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The Technological Angle | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 110

Sacred Symbols prides itself on being an expert (and silly) location for games analysis, but when it comes to technology -- the actual hardware itself -- we're not quite as expert. That's why it's good to call in someone like today's special guest. Thus, we ask you to please welcome Tom from the popular YouTube channel Moore's Law Is Dead and the tech podcast Broken Silicon. During our 100 minute talk, we delve deep into PlayStation 5 and the technology within. We also talk about a lot of other stuff: The future of PS Now, the manufacture of chips and components, pricing, Sony's rivals, and more, all driven by your inquiries.


Julian Zhu

I like the Switch because I can lay in bed at 9AM playing Ace Attorney Chronicles handheld while listening to Sacred Symbols+ on a Saturday. Great episode as always, LSM.

Tristen Wilbers

I loved both of the discussions you guys have had. To also see you guys have the realizations about the possibilities of the Netflix/PS partnership was awesome. The writing is on the wall it seems for something prime to happen there.


Great episode, love learning about tech. I hope you have Tom on more, maybe even a podcast dedicated to tech 🙏

Dustin Johnson

This episode was fantastic! Would love for this guy to become like hoeg, As in another paid contributor.


Would have been interesting to hear Tom discuss sampler feedback streaming and quick resume baked in Xbox’s storage solution.


My first Patreon Subscription is to you guys, was well worth it. Keep up the good work!

Matthew Cooper

I'm curious on his thoughts on the Series S, it's long term viability and if it will hold back games this generation. It's already having a hard time with some games; Metro Exodus looks like ass on Series S. What about when Unreal Engine 5 games start releasing, how will Series S run them? Guess I should have written in...


Excellent episode. I didn’t know about this dude but I shall subscribe to his stuff.


I understand Tom’s looking to build his subscriber base, but he is wrong on his read of the specs, the PS5 is not as powerful as the Series X they are very different machines. This will bare itself out in two to three years, as the differences in the Tech will become much more pronounced. While they will not be delivered solely by the Series Xs additional power, the ingenuity of Microsoft’s engineers will be, as it is now, ever more readily apparent. All the best on building up your base Tom…who doesn’t love a Pander Bear. They’re adorable! Omg it sneezed ;)


Please talk with respect about our guests. That is your warning. You're allowed to have an opinion, but you are not allowed to be hostile, even passively.


I am not tech savy enough to really discuss this But there examples of ps5 of performing the series x and there examples of series x out performing the ps5 i think its to early in the gen to say which system will be better at running next gen games i think there both big steps up from there 8th gen counter parts this is a going to be a kick ass gen


So glad to see you two working together! Big fans of both channels.

Gavin Newland

Awesome discussion, even though most of that went straight over my head 🤣 I love learning about this kind of stuff and can’t wait for you to have Tom back !! Definitely gonna go check him out. Also I’m really liking the growing portfolio of quality guests your bringing onto the LSM platform. Keep up the good work guys 😄

Ari Levi

Amazing episode. Absolutely loving these sacred symbols plus episodes with interesting guests. I will now go support Tom in his lane of the gaming sphere. Keep up the great work! Maybe a future guest could be the unsung hero of the PlayStation community…Brian English. The man behind 90% of our platinums.

Brandon Soto

Please get MysticRyan on the show. Really hope he hasn’t declined.


Much more Tom please!


I’m certainly not well informed enough to proof some of his claims, but he definitely holds a number of viewpoints that seem quite contradictory to others. Great to hear new viewpoints!


Awesome episode. Disagree with Tom however about the quality of Stadia. I get everyone's broadband situation is different, but I've had a great, almost flawless experience using Stadia. On par, if not better than my experience using the Microsoft xcloud months ago. Potential is sky-high if Sony and Netflix joined forces though

Tyler Bello

Interesting convo but I disagree with this guy on a few things.. ram is not an issues there are only a handful of games that use more than 8 gb of ram.. and processing cores straight up don’t matter. Good convo tho.


