amazing wealth of podcast content every week. for me personally, I can't watch a let's play while driving in a car or plugging through work but the podcasts perfectly accompanies that daily flow. Appreciate the hard work by the whole Last Stand team, always. <3

Ross Winyard

No problem, I never even knew it was a stretch goal and to be honest there’s barely a day that I’m not listening to last stand content already so I’m getting more than my money’s worth... For anyone gutted about this, Dustin streams over on twitch @dustincanfly and he’s great so get over there, his Twitter page has his schedule pinned 👍


No prob. I first and foremost I'm a part of this community for the podcast (s!!)

Jose Cantu

Fine be me, Colin! I feel like I already get more than my money's worth with the current content, so no complaints from me. Love the LSM team and I'd never want you guys (and gal) to feel like you ever let us down, because you don't. 💙


All good keep that quality up good sir. I have loved the ss+ episodes recently they have been ace!


You guys are killing it with six podcasts a week (let alone Sacred Symbols being 3-4 hours most of the time). Let's Plays were great too, but nobody wants anyone to sacrifice their wellbeing and health. No worries and keep up the great work! <3


Sure. You've got my support. I think it is much more important to have high quality ss+ episodes with super interesting guests and so on and so forth. I don't care really. I think the quality is scaling quite nicely so like there is really nothing to say, or nitpick or anything. Maybe never do let's play? Maybe make some writing based content or something? I don't know. Have fun everyone and thanks for the timestamps.

Dr Stump

Totally understand. You guys are swamped cranking out tons of awesome content. Keep up the tremendous work!


Sounds good guys. I honestly forgot all about the lets plays. Take care

Petre Cismigiu

The main difference between you and the others (i mean other podcasts, shows, etc) is that you're not sweeping this under the rug like most would in your situation. You're blunt, direct, straightforward. Guess what? That's what we appreciate the most. Who cares about let's plays? Yes they would've been fun, for sure. I'd love those. But we're grown ups. You just told us straight up it's too much for you and the gang, and I can promise you, we, the fans, are totally ok with that. Keep doing what you do, and always keep your mental health the top priority. <3

Josef Barker

I didn't even know let's plays were on the cards. I subscribe for the podcasts.


As a Patron before those stretch goals, this really doesn't bother me personally. I don't have near enough time to listen to all your content as is, so I appreciate the focus on not overstretching yourselves. That just risks damaging the main products which I love. For those who maybe bought in in hopes of contributing towards let's plays, opinions may differ. Could you swap out the second Sacred Symbols Plus episode for a Let's Play occasionally? Two episodes of Plus is already a lot to me and it sometimes means you refer to whole pods I don't have time to get to. Overall, loving the podcast! I barely even play PS anymore (PCMR ascension complete) but I love it all the same.

Sean P

Honestly. I can't even keep up with the playstation podcasts. I am getting more value then what I pay already

Jacob Secor

You do you and we'll support you! Tbh though, I think I'd have preferred the let's plays to a second ss+, but that's just me. Maybe some other feedback to help the time sucks you have: seems that since adding Dustin to sacred symbols, the episodes have greatly ballooned in length. Not sure if that is due to a third chair or what, but food for thought. He brings a good dynamic, so don't read this as criticism of him


No worries guys! The content you guys put out is so good! I Look forward to it every week! Keep up the good shit, everyone can tell the effort you guys put in.

George Sinclair

It's hard enough keeping up with the existing content as a patron. Give yourselves a break guys. You do great work as it is

Dennis Johnson

No worries! Thanks for the honest feedback and all the awesome work. Take a vacation, you goon!

Luis Sanchez

With the amount of content you guys churn out I had honestly forgotten about the Let's Plays. Keep up the great work, your health comes first. ❤

Cody Richter

I think I speak for most patrons when I say we prefer everyone's mental and physical well being over additional, forced content that doesn't fit into schedules. Thanks for the transparency and we're looking forward to what the rest of the year holds for LSM!


No problem! We get a LOT as is! Couldn’t be happier with the current lineup!


