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The news out of Sony-owned studio Guerrilla is bad, at least if some recent rumors are true. Horizon: Forbidden West -- once promised for both PS4 and PS5 this fall -- is likely going to come out in 2022, instead. This leaves PlayStation 5 fairly barren for the rest of the year, with only the likes of Kena and Deathloop filling in the timed-exclusive gaps. Should PlayStation fans be disappointed, or even worried? Or is the old adage as true now as it has always been: A delayed game is never worse-off for being pushed. Let's chat about it. Then: Sony has overcome a major obstacle in the manufacture of PS5 consoles, PlayStation 4 is predictably losing steam, new PSVR rumblings sound awfully tantalizing, and Grand Theft Auto V sets a new, incredible sales milestone. Let's then wrap up our show, as we always do, with your inquiries. In light of Activision-Blizzard's recent scandal, how should Sony manage its exclusivity and marketing arrangements for Call of Duty? Considering staggering advances in AI, should we allow artificial intelligence to assist in making games? With both PlayStation and Xbox thriving, why are the fanboy wars seemingly worse than ever? With time as our barometer, will Colin ever get over the time he accidentally smoked a hit of opium at a frat house 19 years ago?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:06:06 - You might be able to rent games from your local library.

0:12:21 - Politics that affect video games shouldn’t be ignored.

0:25:47 - Jeff Strain, founder of Undead Labs, has endorsed unionization of video game companies.

0:38:00 - Where do twin stick shooters get their name?

0:40:55 - Let’s get a gut check on Abandoned.

0:51:50 - What have we been playing?

1:04:01 - Grand Theft Auto V has surpassed 150 million copies sold.

1:12:10 - It appears Horizon Forbidden West will not launch in 2021.

1:24:11 - Ghost of Tsushima’s ‘Legends’ is getting a standalone release.

1:30:54 - More information is available about PSVR2.

1:40:20 - The Embracer Group continues to expand.

1:49:16 - Sony has secured the chips needed to meet their PS5 sales goals.

1:56:58 - PS+ has lost 1.3 million subscribers.

2:04:12 - Activision-Blizzard’s president, J. Allen Brack, has left the company.

2:08:10 - eFootball is being released as a demo.

2:12:33 - New games have been added to PlayStation Now.

2:14:14 - EA has revealed new games that are coming to EA Play.

2:15:03 - News Wrap-Up

2:16:50 - What’s Sony thinking about this year’s Call of Duty?

2:24:48 - Will Game Pass come to PlayStation?

2:34:55 - Are fanboys getting out of control?

2:52:45 - What role does artificial intelligence have in game development?

3:01:12 - How often do we replay our favorite games?

3:06:16 - What’s the deal with Steve Gaynor’s situation?



Bobby Rigo

A baseball thrower… a baseball… thrower…

Max Stahl

I'm looking forward to playing Red Dead 2 again when I get a PS5 in 2+ years, after it's available again and isn't of the size or aesthetic of something that Musk would fire into space. I don't know if that's sad or prudent; I know that it gives away my lack of superfan status.


Just started the show and thought I'd chime in on the library games. A mix of provincial and municipal councils fund the libraries here... Games are allowed to be taken out for 7 days, and can be renewed for longer as long as another person doesn't have a hold on said game. Guy at library said any and all switch games with even the tiniest bit of popularity are pretty much booked solid. Found it hilarious that there was a copy of AC Valhalla available... Good luck beating that in 7 days! But as mentioned, the scarcity of PS5s out there should give me a good stretch of time to borrow games easily for now! Thanks for sharing my PSA!!

Stephen Forgione

Social media would make you think that the internet is the true beacon of free information, but your local library probably holds more useful (and truthful) knowledge than Wikipedia ever could.


On Abandoned…why would Sony care if a developer misleads their fans? When Sony itself has proven time and again that it has no trouble misleading it’s fans.