Ask Tom: How does one begin to cumulate knowledge on the tech side of gaming? Are there any reading materials he recommends, preferably sorted in a 'basic to advanced' order, to gradually built upon ? Online Courses ? Academic Degrees?

Mark ?️

This is the crossover I've been waiting for! NXGamer is another similar dude who is maybe worth having on in the future. He does videos similar to Digital Foundry, very underrated channel

Mark ?️

I learned just passively. If you listen to enough podcasts you start to catch on


Great episode I’d love you hear his perspective on why so many companies are delaying games for PS5 ports. In the interview he made is sound like Devs love building for the new system but I’m probably missing something. Can’t wait to hear him on the next one.

Wayne Moss

Hi the Audio version of this episode is still locked for the $1 tier & not showing up on the RSS feed also.


Regarding the question about why Sony has made more consoles. It was reported and confirmed by Phil Spencer that Xbox Series console manufacturing started LATER than Sony started manufacturing PS5. So Sony had a head start in production.


Is there an audio version of this post?

Pat E

really excellent episode. Very enlightening

Wayne Moss

Solid SS+ episode I am really enjoying the different type of topics that SS+ is covering. Call in episodes, spoiler cast, Deep dive into topics 👍🏻 it’s a really good mix guys.


The discussion about Netflix was extremely interesting. Sony leaving AWS to go partner with Microsoft azure has a a major hurdle, Netflix uses AWS. They could backpedal on the "strategic partnership" announced a few years ago


So it looks like the audio version is locked , unless you go to 4.50 dollars a month ?

Wayne Moss

Yep it’s saying it’s still locked unless your at that tier which also means it’s not available on your private RSS feed for your podcast apps.




Hey Colin. I’m from El Salvador and it hurt my soul that you confused us with Peru. It’s all good though. Still love your content. Best, Chepe

Tony Rivera

Great episode, and I cannot blame Colin for having his eyes glaze over a bit when Tom went into the deepest eccentricities of the hardware LOL - Colin, I was right there with you and smiled knowing you had no idea what was being said either - but fascinating stuff, and thank you Tom for sharing your wisdom with the SS family. Cheers!

illicit salt trade

A monthly two hour podcast with you two would be great. More tech focused than Sacred, more gaming talk than Broken Silicon. Basically just keep doing what you have done with Tom twice now. I am currently a $1 Patron, but I would go to $5 tier to chip in to make Colin and Tom a regular thing.

Miracle Peach

Great episode! Really interesting, different, and refreshing. I subscribed to Moore’s Law is Dead, now. :) Colin, you’re the man. LSM is killing it. Love not just the content, but the different types of content.


This was really informative and interesting. I always love getting into the tech side of gaming. Great episode!

Josh Goetz

Love the episodes with Tom! Always interesting to get his perspectives on the the console space.

Andrew Gambill

Really liked hearing from Tom. My eyes glazed over several times when he was talking super deep on tech but still exciting!

Kaz Redclaw

He mentioned the Vita and the Switch, but didn't say anything about the Switch Lite. Personally, as far as pocketable gaming goes, the Switch is just a touch too big, while the Switch Lite is the maximum size that I would consider to be easily pocketable. I have my switch lite and I use it extensively while I'm out of the house, always stuffed in my pocket with my phone. I'm not 100% certain when I'll be using the Steam Deck, but it'll likely not be with the latest AAA games, but instead to play all those indie games that I already play on Steam. I do all my AAA games on PS4/PS5. Steam Deck is definitely too big to be pocketable though, so it may end up being either in the door of my car, so I can grab it while waiting for people to get to the car, or to throw in my backpack for gaming on trips. Most likely, it will get the most use when I'm laying down in bed away from my PC. I doubt that Sony would make a PS5 level handheld, by the time it's even possible it would be almost time for the PS6. They still have a ton of PS4 games being released, so maybe they'll just make a PS4 handheld... That would be ideal for me since I have a massive library of PS4 downloadable games that I could play on it.

Kaz Redclaw

(My gaming PC right now is actually far less powerful than the PS5, and is a little faster CPU wise, but a little slower GPU-wise than the Steamdeck. Definitely not something for AAA gaming.)