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Challenging Chris | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 102

It's back, but with a new twist! Chris may be some kind of wizard when it comes to willing games into existence, but surely he's not right about everything. On this episode of Sacred Symbols+, listeners of the show challenge Chris on numerous topics: his distaste for Kingdom Hearts, the relevancy of his beloved Destiny 2, his love for Crash over Spyro, and more. Be careful when you come after Chris though, he may just will your favorite franchise into oblivion!




Jordan Falduto

if chris doesn't tell me he's on the verge of death within the first 60 seconds of the podcast i close the tab


Isn't that cacophony just soooo absurd?


I’m really liking long hair Chris. I always imagined he had a nice shaggy mop.

Sweeney's Girlfriend Archive

Totally agree about enjoying game stories that are gameplay related rather than plot related. Also hi Conner I SEE YOU.

Zibi Majewski

Should I be worry about Chris, as an introvert I have the curse of knowing how people feel before they do. He's not well. Mentally exhausted. Colin, maybe an intervention should be on the cards.