Dave Ramos

I have to say, I'm actually glad the game got delayed. After Tales of Arise, I don't have much on my PS5 to look forward to after so now I can focus on my backlog. But more so, gives me time to enjoy the Switch OLED I pre-ordered. Don't have a Switch currently so now I know I can happily focus on that once I finish Arise.

James Pies

I am lucky enough to have a library in town that gets new releases within a few weeks. 6 week rental and up to 4 games at a time. I've saved hundreds this year alone. Great PSA at the top of show!


I just went to my local library and rented Demon’s Souls! That’s why I love this freaking show. It’s always great info and an amazing community. Much love


Guys. Can we please get a Cog, Chris, Dustin episode on the state of Destiny 2? As an OG player I would love it! I can’t be the only one?

Big titty drinker

As someone who considers themself a sony fanboy , I think it's just fun honestly. It's just like sports I guess. Btw as a fanboy I feel like sony fans irritation isnt becuase they feel like they are losing but becuase xbox is dealt with such kid gloves. Like if xbox manages to tie its shoes without breaking its neck it's somehow the greatest thing ever. But anyway it's all fun I refuse to take anything seriously.


Lol, Colin…that little almost throwaway of “class is everything, it has nothing to do with your skin color or anything else…” Maybe I need more context but on its face it’s wrong. Just flat out. If I didn’t know your background I’d call it ignorance. So it’s not that, but it’s something.

Mitch Krassin

I know it's overdone at this point but I still laugh every time someone writes in and starts with Look fat,

Ryan Harvey

Elden Rings game page is live on the PS store and it says it supports vr - if psvr is launched next year will it work on the vr? I am guessing this is just an error on the game page details, but who knows maybe Im wrong.


Chris is Charlie. Dustin is Mac. And Colin is ABSOLUTELY Dennis.

Brandon Soto

First console I ever had was a Genesis. Such an important & fun machine. Always surprised you didn’t like it much.


Hey, Please stop posting multiple times in the same thread. You can always edit your original post. Thank you!


Finding Nemo forever terrified me of the deep blue sea.


Share Chris’ passion for halo 3 - has he ever done a LASO run? I’ll have to check his YT. With that sort of familiarity I’m sure he’d kill it, but I’m also sympathetic to folks just not wanting to put themselves through that

Jeff Caseres

Lets cut the shit guys. I’m taking the leap of faith. Abandoned is Silent Hills or MGS6 fuck it maybe both and it’s a merger. Comes out on PS5 only for a year. That’s it, mystery solved. 👍🏽

Hose A Contra Razz

I have a feeling your gonna regret giving away the Nintendo consoles like you did with the virtual boy, Nes and snes has gone up in price over the years.


I have way more games to play than time to play them, so keep delaying them for all I care 😂


I discovered SS through DD because I game primarily on Xbox (although I grew up Nintendo consoles). Despite only ever having a PS2, I've been happily enjoying SS and listening to PS news. The fanboy mentality is so weird to me. I think fanboyism is rooted in FOMO. Personally, I never have enough time to catch up on every interesting Xbox game to care too much about missing PS (or PC) exclusives. Even the Nintendo-loving kid version of myself loved the Dreamcast. Anyway, a relative of mine upgraded to PS5 very recently, and he passed down his PS4 to me. I'm looking forward to playing Ghost of Tsushima and the 2022 cross-gen HFW and GoW games on it between bouts of Halo Infinite. I wasn't planning on playing these PS4 games, but I mind as well grab them now (also get physical copies for resale).

Joe McPartlin

Similarly, I love Defining Duke even though I've never owned an Xbox console. There's something intriguing about learning about an unfamiliar games ecosystem through enthusiast conversation. Glad it's not just me lol

Joe McPartlin

I really hope PSVR2 draws you in more than the first one, Colin. Despite all of its imperfections, I'll always maintain that PSVR is something special even if I rarely play it these days. I know you've heard this a million times but every gamer that remembers being mindblown playing SM64 for the first time owes it to themselves to play AstroBot: Rescue Mission. If nothing else, that game deserves your time!