Dude, don’t do to much. I know this is anecdotal but I am already slammed with your content lol. I can’t keep up myself and I just listen to your content. Your stuff is great because it is a passion project. The moment your “work” becomes just that, work, then you lose that passion and it’ll show in your product. Stick to your strengths and keep up the excellent content but remember to take breaks and get away. 👍🏻

James Clark

This was the correct thing to do from the start Colin as I commented before. Not needed and a completely different "market". Glad it's not happening tbh!


All good, fellas.


Makes sense, but glad to hear you approach it with honesty and openness!

Big Ru

I've honestly felt spoiled for content ever since the additional weekly podcasts, and it's even more mind blowing when I think of how many hours of entertainment I get for $5. By all means, I'm a fully satisfied patron and my only concern is sustainability for the LSM crew. Keep up the great work!

Big Boss Games

Totally understandable/reasonable. We want you guys at FULL health! You guys deliver every week! Over and over again! Don't push yourself to hard! It has to stay fun (and healthy off course). Love what you guys do, keep it up, but take a break once in a while! Much love and respect!


That's cool! The podcasts are basically what I'm mainly subbed for. I am curious though, what would it take for stuff like original video content to be made? More staff? Or just more time? Because if it's the latter then I feel like it's okay to keep LSM the way it is. Wish you well!

Brock Smith

It’s so much content already I’m falling behind! Haha No worries, it’s not worth sacrificing you or your loved one’s health or the quality of what’s brought you success thus far. Cheers 🍻


I cannot believe the amount of content you guys are putting out, and it remains at an outstanding quality. I don't expect any more from you. While I'm here, I'd just like to take a moment to praise Dustin and how much I appreciate him on SS. He has become really confident, i feel like he offers wisdom and insight way beyond his years and it is wonderful to see. Kingdom Hearts fans, just this once, you may rise up!

Adam Niksch

As a father and someone who works a full time job, I honestly have a hard enough time as it is even keeping up with everything that is released currently (certainly not a bad problem to have). What’s the point of working hard if you can’t pause every now and then to enjoy life and the things that make you happy. No worries at all about doing what is best for you and your team’s health and sanity.

Ryan Hughes

Not to worry :) as long as everyone is safe and healthy, that’s the most Important thing. :)


Most important thing for us your well being. Like you said, we get the best versions of yourself when you're happy. In all honesty though, I really don't care about let's plays per se. I really look to you to keep me informed and educated on the video game industry so I can make sense of it all and form my opinion. Thank you for all your hard work and the awesome podcasts.


Thank you for taking the time to write this for us, it’s very much appreciated. Take care of yourselves first and foremost, the rest will come naturally.


No problem at all good sir. You have the best PlayStation and Xbox podcast out there not to mention knock back is gold as well. You and your crew deserve a little off your plate. Everyone I’m sure should understand that.

Jeshua Anderson

I can barely keep up with everything you're putting out as it is. Granted i am a grown man with a full time job and multiple side projects as it is lol. But still, ya'll do alot with incredible quality. Sometimes its good to stay the course.


1. I don’t give a shit about let’s plays, and I’ve been here since day 1 so this wasn’t a reward I particularly cared about. 2. That said from a principle standpoint this has been a beef I’ve had with Patreons in the past (not necessarily yours although KF had this issue once or twice), in that a goal reward is promised and then not delivered, or delayed for a long period of time. So I do hope you learn from this moving forward that unless you absolutely think you can deliver the reward to not set that as a goal. Sorry if that came out as blunt, it is text after all, but I do respect the candid nature of this post, and ultimately I believe firmly in a work life balance! So way to take care of your employees.

Matthew Cooper

I kinda forgot about let's plays.. LSM already puts out so much content, it's hard to keep up with it all anyway. Don't sweat it.


Look after yourselves. Burnout is real. Keep up the amazing content guys but don’t let it ever be at the detriment of your health.


Who even thought we were even gonna get video nvm 6 podcasts a week?!? Naw we good.

Omar Rosa

Not a problem. Do what makes sense for you guys. The honesty is appreciated.

Dave Ramos

I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with all the content you guys put out anyway. I'm totally satisfied with all you guys do already. That said, I know this might be blasphemous, but I'd rather see you play Mega Man 8 lol my first MM game and I absolutely love it.

