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Distant Horizon | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 161

The news out of Sony-owned studio Guerrilla is bad, at least if some recent rumors are true. Horizon: Forbidden West -- once promised for both PS4 and PS5 this fall -- is likely going to come out in 2022, instead. This leaves PlayStation 5 fairly barren for the rest of the year, with only the likes of Kena and Deathloop filling in the timed-exclusive gaps. Should PlayStation fans be disappointed, or even worried? Or is the old adage as true now as it has always been: A delayed game is never worse-off for being pushed. Let's chat about it. Then: Sony has overcome a major obstacle in the manufacture of PS5 consoles, PlayStation 4 is predictably losing steam, new PSVR rumblings sound awfully tantalizing, and Grand Theft Auto V sets a new, incredible sales milestone. Let's then wrap up our show, as we always do, with your inquiries. In light of Activision-Blizzard's recent scandal, how should Sony manage its exclusivity and marketing arrangements for Call of Duty? Considering staggering advances in AI, should we allow artificial intelligence to assist in making games? With both PlayStation and Xbox thriving, why are the fanboy wars seemingly worse than ever? With time as our barometer, will Colin ever get over the time he accidentally smoked a hit of opium at a frat house 19 years ago? Get some Sacred Symbols merch! https://LastStandMedia.shop A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod #HorizonForbiddenWest#LastStandMedia #SacredSymbols 0:00:00 - Intro 0:06:16 - You might be able to rent games from your local library. 0:12:26 - Politics that affect video games shouldn’t be ignored. 0:27:55 - Jeff Strain, founder of Undead Labs, has endorsed unionization of video game companies. 0:40:19 - Where do twin stick shooters get their name? 0:43:15 - Let’s get a gut check on Abandoned. 0:54:18- What have we been playing? 1:08:37 - Grand Theft Auto V has surpassed 150 million copies sold. 1:16:50 - It appears Horizon Forbidden West will not launch in 2021. 1:31:29 - Ghost of Tsushima’s ‘Legends’ is getting a standalone release. 1:38:16 - More information is available about PSVR2. 1:47:57 - The Embracer Group continues to expand. 1:56:55 - Sony has secured the chips needed to meet their PS5 sales goals. 2:04:44 - PS+ has lost 1.3 million subscribers. 2:12:04 - Activision-Blizzard’s president, J. Allen Brack, has left the company. 2:16:08 - eFootball is being released as a demo. 2:20:33 - New games have been added to PlayStation Now. 2:22:19 - EA has revealed new games that are coming to EA Play. 2:23:11- News Wrap-Up 2:24:58 - What’s Sony thinking about this year’s Call of Duty? 2:33:04 - Will Game Pass come to PlayStation? 2:43:25 - Are fanboys getting out of control? 3:01:20- What role does artificial intelligence have in game development? 3:10:01 - How often do we replay our favorite games? 3:15:09 - What’s the deal with Steve Gaynor’s situation?


Stephen Forgione

Speaking of libraries and childhood memories, are Scholastic book fairs still a thing? LOVED getting out of class to check them out, and some of the catalogs even carried GBA/DS games (mostly Brain Age and other puzzle titles).

Cory Towler

A “baseball thrower”… really Dustin?


Alright whoever’s been making the thumbnail needs a raise I haven’t cackled that hard looking at a thumbnail in a long time. Thanks for making me laugh while I fight COVID at home guys!


About Chirs worrying about PlayStation being the only console brand...... most of the world already views it that way. Xbox is almost a USA only console with some small pockets of support in places like Canada, Mexico and Australia. Having everyone on PlayStation would simplify everything and allow better uses of economies of scale and more populated servers etc etc. It would also be way better for devs that would only have to do one console version.


The issue with us...the PlayStation faithful is not about Xbox doing well. It is how badly Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst are running PlayStation.... we are paying more and getting so much less. We lost all Zenimax games, Ninja Theory games, Obsidian games, MLB exclusivity and it went to Gamepass, Yakuza exclusivity...... Japan Studio gone, Mm just supporting Dreams etc. So what do they do next? Go out and buy a publisher to even things up? No.... they throw away their strongest card.... fully exclusive games..... putting exclusives on PC lessens the value, scarcity increases value..... that is why Nintendo games are so highly regarded. Nintendo understand how to use exclusives, how to build an IP longterm and how to keep it fresh while building sales up past 40 million...... PS does not, they cant even market a game right. Jim Ryan and Hermen have no understanding of the fanbase, they are so aloof, so arrogant and just think raising the price and putting games everywhere and going mobile means he can sit back and it will roll in........ he is a moron of the highest order.

Captain Canada

Colin you said you've never bought a Sumo Digital game but I thought I remembered you saying you'd purchased Sackboy?

Mason M

The talk about the Jets and being depressed reminds me of the guy in Curb that loses it because of the Jets https://youtu.be/JcJ8nW-AWl8


Xbox has a pretty strong presence in Western Europe, as I understand it. Not PlayStation, but.