Derek Alcott

Fanboyism is getting bad again especially on Youtube. As soon as one side has a weakness compared to the other console then it will be pound home like it's the biggest deal in the world. I just don't want console wars to lead to Sony and Xbox seeing who can buy the most developers.


I have no regrets. I own all of the hardware. I don't need anything. Erick is someone who has literally seen to me eating and drinking for free at high-end bars and restaurants for a decade, I think I can give him some old consoles.


I hope so, too! What's unfortunate was that I was really in a 'mood' a few months ago, but something in my setup is broken and I'm not certain what.

Zack E

Is Dead Nation a twin stick shooter?


I tried mentioning this in the past. I worked in a library for 9 years . We frequently order the newest games for the systems. We even host video game events and programs.

Dave Ramos

My mom actually came home with a game from the library for me once on PS2. It was called "The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided." I can't really speak to if the game was good but I had fun. Was cool to not only see a game in that setting letting play as either the Union or Confederates, but was also cool to play a mission focused FPS with no multiplayer.

Matt Wiles

Really enjoyed the GamePass on PlayStation debate. Great to see Chris and Dustin disagreeing with Colin. It adds a nice dynamic. Colin is clearly the boss but I like Chris’ confidence and balls to step up and disagree with the boss. Need more of that :)


As always love the content but Um Dustin my friend I’m excited about halo as well but how is it doing well when it hasn’t released yet?

Josh Lucas

The thought of Insomniac making a Spider-Man VR game gave me chills. That could be incredible

Samuel Ashley

How are the puzzles in Trigger witch? You bring up Cross Code and while I liked that game, it’s over 60 hours long and the puzzles were not easy. It really started to wear on me after a while and has left me hesitant to start anything similar. Also, I’ve been meaning to recommend Fantasian for a couple weeks now. It’s only on the Apple Arcade which might be a turn off, but it works great on touch screen and is very much worth the $5 for the month to beat it. Apparently it’s by the guy who created Final Fantasy, and the handcrafted dioramas used as the environments are super cool and make checking out the game worth it for that alone.


Back in the day, my library was the reason I was able to play the original Shadow of the Colossus.


My main concerns about Horizon 2's delay are with recognition. Horizon was a great game, but got rail roaded (critically and buzz) being released the same week as BotW. HZ2 could have dominated game of the year awards in 2021. But being pushed to 2022 feels like it is being pushed out to be slaughtered by BotW 2, Gow2, Elden Ring, and Star field, and etc. I don't want my baby hurt again, but it seems set up to be.


The puzzles aren't difficult. That's what actually put me off to CrossCode, too. I saw quickly that it was going to require a walkthrough (for me), and it just wasn't what I was looking for.


Damn, I haven’t thought of a video game cheat code book in ages. That took me back. 😅


Your insane if you think BOW2 is anything but a holiday title next year.. I doubt HZD is anywhere near that much delayed

Robert F Friemering

So glad to hear Dustin is watching The Sopranos. I'm re-watching it for like the 6th time. Michael Imperioli & Steven Shiripa(Bobby Bacala) do an episode by episode podcast so my new re-watch is slow going but amazing with the podcast.

Zack Fair

Playstation is winning because they put out great games year after year and that breeds loyalty with the fan base, it shouldn't be hard at all for xbox to make some sort of comeback from where they were last gen. Nothing wrong with been a fanboy, it's just bants from my end, it's like say 2 soccer rivalries going getting one up on each other

Zack Fair

Also, the Games media play up the fanboy of whose had the best E3 etc


about that Blue Box question i made... I'm eagearly waiting for follow up with another one in the thread. They are hitting the ground hard (sadly). 6hrs later no update.

Carlos Moreno

Can i also say which hasn't been stated in this show. Hasan Karaman's initials are HK. Same as Hideo Kojima.

Leo Chan

Sacred symbols, my fav PlayStation themed philosophy podcast