Angel M Rivera

I'll take a live show over a "Let's play". You guys have a shit load of content on here. Stay healthy gentlemen.

Dom posa

Good shit

Nathan Guergis

I completely forgot this was even a plan lol. No problem, I can hardly keep up with all the content there is now


Honestly I’d prefer Twitch streams to Let’s Plays anyways. Hopefully it can scale to that point cause I think Colin would make an excellent twitch streamer. But good luck with everything!

Adam Razak

I joined for the Sacred Symbols + episodes, so this news doesn't impact my support one bit.

Alex Landry

Let's plays were always kind of a nice treat on top of the other material, not what I'm paying on patreon for. Totally understand, but still a bit sad. Would much rather have best efforts on the main shows, though!


All good honestly :) And let's be honest, the content these last week's is so good and such quality, let's play is not necessary at all


Bruh, we got YOU talking about MCU films. We chilling 👍🏾

Michael centeno

Totally understandable. I have no idea how you all manage doing everything already as it is.


Quality over Quantity is always preferred! Keep it up all of you. Glad to hear you're all prioritizing mental health all while putting out a stellar product. I'm eager to keep supporting you all as you continue to grow.

Jason Bolla

Forgot that was even on the table - I can barely keep up on the content as is, and I'm only consuming it! You guys do plenty, don't worry at all. And to that end, take breaks as needed. I certainly don't want you guys creating if it's not what you want to do, because it'll show. Happy to see you knew where to draw the line with this.


Take care of yourselves first and foremost, that'll bring the best out of all of you in the content you provide.

Travis Stockton

Never really been a fan of Let's Plays so no skin off my back. My support is purely for the extra podcasts which makes for much more interesting content in my opinion and is what I sub for. Curious though, was there a sort "community poll" before the stretch goals were made to gauge which new content the community was most interested in, or were they scatter shot offerings to see what stuck? I can't imagine there's many patrons that weren't subbing before but specifically tossed their bucks over for Let's Plays from a group of pundits that historically don't do much of that sort of content.


No worries! Love all the content you've been putting.


Your podcast wouldn't be any good if the crew didn't have have time to actually play and enjoy the games they talk about. What you guys do is already more than enough. Life is good, enjoy it!

Elliot Rogers

Would have been a nice extra but absolutely not worth it in the grand scheme of things :)

Jayce Tamulevich

Alright, alright! I’ll take over doing the let’s plays for you guys, no need to twist my arm! 😜 Last Stand Media is one of the only thing that continues to pump or valuable content at a steady pace for me without increasing the price (FFXIV is a close second.) I think you can get a pass for keeping me sane for my two hour a day commute.

Wayne Moss

Totally understand I would much rather you all be in a good place ( not burnt out ). Your mental & physical Health is way more important. Plus you give us fantastic content already at such a high standard.


Best to avoid fatigue. Completley understand your decision. We are already spoilt with content as it is.


I honestly have to echo what others have said. Im not really looking for lets plays. Just the trio of sacred symbols podcasts are honestly well worth my dollar and time. I think any more would be too much.

Campbell Parker

You guys already produce an unbelievable slate of content every week, don't sweat it!

Josh Correa

I'm so glad you're focusing on not only your business but more importantly your overall health. You have created an amazing and dare I say important nerd cultural centric ecosystem that welcomes all and rewards all with your unmatched content. Thank you so very much Colin!!

Your Boi Nicky V

Fine with me, last thing we want is for you to be overworked. You're already giving us more than enough. Cheers Colin.

MonstaPontes93 (Ricky Pontes)

Hey man it’s all good! Keep doing what you guys do best! It is what it is we love you guys! And I’m sure most will be ok with it also! Take care guys mental health is important!


Completely understandable, everyone at LSM’s mental health must absolutely come first, you all give us more than enough content for the small amount I give back per month in my opinion. Wish you all the best!


Totally understandable and smart decision. For sure, you guys do enough as is.


I agree with everyone else's sentiment. It is also nice to see how understanding and positive the community is.


