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Iron Man (2008 Film) | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 183

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is pretty much the biggest thing to ever hit cinemas, but it started innocently enough back in 2008 with Iron Man, the Jon Favreau-directed, Robert Downey Jr.-led superhero flick that's... well... pretty damn good, actually. Indeed, it only grossed half a billion dollars at the box office, pretty mild results for what would follow! The film may be missing a villain, but it comes packing a whole lot more: A complex, human, and deeply-flawed protagonist, a fun world, awesome technology, and lots of humor. Iron Man is a charming film that's more than a worthy watch, and we're thrilled to jump in as we begin our exploration of the MCU. Check out our merch store at http://LastStandMedia.Shop A new episode of KnockBack launches each Monday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #IronMan#KnockBack #LastStandMedia


Michael centeno

I hope they go through most of the MCU movies leading to endgame. Love to hear what Colin thinks of em


I remember watching this movie on opening day it’s crazy to see how important this movie is in grand scheme of things in the MCU. Many would say this movie is the backbone of the MCU.

Joey Finelli

been waiting for this one for years!

Joey Finelli

How many people would die in the average person's olympics? would you replace downhill skiing with sled riding?

Caleb Greer

Colin: “I’ve always been fascinated in fiction with the weapons dealer.” Me: “Yeah how did The Last Jedi fuck that up, too?”


Excited to see the conversation on some of the themes and moral conundrums that present themselves later on in the films. I wasn’t prepared for how deep some of these films get.

Michael Miller

Hey Colin! That Rollerblading shoutout was unexpected and really cool to hear. The sport took a huge popularity hit when it was removed from the XGames after 2005, but I assure you we’re still alive and kicking.😎 It’s actually experienced a resurgence in the last year due to COVID and XGames even put out a poll recently asking people what sport they would like to see return to the event and Rollerblading won by a huge margin. So fingers crossed that we start getting some mainstream recognition again!

Josh Gamez

I still remember people calling be dumb for forgoing my senior prom to watch this movie on opening weekend. Even at the time I didn't expect it to become one of the seminal cinematic moments of my lifetime.

Brock Smith

This was good! I remember watching this on release day in theater and was SO blown away with how well they did with it


The whole weapons dealer thing went over my head the first time, I don't even remember caring about that.


Colin you said games are moving away from last bosses but the sequel to the one example you give has a last boss ending. In fact the original is the only game I can recall that didn't end the game with a boss. Anyway, I hope people don't spoil the films for you. It'll be fun to see what you think of Endgame in 8 years if you decide to only watch these when you do Knockback episodes.

Dakota Brown

Thank you for recognizing the difficulty of water polo. I did it in high school and it’s a crazy sport. Oh and great episode overall as always :)

Tyler Cumerford

You can definitely skip the standalone hulk movie. It has no impact on the MCU as a whole and the character kinda gets reintroduced in the Avengers with a different actor anyways

Michael (ObjoGaming)

Excited to see them talk about Winter Soldier. It's pretty much the most Colin MCU movie.

Rob Aitken

A follow up for both of you. Do you gents believe that Power Armor is inevitable? Mecha as a genre is so widespread and maybe it would look like Patlabor first with construction but the benefits on the battlefield cannot be ignored.


Will there be a day where you and Dagan discuss Endgame


You guys are really scratching my nostalgia rash!


Has been a long time I haven't commented.Been busy with school and all... Great discussion,I really enjoyed this episode!!! Keep dropping gems 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿


This may have already been pointed out elsewhere but Obadiah was a bad guy from the jump. I do see your point about him maybe having valid reasons for turning on Tony post Afghanistan, but Obadiah was behind the terrorist plot in order to take control of Stark Industries.


Yeah it happens during the scene where Pepper is stealing the files from Obadiah’s computer and she sees a video with demands from the terrorists saved on there. The Ten Rings tell Obadiah that the price just went up since they didn’t realize they were being tasked with killing Tony. Yes, I’m a nerd for knowing this.

Connor Staley

This is completely unrelated, but did Red Dead Redemption get selected for an upcoming Knockback or am I crazy? If not, I was going to recommend that game in the next topic election


Loved the conversation! Totally agree with Dagan that they just get way better towards especially around 2016 forward. I hope you guys make it to Guardians of the Galaxy one day.

Mitchell Miller

I disagree with Dagan that RDJ is the throughline throughout the whole MCU. At first I was going to agree from a character perspective, but then he said one person being the integral piece to the entire thing. If there is one person that is the integral piece, it is Kevin Feige. I'm surprised that he wasn't really even discussed in this episode. That said, maybe that discussion will come in the future as more of these characters end up interacting with each other and the strong planning from a creative leader becomes apparent (especially when compared to the lack of planning that we saw with Star Wars even though the blueprint was already available to Lucasfilm/Disney by then).

Wayne Moss (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-09 14:16:08 Great episode i am a big MCU fan & read a lot of the comics in my younger years lol. I am looking forward to you guys working your way through the MCU movies.
2021-08-20 17:50:48 Great episode i am a big MCU fan & read a lot of the comics in my younger years lol. I am looking forward to you guys working your way through the MCU movies.

Great episode i am a big MCU fan & read a lot of the comics in my younger years lol. I am looking forward to you guys working your way through the MCU movies.

Trevor Deal

You guys said several times that the strife between Tony and Obadiah was him moving away from war profiteering but it's stated that Obadiah Stane hired the Ten Rings to kill Tony and it wasn't until they realized that he was alive that the Ten Rings kept him alive for their own personal use. Obadiah Stane was evil well before Tony changed his mind on making missiles.

Trevor Deal

I noticed someone else said the same. I'll leave cause I fleshed out the plot point a bit.