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It's been about a month since we did a Call-In With Colin episode of Sacred Symbols+, so we figured it was high time to return to the format. On today's episode, we talk to callers from all over the godforsaken place about topics they bring to the table. If only Resistance or Killzone can return, which should it be, and why? Is Sony about to jump back into the multiplayer space in a big way with its recent second party studio deals? Will SOCOM live again? Are JRPGs finally healing, and can we expect more high-quality entries in the genre to continue coming from outside of Japan? Will Switch surpass PlayStation 4's meteoric sales figures? All of that -- and more! -- await you on the other side of the play button.




The fact that Dustin and Ben get this shit out at 12 on the dot every day is so impressive. Both dudes deserve the hell out of their roses for being so reliable. Totally Underrated aspect of this Patreon and I truly respect having new content to agree or disagree with fed to my ear holes with extreme regularity.


ubisoft is becoming another developer like konami with a great portfolio that is being squandered. splinter cell, rayman, beyond good and evil, prince of persia. i mean c’mon, half of those are gaming icons otherwise in hibernation!!


I’m the guy that’s been a day one Game Pass sub who will also be buying Halo the day it comes out. Also possibly related to Game Pass…I own about 700 games. I treat Game pass like Colin treats cable, I use it on occasion but mostly I just like to know it’s there.


On the conversation of education from video games. I’m 23 years old, when I played COD world at war that was the first time I really took interest in WW2. Same with Black ops 1 with the Cuban Missile Crisis. I know I saw an article of some schools using Assassins creed Origins to teach people about the history of Egypt. Video games really helped me engage in historical periods a lot more than History class did in high school.


Sony is crazy if they don't bring SOCOM back...me and 4 friends that used to play s2 are frothing at the mouth for it to return lol.


Definitely! It sounds trite, but I totally agree that games like Call of Duty can at least open people's eyes to some historical facts... and certainly overarching themes, time periods, etc.

Kenneth Oms

Glad to see my call about jrpgs made it! I hope I didn’t cut you off too much there were times where i couldn’t hear you Col, so I didn’t know if you were done speaking or it was clipping on my end. It was fun though!


I’m just proud this is episode “111” and call in “III”. Quit a satisfying visual.

Trevor Bolstad

Just want to give feedback that I'd love more in-depth conversations about what you guys are playing for each episode of SS. I've actually just finished Metro: Exodus and its two expansions as of last night and I'd love to hear more of your thoughts about it as you play it (along with Chris's of course). I'm sure you'll find a way to shake it up... just wanted to let you know that there is interest in more of that!

Shaun Wilkinson

I really do love this format. It’s great to hear directly from the community like this. It was a nice surprise to hear Ac!drop on the show! He was too polite and didn’t mention his YouTube channel lol but you should all check it out and give him some love ✌🏻


Is it me or are Sony fans obsessed with Game Pass?


As we've already asked, please stop spamming threads. I'm deleting your third comment, but am leaving this here for you to see. Remember: You can edit your original comment whenever you want, if you have something more to say later. But we generally don't want threads dominated by the same people posting repeatedly. Thank you! <3


Just wanted to chime in on the games as an educational tool conversation. My son is 6. We play Minecraft together and it has taught him a lot about creativity, resource management and problem solving. I'm basically his body guard when it comes to dealing with enemies but he has figured out how to create things with the basic recipes and build structures. I feel like it is in many ways akin to playing Oregon Trail when I was young in the early 90s in terms of managing resources etc. He's built a farm and planted things bc he has begun to understand if he doesn't eat he will die. So its not letters and numbers, per say but he's synthesizing and creating in abstract ways that are aligned with much higher grade level standards than his grade (kindergarten) at most state levels.

Michael Limauro

Great callers this week. I agree with the caller in wanting more time on the show dedicated to what you are playing, hope to hear more on ender lillies this week! Hope to get to that one after Guacamelee 1+2.

Asique Alam

I enjoy these very much.


Good stuff


Awesome. I really do think games can be a great learning tool, but what's rad is that they can really be anything at all. =)


Colin you’ve mentioned on Sacred Symbols that you are trying to get LillymoGames on XboxGamePass how’s that going? Just wondering, I’d love for your games to blow up.


Sorry for the spam, I legitimately lose track of my comments. Going forward I’ll just add on to my original comment. Sorry for the confusion :)

Craig Mcguire

Would be good to get a guest on to maybe offer a different angle on gamepass, but I feel like without some new info or numbers it's just the same talking points ad nauseam. It seems to be a topic on everyone's lips at the minute though so what can you do.

Reuben Barrett

As much as I like these shows, can we get a mailbag episode with Colin smoking a joint again. That was a classic!


I like that you add a lil' bit of extra conversation with Dustin after you finished talking to the guest. Other Patreons just hop to the next guest.

Hose A Contra Razz

Missed it, was at church for the live Colin


Great call ins. Didn’t even see the original post for this but alas. Interesting finally getting to hear Sean M, that guy’s like Matty’s number 1 fan. 😄


Wow, I won't STAND for this Tales of Symphonia slander. The best Tales game and my favorite game of all time. The story is phenomenal, start to finish, it only gets better as it goes on. I enjoyed Scarlet Nexus as well, the combat loop was super good, the characters are wonderful and I enjoyed the story. It certainly wasn't perfect but I don't think it was too complicated. Also - on the topic of games and education. Zack Hartzmann was inducted into the Game Awards Future Class last year, he founded HeyListenGames. He is a teacher and HeyListenGames is a whole site dedicated to using games for education. Very nice guy too that I had on my podcast. Anyone looking for educational stuff like that, check him out!


Glad you guys decided to do a weekend one for the people who are busy during the week. I missed it again, but I hope you keep doing these, really some of the best impromptu content.


I like Symphonia a lot, it was certainly the first 'big' Tales game people cared about. But I'm partial to Destiny forever, and maybe Xillia second.


Damn, props to whoever edits the audio, my speakers at work suck so I tried to sync the video with audio from my phone, and it's amazing how many um's and ah's and miscellaneous noises are removed seamlessly from the audio version.


At 32 I found out the ff summons weren't made up by square


I watch Jamel_AKA_Jamal, too! Great channel.


HeyListenGames seems like a really cool site! As someone who is considering being a teacher in the future, this is right up my alley and a great resource too. Thanks for shouting it out!