Brandon Soto

I don’t like playing 3 machines at once either. PlayStation for the exclusives / 3rd parties, Switch for the Nintendo stuff. Although, I did manage to snag a Series S, and it’s very impressive.


Regarding the Game Pass and console discussion: Why does Microsoft produce Surface hardware? There you go. Also, if Microsoft ever did bring the service to PlayStation, it’s guaranteed to be streaming only.


Dustin = Mac Chris = Dennis Colin = Charlie


There was a game called SuperMash, where you pick different genres and the game churns out a hybrid of them, and the critical consensus was "Play Dreams instead/10".

The Lizard King

I cannot believe Dustin mentioned The Dark Knight Rises and Colin didn’t do his Bane impression. What is going on?


Sony’s winning, PlayStation fans are losing. There’s a difference.


Im sorry hit send to soon What i was saying is i would like to push back on the idea that ppl buy xbox because there available they are very hard to find and you have to realize that doom elder scrolls and fallout and much more or probably going to be xbox pc exclusive and everybody isn't going to drop a g to play them thats y i would like a xbox


But i also will say that xbox has always been my preferred system since the first one


I also will say that i have a Xbox one and i Don't own one first party game so they did suck last gen but this gen will be much better i hope anyway we shall see


The recipe for happiness goes something like this: Saturday morning, baby taking a nap, hot cup of coffee, trophy chasing (Doom Eternal) and a new episode of sacred symbols. Freeeeeeedoooooooom


I'm not crazy about playing anywhere but on one machine, but I'm realizing a lot of that speaks to my OCD.


Those games are all a ways off, though. The next Doom, Elder Scrolls, and Fallout are years and years away.

Zack Fair

I take it you've already played Hades Colin, as you didn't mention it in the games release section


“Spiritual Opium”….what a great merch idea. Thanks CCP!

Colton McKinney

Colin, I need you to bully Dustin about standing up for the entirety of the podcasts.

Colton McKinney

Also I think the Blue Box thing is BluePoint and they’ll be revealing Metal Gear Remake. I think they’re doing this as a call back to the Metal Gear 5 situation.


I just dropped $200 on an Uber ride to a Limp Bizkit w/ Spiritbox show in Asbury Park NJ. The concert was CANCELED 30 minutes before it started. Then a $200 Uber ride back home. A total of 5 hours in the most uncomfortable car ride in recent memory and $500 down the tubes. I NEED THIS PODCAST

Zack Fair

The problem with VR Dustin is its a niche product and really can't see PlayStation getting their biggest teams to make big VR games as the profit return isn't no where near what non VR profits are

Philip Andersen

Regarding the Fanboy discussion. Made me think of Yoshi-p director of FFXIV saying “a complaint is worth twice a complement. The silent (majority) leaves first. If they are complaining, it means they still care”


Hi everyone, I keep seeing headlines about the new South Park game which is in early development, which is great, those games are both fantastic. However, most publications seem to be reporting that it’s a ‘3D’ title, namely PushSquare. Could this be some sort of miscommunication from the South Park team? I can’t imagine them drastically changing such a winning formula and find it strange that one of the big sites hasn’t reached out for clarification?


Not sure if anyone else had this issue on Patreon but this Sacred Symbols episode wasn't available to me on Friday.


RE: PS+ subs going down. I don't really see a reason to have PS+. I basically use my PS5 to play F2P games (Genshin, Apex) or offline single-player exclusives (Miles, Horizon, etc.). I get that PS+ is a good deal generally given what you get, but I honestly don't have the time to play more than 1-2 of the games you get each year. I also play on PC and some on Switch, so PS+ just seems like a waste for people like me.


This could be a caching issue. Try logging out and logging back in on your browser or in the app. DM if you have issues!

David P

Yeah, the rise of F2P games means I inherently prefer to play those over paying for a subscription. Even years before I occasionally subbed to Gamepass I found I wasn't keen on paying for online and to be handed a selection of games I largely didn't care for (or with good ones, bought them years earlier). Frankly I hope the combined rise of F2P and alternative subs like Gamepass and PSNow push regular online gaming to be free again someday. Even Microsoft making Halo F2P shows me they know there's money to be made this way. I still think it's ridiculous to pay to play for a game you already bought. It was the major reason I bought a PS3 to begin with and ingrained myself into the ecosystem.

FourEyes Malone

I would say in regards to the GTAV sales, I know myself and others have bought the game multiple times. For me because of the generation switch plus I traded it in once and re-bought it. Also, I know there are people who bought the game multiple times because there were shark card deals bundled with a copy. Lastly, I have this assumption there are always kids who have had to wait to get it after they are of age in this 8 year span.


I'm sure that's the case for many people, but it doesn't mean 150 million copies isn't insane.

Niall G

If you translate Hasan from Japanese's to Turkish you get iflas. Then iflas from Turkish to English it means bankruptcy. Which is what will happen to Blue Box if this isn't Kojima. :P