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Sacred Symbols prides itself on being an expert (and silly) location for games analysis, but when it comes to technology -- the actual hardware itself -- we're not quite as expert. That's why it's good to call in someone like today's special guest. Thus, we ask you to please welcome Tom from the popular YouTube channel Moore's Law Is Dead and the tech podcast Broken Silicon. During our 100 minute talk, we delve deep into PlayStation 5 and the technology within. We also talk about a lot of other stuff: The future of PS Now, the manufacture of chips and components, pricing, Sony's rivals, and more, all driven by your inquiries.




Loved the episode you did on his show recently can't wait for this

Anthony Palerino

I have three episodes of SS/SS+ and one DD queued up for my 9 hour car ride. Y’all are making it better!


I assume another reason MS is producing less Xbox consoles than Sony is producing PS5s is because MS has been upgrading the xCloud server blades to Xbox Series X hardware. That has to eat up a huge number of chips right? I was surprised this wasn't brought up in the podcast, but maybe I'm overestimating the impact of this.


This man turded all over the Xbox console and it got me so hard

John Pliskin

Stopped listening as soon as said the “Consoles are the same” then proceeded to say a bunch of inaccuracies to justify the statement. Pure clown behavior. The PS5 has absolutely zero technical advantages over Series X besides SSD speed. It’s like you guys just can’t let it go. Im unsubbing constant fanboy bullshit from this channel.


What? LOL. If that's what you really think of us and what we do here, then bye. We're not gonna fall all over ourselves.

Braden Summers

Fascinating conversation, learned quite a bit, best ep in a while.

Shadi Haddad

This is one of the best SS+ episodes yet. I was enthralled listening to this discussion

Joe Perez

This was a remarkable conversation. I was listening while packing for a trip and ended up just sitting down to take it in. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Bogey Zero

I didn’t understand half the words coming out of that mans mouth and I loved it.

Jordan Wray

Great episode so far! Half way through, hope he corrects Colin for always saying Xbox pulled a mega miracle with hardwareless emulation though.


I think you guys cracked the code on this PlayStation x Netflix partnership. It’s fucking genius.

Robbie Agnew

It should have been pointed out to your guest that the Chip shortages is the reason the PS5 isn’t destroying the Series X 2/1.

Derek Alcott

This episode helped break it down for a dummy like me to understand. So many interesting points when it comes to the chip shortage.

Craig Mcguire

Can't say I completely agree on Netflix, what can Sony really offer Netflix right now when Netflixs ultimate goal is increasing the sub count ? PS Now has 3 million ? And the number was significantly lower when it was streaming only and the majority of PS users will likely already have a Netflix sub, very little gains given the audience for game streaming right now is so low. I think if they do partner for gaming then it will be an additional gaming tier on top of standard Netflix subscription or more realistically it will be a sub to Netflix get 3 months of PS Now type deal as some form growth strategy.


I understand Tom’s looking to build his subscriber base, but he is wrong on his read of the specs, the PS5 is not as powerful as the Series X they are very different machines. This will bare itself out in two to three years, as the differences in the Tech will become much more pronounced. While they will not be delivered solely by the Series Xs additional power, the ingenuity of Microsoft’s engineers will be, as it is now, ever more readily apparent.


Interesting episode but when comparing the consoles 1 felt like it was a bias when talking Xbox tech. After watching so many other channels about this info it seems like this man was to much in the hear and now. Both machines are impressive but there is some features still not used to the fullest by either side yet to talk much about the consoles beyond the specs we have and the early games. Should be a revisit episode 3-4 years down the line imo. However not a bad one to have now.


Fucking awesome ep. By far the best, and highest value Patreon


Tom was awesome, he got across a lot of tech stuff that I wanted my fellow patrons exposed to. Just subbed to his YouTube and podcast. I strongly think modular consoles go against the point of designing a console. If you want modularity, the PC market is your best option (one can be built for less than $1k). The Series S is evidence to me that Microsoft thinks a 2 system strategy is better than modularity. Otherwise they would sell a $300 base console with a $200-300 power upgrade for the early adopting enthusiasts. One theory I've seen to help explain part of the sales gap between PS5 and S|X is that Microsoft has to allocate some of their production for Xcloud, which doesn't come across in sales to end users.


Modularity that's easy for someone like me to understand is an asset. Anything else, I think, would be a mistake.


Colin, fucking great episode! Would love to see this guy back on the show. Thank you for the great content.


Man, this episode was so damn good!

Daniel Boyer

Very well done sir!

James Pies

Fantastic episode. Very insightful. This is why I subscribe!

Eric S

Wow Colin and Tom thank you for a great episode. I really look forward to hearing another Sacred Symbols+ with Tom as a guest. You guys are the perfect combo of Colin being the everyman with technology and Tom saying it in a way all of us will understand. Tom you have a new Moore’s Law is Dead fan in me!

James Ketchum

This was an above-and-beyond episode. They're always good but this was great. Kudos! Colin, you are a great interviewer especially with folks like this who know more than you, but you still know the right questions to ask. Excellent!

Matthew Major

This was an unbelievable episode you need him to be a regular on the show please!!


TSMC is actually building factories in the US too. Building closer ties, and diversifying risk.


Holy shit, this episode was amazing! Tom is very well spoken and knowledgeable, he complimented Colin so well. Very much looking forward to future episodes with Tom.


Solid conversation. With these rumors of PS adding Crunchyroll into a more premium style of PS+, I can’t help but wonder if that’ll include some sort of Netflix tie-in as well.


Long time listener and I just wanted to say this podcast I found to be the most interesting video game podcast I’ve ever listened to. Every single bit of information was so cool. Already went back and completed another listen. Can’t wait to have Tom back!!


Really enjoyed this episode, disappointing Tom is a Bitcoin maxis 😓 love love for Ethereum? Kidding, would love for him to be back for more in depth stuff. 👍

Reuben Barrett

This was a great episode! Really interesting stuff

Carlos Moreno

What an amazing episode

David Taylor

It may have been mentioned, I didnt notice it, but in case not it should probably be noted that Xbox is also making Series X server blades which is cutting down on that console's supply. Maybe not to the tune of 4 million units but I would bet that it plays it's part. Wont be the case in the future but at this moment each one of those blades is definitively a lost console sale. I also will guess this is why Sony hasnt been putting PS5 offerings on PSNow, it would cost them a console sale for each server they install.

Guybrush Threepwood

Great guest, I looked up Broken Silicon podcast and I immediately found a great interview with a guy who runs a PC store where they talk about the GPU situation, glad I discovered Tom through LSM.

Oliver Johnson

This was such a great episode. I would love to see him return and answer questions. I went and listened to his podcast after and it’s great.