I can't even keep up with all the content, so I'm glad in a way. In the beginning we expected just a little, and you and the whole team have given us a lot. Stay sane. No content if you guys have a heart attack. Though one day I would like to see some -short- let's plays, short

Tyler Cumerford

Let's plays are kinda lame anyways Colin. I'd much rather have some reviews of smaller games and stuff like that on +. No worries here. Yall spoil us!


All good, guy! No sense piling on more at the cost of diluting the quality of everything else. You all are crushing it right now and rightfully deserve every ounce of (remaining) sanity. Thank you for all the hard work you guys do to entertain and educate all of us.


All i want is side quest back 🥺either way much love to you and the team Colin/Dustin

Seth Zentner

The content is already above par. I like the amount thats being put out every week. Keep up the great work.


I honestly love hearing about you guys talk about playing these games that watching you play them doesn't matter to me. Good call!


It’s impossible for me to keep up with all of your tasty content as it stands. You all need to take care of yourselves! Reading these replies, I’m just grateful and proud to be a small part of this incredibly supportive community.

Cillian O Connell

No problem at all. No point in burning yourself and your team out. Keep well

Jacob Alexander Irvine

Thanks for your hard work LSM team, and for being so transparent Colin. Place your people first and the content will speak for itself. Quality over quantity.


Dang!! All good tho!


Completely support your decision.

Matthew Remus

We all understand and appreciate you guys. Let's plays are really not necessary anyway. Not really what your channel is about.

Jeremy Shook

Well written letter. Completely understandable you don’t wanna overwhelm yourselves. Still excited for the future of Last Stand Media.


Can't see anyone having a problem with this. I might be in the minority but I feel like maybe you're already doing too much.


I think most of us already have our hands full with all the other content you guys put out. No need to add more work when you already do so much. Thanks for all the great podcasts and cheers to the continued success of LSM!


Totally cool man no worries here


Can't lie I'm disappointed. Would have liked to see at the very least one video of y'all playing something. Still appreciate all the content and keep up the good work boys.


Shit…. You guys already cram heaps into a single week. You’ve got one dude who is literally a mayor of a town lol, I think you’re busy enough. I come here for the quality not the quantity. An you constantly deliver on that front. Plus we’re basically getting another podcast anyway, Sacred symbols use to be around 90-120 mins now it’s basically consistently 3 hours plus. Surely no one can complain about the amount you put out. You guys work your ass off, but you definitely need to balance it out a bit so you can still have a life an not burn out. I don’t care about any “let’s play” I’m proud this is the only Patreon I’m subscribed to, an that’s not changing anytime soon. Be well guys.


NO PROBLEM. Like you mentioned Im not at a loss for content with LSM as is and I'd rather see your company have good, metered sustainable growth to ensure quality. If that means the timeline is longer than anticipated, so be it. Quality over quantity. And congrats on the continued patreon growth!


Gonna be honest, I’d much rather have a let’s play take the place of one of the SS+ shows per week, but regardless, glad you all aren’t burning yourselves out with another thing!


Totally understand, Colin. You give us plenty of value as it is. Take care of your mental health first and foremost. We’re not going anywhere. We got LSM’s back!


All good dude. All good.


I don't care about letsplays so this is no problems from me. Even if I did like letsplays I way prefer podcasts so it would still be no problems from me. :)

Harley Carlson

Not really my thing but, if there's a genuine demand for it, maybe hire another person that does those exclusively?


No worries Colin. If it ever comes back I no doubt believe it will be amazing


My dude you are doing more than enough and quality verses quantity, well I think more companies similar to yours need to really hear that. You’re content is so good it’s pretty much all I listen to and you are the bar I compare all other podcast to…they aren’t even close. Keep up the great work!

Matthew Major

Just keep on keeping on. Thank you. Don’t be so hard on Dustin.

Dennis Fox

I think what we’re already getting out of Last Stand Media is amazing not having let’s plays isn’t going to change a thing


No need to worry brother Colin, you guys spoil us enough as it is.

Anthony J Sanchez

I thought Halo Infinite was getting delayed, lol. Phew I'm really tired and I thought it said Infinite delay


It's all good..I don't really need to watch videos of you guys playing games..I could be playing myself during that time instead. lol no need to follow trends of others, like zoming in on faces and really big eyeball silly thumb nails like other places....it's good what you guys do now. Another thing while I'm here is I enjoy the fact that you get the games when we do because then I am listening to the podcast when I play the games as well, not way before. Thanks!

Anthony Lamb

I'm sure I speak for more then myself when I say I couldn't be happier with the products LSM is putting out. I think we all understand the philosophy you and you're employees strive for. And we aim to do the same in our work/life so I couldn't honestly ask more of you guys without asking more from myself too. We respect and appreciate you guys too much and we want you to keep up the awesome work you do for a long time. Thanks Team LSM.


Speaking purely for myself, I couldn't give any less of a shit. I want you guys to be happy and able to produce the amazing content that you do week after week. If making a video of you playing a game means we get even the slightest dent in quality for SS or DD then it is entirely not worth it. Do what feels right.

Jeff Pollard

It's fine. It's all fine. We're here to have a good time, not to watch you guys burn out. Keep up the awesome work and we'll wait and see what the future has in store. <3

Joey Mendoza

You guys are doing phenomenal. Don't overburden yourself.


In all honesty, we’re spoiled with the amount of content you even give us. We are eternally thankful. Take any breaks you need Colin, we love you my dude.


Although I'm going to miss the Let's Plays just hearing from you guys each week brings enough content and happiness for me. Please take care of yourselves.

Michael Buffill

To be honest I would bet most ppl dont care too much that the let's plays are being cancelled. Dustin and Chris streaming on their own should satisfy ppl who really crave that. The amount of content you guys churn out weekly is amazing and anything that has to be done to maintain that and keep everyone's work life balance should be cool with everybody. Thanks for all you guys do!


No worries, keep up the great work and for god sakes leave the chicken alone.


All good, do what's best for you and the crew


Long time listener, first time commenter, but if you're ever in need of someone to handle basic editing just to lighten the work load, I've dabbled in video production through YouTube for years. This is not a resume, and I'm sure you've heard it before, but the offer is always on the table.


No worries! Very good that you’re recognizing that you’re overworking and don’t have capacity for this. Most of your followers probably don’t have the time to listen to everything you upload every week anyway, so no need to stretch yourselves thin to add even more content.


Seriously you all do enough. I can’t keep up as it is. Just be healthy.

Kenny C

Just make sure you're all happy and healthy. You all do so much already. LSM is exactly what we need it to be already.

Craig Carter

I kinda forgot about them to be honest so no worries all of you do more than enough to justify the money IMO


Although slightly disappointing, I’m honestly not too fazed. In reality I would’ve only watched the occasional Let’s Play and they wouldn’t really be adding much value for me as a Patron anyway. Clearly the right decision for LSM.

Chun W Wan

Healthy Colin = Quality. We all know you put 110% already

Tarik Fakir

You’re good. Be and stay healthy, that’s what matters!

Matthew Two T's

Lets plays are sub par content anyway. You should obviously just do Tik Tok Lives, Colin.

Gavin Newland

No problem over here guys 😄


You made the correct choice, I was thinking you guys were over working. Quality over quantity


Definitely the right choice. My suggestion to maybe alleviate some of the pressure on the DD guys is to make DDU a cut of DD that takes out the news items that are discussed on Sacred. I would venture to say that the reason most people are patreons of LSM is bc of Sacred. Which is why it would be nice to have a DD version that doesn't overlap on the same news items.

Context Should Matter

I wouldn’t have watched the let’s plays anyway. I really just wanted the extra ss+ episode. All good here.


Thank you for the blunt honesty and just so you know Colin, I'm cool with this.


Personally I won’t be happy until you do 24 hour content, the stress of which will drive you to a mental break down of epic proportions where you actually believe that Xbox will win the generation. You will be found a curled up ball muttering “Bethesda was pound for pound the best acquisition in corporate history” and carving sea of thieves maps into your arms with a Xbox custom controller lead.

Eric S

Thanks for the update. I’m glad you chose Last Media teams sanity over trying to push a Let’s Play out when right now it is just too much. Keep up the great content and than you for your candor Colin.

Shane Geis

Love the Patreon guys best $5 a month I spend….and I get 2 extra shows a week plus early access to the 2 free shows……only minor complaint instead of Knockback wish it was another game related show. I’m just such a game nerd now the more info the better not into movies……but I’m probably in the minority. Keep up the great work


This is obviously fine. I would also not feel locked into the two SS+ episodes a week. It seems excessive for you and the team. I would much rather drop it back to a single SS+ episode than have any of the staff get burnt out.

Shubham Goyal

Good decision Colin. Last thing I want is for Last Stand Media to adopt crunch culture.

Brandon Breeland

Totally understandable! Just hope we can get some random one offs down the line from maybe you and Dagan playing an older NES or SNES title or something like that. Or just record some gameplay of Chris playing Halo with no commentary and I'd still be entertained haha.


I can barely keep up with podcasts so I'm more than happy with this decision.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

No worries, theres more than enough content as it is. I'm having trouble finding the time to listen to all the podcasts now. Maybe streaming some games in the future could be a solution, then you wouldn't have to spend time editing the video etc. Just, say two of the hosts playing a game together for however much time you have. Just an idea! 😊


I'm honestly glad you're not doing Let's Plays. I personally don't find them appealing and there's so many channels who already do that type of content. I honestly would just prefer a small stream highlight clip every now and then because I definitely want to see the Plat Master Colin in action :D

The Eclectic Gamer

Just have Chris do the Let’s Plays considering he needs to have a reason to play PS4/PS5 titles that dont culminate in spoilercast episodes. Have him play indies, considering there are a lot of interesting, unknown titles that are coming out as of late.

The Eclectic Gamer

How many people actually listen to all of it though…I listen to the original SS and only SS+ if it is interesting…last one I found compelling was the second call in show with Colin. I don’t listen to Duke or Knockback. I would have liked to see the Let’s Plays of indie titles that give some exposure and aren’t a $70 investment to raise awareness to smaller titles.


Let’s Plays are just lower quality podcasts with gameplay on top of them. I very much prefer the pods!


No harm, no foul! You guys produce some of the best content out there and you never miss. Six podcasts a week is already a lot and I can’t imagine how much work it is behind the scenes. Thanks for all you do!


0 problems with this. I was never that into that stuff, and I'd prefer you to save your energy for the bread and butter of your company (podcasting). Thanks for being forthright about it though! Openness is appreciated.

Aaron Chisholm

Honestly I wouldn’t even think twice if you guys cancelled the second SS+ episode a week too, The content is perfect. This is only possible by the guys who make it happen! Rest up when needed, we will all be here waiting :-)

Stephen Forgione

Prolly a cold take, but the content churn out is good as is, and adding more will become overwhelming. Part of me already finds the extra episode of Sacred Symbols+ to be a bit much. Loving the output, no need to overflow the cup. Besides, most, if not all, Let’s Plays stink anyway. I’d rather listen to a podcast and play a game myself than see someone else do it for me.


All good! Too much to catch up on all of them anyways!


I struggle listening to 6 Podcasts a week, let alone making them! Rest up Colin & the team, I'm sure everyone's more than happy with what we get! :)


I wish I had the time to listen\watch to all LSM content, but I've had to knock all but SS and SS+ on the head, not enough hours in the day, however I do enjoy the odd DD+ episode (GamePass episode was fascinating). I do understand the need to grow the business and find new followers but it is a fine line as the bigger you get the less connected you are to the ground. For me and me only, I wish LSM' output was like it was 3 years ago, all I ask is don't change who you are, pushing content out the door 'just because we need something' will affect quality and your sanity . BTW, everyone and their dog are doing 'Let’s Plays', let the start-ups do the lifting on that one, you guys are above that ;) Love what you guys do and I know my Patreon money is working really hard :)

Reuben Barrett

Yeah all good. There's almost too much content as it is!


How many of you would take 400-500k a year to make six podcasts a week? Just curious. Seems lazy to me… Calling it like I see it that’s all.